Nail Polish Discussion - Any Brand


Well-known member
Is it the set with Rosie Lee-Fairy Cake-The Black Knight? Or other colors? So stupid of them for not listing the polish names individually ..
I will!
I really love this brand and i wouldn't have ordered from it if it weren't for you and Kimibos. So thanks the both of you!
It actually is. Are you interested by any chance? It was dirt cheap - about 19€.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by Liz2012 I will!
I really love this brand and i wouldn't have ordered from it if it weren't for you and Kimibos. So thanks the both of you!


Hear that Kimibos? We created a monster!

honey on boost

Well-known member
So i went shopping yesterday in Germany, finally had the opportunity to see the Butter London nail polish shades in person. Quite a few colors weren't available tho (no Lady Muck, The Black Knight, and no holiday 2012 collection either
), guess i need to order them online another time. I did buy 5 other colors, i got All Hail The Queen, Trout Pout, Knackered, Queen Vic, and Saucy Jack
Which brings my total of BL polishes to 8 now :)

great choices! Saucy Jack is one of my favorite reds.


Well-known member
great choices! Saucy Jack is one of my favorite reds.
Based on online swatches i was going to check out Come To Bed Red, but when i was looking through the nail polishes in the store i was immediately drawn to this one. Such a deep, rich, sophisticated red, love it


Well-known member
I'm indeed interested in that set, but since i bought 5 BL's just yesterday i'm afraid i need to pass :(  Need to do some Christmas shopping first + set some money aside for the Strength collection before i commit to buy more nail polish. I'm sorry :bouquet:
No problem, Liz! Maybe one of my colleagues will be interested in it.


Well-known member
So i went shopping yesterday in Germany, finally had the opportunity to see the Butter London nail polish shades in person. Quite a few colors weren't available tho (no Lady Muck, The Black Knight, and no holiday 2012 collection either
), guess i need to order them online another time. I did buy 5 other colors, i got All Hail The Queen, Trout Pout, Knackered, Queen Vic, and Saucy Jack
Which brings my total of BL polishes to 8 now :)

Liz they look so pretty. I hope you enjoy them immensely! I can't upload photos from my iPad so the hubby let me use his laptop (it's a miracle) so I could share my BL dozen. After I get BL's Toff, that will be it for me for awhile...famous last words right!



Well-known member
Liz they look so pretty. I hope you enjoy them immensely! I can't upload photos from my iPad so the hubby let me use his laptop (it's a miracle) so I could share my BL dozen. After I get BL's Toff, that will be it for me for awhile...famous last words right!

Thank you, i certainly will!
Yours look very pretty as well, hope you'll enjoy them as much as i do ;) And as for that no-buy, i can definitely relate! Went a little overboard lately but hey no regrets


Well-known member
Has anyone from overseas ever ordered there? I'd love to but would like to hear some experiences with them first!


Well-known member
FYI Karmaloop just posted a new coupon code for 40% off plus free shipping. Just picked up fishwife and a lime crime lippie
This is the best time of year to shop from Karmaloop. They always have nonstop coupons that just get better and better. The only thing is that you risk stuff selling out if you wait too long to order. Their Butter London selection has shrunk significantly. A lot of the colors they had have sold out.


Well-known member
Liz they look so pretty. I hope you enjoy them immensely! I can't upload photos from my iPad so the hubby let me use his laptop (it's a miracle) so I could share my BL dozen. After I get BL's Toff, that will be it for me for awhile...famous last words right!

Great choices. I've been looking at red polishes because of Medgal and Saucy Jack is one of the reds on my list. Medgal, what colors did you get again? I recognize some of them, but not all. That Gareth Pugh polish is also very pretty.

I'll post a pic of my polishes when they're all delivered. Um, I ordered more over the weekend. I got NARS Koliary since that was a color that disappeared from NARS' website. I was still able to find it at I still have unfinished business with Chanel, so I got Frisson, Frenzy and Particuliere. I had a 15% off coupon from Saks that I didn't want to go to waste. It's not often you can get Chanel at a discount.
I'm also being gifted Mimosa from a very kind and generous Specktrette!

I know I've been splurging like crazy on these polishes. But I keep getting sent coupons and deals that I can't refuse. I see it as the universe telling me I must have them. Who am I to go against the wishes of the universe.

honey on boost

Well-known member
This is the best time of year to shop from Karmaloop. They always have nonstop coupons that just get better and better. The only thing is that you risk stuff selling out if you wait too long to order. Their Butter London selection has shrunk significantly. A lot of the colors they had have sold out.
yup! I love waiting till the last minute to buy gifts for all the guys in my family from KL. I bought my bf a herschel wallet last week at 30% (which is great) and went back to get one for my brother today but it was already sold out.


