Well-known member
I made a comment in passing about my intent, as a breast cancer survivor to wear pink themed makeup for the entire month of October. Speckrette, Kimibos suggested that we start an awareness thread and Kimibos would like to support the cause with pink manis. Prettypackages and Glammy Girl have also expressed interest and pledged their support through wearing pink cosmetics. Although both a bit shy and reluctant, I was subsequently inspired to initiate this thread. I am not sad about my plight, and I have used makeup to help combat the ravages of illness. That soon became a passion and absolute ton of fun. I love reading about, talking about, and most of all buying makeup/cosmetics/nail polish. When I happened upon this forum I found a safe haven for this wonderful makeup obsession. So, through this thread I hope we can honor those who lost the war against cancer, uplift & encourage those who are in the throws of battling cancer and celebrate those who have survived it.
Please share your experiences, but more over share and suggest your favorite pink products and total pink-themed makeup looks.
Please share your experiences, but more over share and suggest your favorite pink products and total pink-themed makeup looks.