I'm always most excited about the lip products lol

I'm going to my first preview event on the 5th also. when I signed up the mac girl told me there's loud music, we can test out the makeup , there's alcoholic beverages, and buy the makeup. I don't know when it's launching online but it's usually a couple days before the official launch date so it might be Early in the. am on the 5th or that night. hard to tell! either way I say get what u want the most first either way. I will not be stalking because I have to use cash so I hope the lipsticks I want are not sold out by the time I get inside ;( I will be very sad and buy something else! lol I want everything else but I need the lip stuff! but at the store I go to , they only let in a few at a time. it is a very small store! but everyone. comes to this mall. from like hours away lol. i guess it really is the best mall around!! here in California there's a mall In in every city! I'm in the middle of 5 malls lol but only 2 sell mac. I will stalk the 3 counters if I have to tho lol I did it for Marilyn I was at the mall at 7am (3 hours early! but yes I was first in line lol) I hope we get all our lippies!!