This is really ridiculous for everything to be sold out already. I was sound asleep while all of this was going down. Sorry for those who missed out and hopefully, you'll be able to buy in store. I have good news for some of you because I've tried my products. For girls my complexion or darker, don't bother tracking down the BP. If you're my complexion, it's just OK. If you're darker than me, it will be ashy. I can easily see that. Unless you really want to pay that $$ for the compact, just let it go. As for Legendary blush, meh. Nothing special at all on my complexion and on darker women, I suspect it'll look washed out. If you're fair, do what you need to do to get these two items because they're made for you. The face items in this collection are not brown girl approved (not by this brown girl anyway). So meh, meh, meh. I will say scratch, claw and do whatever you need to do to get those lipsticks, though. I really do think I'll go next Thursday as soon as my store opens to get another Love Goddess.