MAC Baking Beauties Collection (April 2013)


Well-known member
If there was an event for this collection, they better be serving cake. Red Velvet cake that is!!


Well-known member
Oh my, if all the lip colors are like that I'll want them all! I was scared they'd be too light but that pink lippy looks gorg.


Well-known member
Yes! I am now craving for some thanks to this collection!

I have finally put a preliminary list together for this collection:

Raspberry Swirl l/s
Pure Decoration l/s
Lavender Whip l/s (BU)
Sweet Tooth MLB (maybe)
Cheery Cherry MLB (maybe)
Fancy Frosting PLW Paint Pot
Mooncake PLW Paint Pot
Eclair PLW Paint Pot


Well-known member
Do you think they will have an event where they will serve cake?
Omg if they do, I will have to avoid that event like the PLAGUE unless I want to walk out of there 20 lbs heavier! Especially since it would likely have buttercream frosting, based on the names. Whipped frosting I can turn down, but buttercream (especially if it's from a good bakery) is my kryptonite!


Well-known member
I have a feeling Raspberry Swirl doesn't look like that in real life at all. If it does however, I'm definitely gonna have to put it on my extremely short list.


Well-known member
My wishlist:
All three creamsheen L/S... all the shades sound right up my alley
Mooncake paintpot (MAYBE.. will depend on swatch)
Both pearlmattes

MAC is absolutely destroying my wallet with collections this year lol


Well-known member
I love my Vera pearlmattes. I can actually use my Flower Fantasy as a contour colour and they both have a beautiful highlighting shade.
Totally forgot about those..I purchased Sunday Afternoon & totally forgot that I have it. Guess what I'll be pulling out?


Well-known member
The promo pic is super pretty! I expect Raspberry Swirl to look lighter in real life, but I hope it will be like this. Thanks for sharing all these pics KMQE716!


Well-known member
Went to buy macarons tonight because of this picture,while my waist doesn't like it, they were heavenly!!! Oh my goodness they had a rose lychee flavor, amazing! So Thankyou for the inspiration to get macarons never tried them before!
MyFitnessPal app has not been my BFF the past week, but it does say French macaroons are fine in moderation. =)
... time for a new thread!

If you get your information from here, please give proper credit to Specktra. Don't steal!

Baking Beauties April 18

Lipstick 15.00 US/18.00 CAD
Rasberry Swirl - Light white blue pink (Cremesheen)
Pure Decoration - Light white peach (Cremesheen)
Lavender Whip - Light cool lavender (Cremesheen)
Devil's Food - Glossy deep plum (Frost)

Mineralize Tinted Lip Balm 19.50 US/22.50 CAD
Sweet Tooth - Creamy lilac
Baking Beauty - Creamy light peach
Glace' - Creamy pale baby blue
Cheery Cherry - Creamy mid-tone blue pink

Pro Longwear Pain Pot 18.50 US/22.00 CAD
Fancy Frosting - Frosted white
Mooncake - Warm beige
Eclair - Light chocolate with gold pearlized pigments
Let's Skate - Pale pink with pearlized pigments
Dangerous Cuvee - Frosted cool grey

Glitter 21.00 US/25.00 CAD
Reflects Transparent Teal - Sparkling white with turqoise
Pink - Bright pink

Haute & Naughty Lash 20.00 US/23.50 CAD

Pearlmatte Face Powder 29.00 US/34.00 CAD
In For A Treat - Champagne base with matte coral flowers and mint leaves
Pink Buttercream - Light silvery pink base with dark pink flowers and periwinkle leaves

Lustre Drops 21.00 US/25.00 CAD
Pink Rebel - Blue pink with gold pearlized pigments

Nail Lacquer 16.00 US/18/00 CAD
Blue Velvet - Light periwinkle blue (Cream)
Confectionary - Light blue pink (Cream)
Pistachio Creme - Light teal mint (Cream)

129 Brush 35.00 US/42.00 CAD
Powder/Blush Brush

252 Brush 31.00 US/37.50 CAD
Large Shader Brush
Loving this so far just based off this, special packaging?


Well-known member
Short but SWEET list!! (Sorry, I couldn't resist the pun!)
Pink Buttercream Pearlmatte
Lavender Whip
Raspberry Swirl (maybe)
Eclair PP


Well-known member
Oh my goodness they had a rose lychee flavor, amazing! So Thankyou for the inspiration to get macarons never tried them before!
They sound delicious! I'm going to have to do some baking on Sunday, this collection is very good at subliminal messaging!

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