MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Good lord! :shock: Everything looks stunning! So glad I'm on a no buy till this comes out and skipped AC and Strength (except for AP). I'm not even in on it for the packaging, the hearts are too cute though!


Well-known member
Oh no. I must prepare my wallet now. I used to read the comics all the time as a kid. I would beg my mom to buy me a book at the grocery store as they were up by the registers. Usually I could get one out of her lol. These look so freaking cute I can't stand it. Must. Get!


Well-known member
There are some lovely looking things in this collection, but I have to say, I really don't care for the packaging. I've never heard of this comic before and it looks very dated and childish. Oh well, it's not going to stop me from buying things though. ;)


Well-known member
Wow, many lipsticks in this collection. How many lipsticks will come out for Betty and Veronica respectively?
Assuming 6, three for each girl Daddy's Little Girl reminds me of Spitfire, so far. Sweet Something looks so pretty! We need one more Veronica lippie to leak, I hope it's soon!


Well-known member
There are some lovely looking things in this collection, but I have to say, I really don't care for the packaging. I've never heard of this comic before and it looks very dated and childish. Oh well, it's not going to stop me from buying things though.
Same! I thought I'd be safe... but so many of these colours are right up my alley! Preparing for a massive haul already


Well-known member
Ok so we know bettys lipsticks are Girl next door (blue-pink) Bright Betty (satin coral color?) Sweet something (a bronzy brown color) Now i want to know all 3 veronicAs. We only know Ronnie red Daddys little girl