Well-known member
Thank you, i certainly will! :peace:  Yours look very pretty as well, hope you'll enjoy them as much as i do ;) And as for that no-buy, i can definitely relate! Went a little overboard lately but hey no regrets :p
Oh Liz! I failed in a really big way. I had Toff on my mind because Cartoon Chic said I needed it in my life...or at least that's how I interpreted whatever it was that she said. So, with the mission of getting Toff, and only Toff, I sat at my desk ready to place my order on And that's when I saw it staring at me...a $10 off coupon. How could I pass that up? Why I only needed to spend $40, which meant that I'd be spending $30 plus tax...what a deal! I was placing my order when I noticed an additional Item in my cart. It was a FREE BL nail polish. Be still my on! I had gotten one free BL NP, $10 off & free shipping. I'm a very bad girl...I can't help it! So, this is what my final order looked like; :eyelove: Jaffa - Juicy Orange Knees Up (free) - Metallic Red Lady Muck - Periwinkle Blue Posh Bird - Smokey Taupe, Glitter Toff - Dusty Brownish Rose Pink Tramp Stamp - Dark Chocolate


Well-known member
Tramp Stamp - Dark Chocolate
Hee hee. It's too hard to resist. I want the free polish. I've had stuff sitting in my cart waiting to pull the trigger, but I haven't done it yet. I'm trying to resist. And now Deborah Lippmann is offering a 25% off $60+ coupon. It's like I can't win. Temptation is everywhere. I know I'm going to cave. Just trying to figure out which one I want the most. I can't get both. Can I? No, I can't. Well, maybe I can. But I shouldn't. I keep telling myself this.
Lol, it's probably not a good thing to have discussions with myself out loud. I would say makeup is making me lose it, but I lost it a long time ago.


Well-known member
Great choices. I've been looking at red polishes because of Medgal and Saucy Jack is one of the reds on my list. Medgal, what colors did you get again? I recognize some of them, but not all. That Gareth Pugh polish is also very pretty. I'll post a pic of my polishes when they're all delivered. Um, I ordered more over the weekend. I got NARS Koliary since that was a color that disappeared from NARS' website. I was still able to find it at I still have unfinished business with Chanel, so I got Frisson, Frenzy and Particuliere. I had a 15% off coupon from Saks that I didn't want to go to waste. It's not often you can get Chanel at a discount. I'm also being gifted Mimosa from a very kind and generous Specktrette! :xmas: I know I've been splurging like crazy on these polishes. But I keep getting sent coupons and deals that I can't refuse. I see it as the universe telling me I must have them. Who am I to go against the wishes of the universe. :haha:
OYE Liz. I think you just called me out! You're correct. I purchased a dozen BLs this month. The final 9 just arrived today! Woo hooo!! They are; All Hail the Queen Black Knight, The Bossy Boots Come to Bed Red Cream Tea Gobsmacked Jack the Lad Knackered Lillibet's Jubilee Scuppered Trout Pout Wallis
CartoonChic, Above are my BL polishes. I revised the previously posted list to include three BLs that I had gotten before the nine. Finally, I understand what you mean about coupons & deals. They just suck you right in! I added six more BLs. OYE. I'm hopeless! It's not my fault. But For you telling me that I NEED Toff, I would never have gone on to order it; and But For the $10 off coupon, a free BL NP & free shipping, I would not be a hoarder of nail polish. I felt a little better when I told myself that at least they're not cats...just pretty little bottles of nail polish! :shock: :eyelove: BTW, you will love Mimosa!


Well-known member
Hee hee. It's too hard to resist. I want the free polish. I've had stuff sitting in my cart waiting to pull the trigger, but I haven't done it yet. I'm trying to resist. And now Deborah Lippmann is offering a 25% off $60+ coupon. It's like I can't win. Temptation is everywhere. I know I'm going to cave. Just trying to figure out which one I want the most. I can't get both. Can I? No, I can't. Well, maybe I can. But I shouldn't. I keep telling myself this. Lol, it's probably not a good thing to have discussions with myself out loud. I would say makeup is making me lose it, but I lost it a long time ago.:silly:
You're a hoot! ....and a nocturnal stalker of bargains & nail polish! Isn't it fun? Yes you can get should get both. Not to sound morbid here, but we buried an Aunt yesterday. Point being, YOLO. THAT's what I told my husband after the funeral, which helped to convince him to order me a new iMAC. CartoonChic, YOLO! BTW, where are you storing all of this NP? I can tell you're a super organized person!! :encore:


Well-known member
Make the most of the free NP, bla bla % off and free shipping codes girls! I know I would, if only we had them here. Sigh

Buy now, suffer later. That's been my motto ever since my makeup and NP madness began and I've been getting along just fine. Having lots of pretties to play with eases the suffering beautifully