MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Why must they tease us so with no color story yet. I wanted to get over Mac for the sake of my wallet but I think I might go crazy on This collec.maybe this will finally be the last collec.i go crazy on...gee I hope so..haha. I'll have to buy a lot blindly as I don't think we will get swatches in time before its all sold out. Good thing returns are usually easy!
I feel the same way! I was going to go on a no buy n try to actually use the hundreds of products that I've purchased recently. I don't think I'll ever run out! and my stash is small compared to what others have. so I'm thinking this collection has everything I need! Purples, bright pinks, light pinks, corals, reds, browns , MINT, hearts, bags....... lol I trying to tell myself the same thing. this is the last collection that I go all out on then I'm back up normal where I pick just one or two things. shoot back in the day I woulda got 1 item... the bright pink lipgloss. and that's it! kinda wish I could go back but I can't lol I want to see it all! I LOVE that purple face chart mac nurse posted! I need to go save it


Well-known member
There is just too much around to keep up with everything :)
Not to mention, I'm from the era where people wanted MORE personal privacy, not less - what folks are willing to give up to data miners and marketers is pretty amazing to me. But hey, it's the modern era…gotta keep up one way or another!