MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
are you referring to me? that's not my auction, shoot if i was able to get the collection before anyone i would keep my stuff not sell it 
No, the user is the same username here. She's really nice, and her sales are awesome. It just bothers me a little bit when people put things up double price before release, but I suppose people are willing to pay it then why not :)


Well-known member
Just called my MAC store and they finally have the display out to swatch! I'll be taking my happy a** over there ASAP ! I know you all want better swatches of the pearlmattes so I'll definitely try to get those in!
please post any pics of swatches or thoughts! I have too much on my list lol


Well-known member
My Nordstrom's got AG items in last night and I was told that I could come in to see them however I am stuck working until Tuesday. They are not taking any pre-sales but I was told I could swatch items. The MUA also promised to hold my items for me if I wanted but I remember the last time they "held" my Apres Chic items at Macys their mgr put them back out so I told her it was least until I go and chg my mind!!!


Well-known member
OT: I just started a new thread in the Welcome Forum to help new Specktra members figure out what certain abbreviations mean. That might also be a good place to collect frequently asked questions. If anybody can contribute to the thread that would be awesome!
GREAT IDEA!!!! So thoughtful of you.


Well-known member
Ugh I really don't know if I should get Betty Bright. I already have Reel Sexy, Watch Me Simmer, Toxic Tale, Vegas Volt, Cut A Caper, Ever Hip, Innocence... what to do what to do...


Well-known member
Ugh I really don't know if I should get Betty Bright. I already have Reel Sexy, Watch Me Simmer, Toxic Tale, Vegas Volt, Cut A Caper, Ever Hip, Innocence... what to do what to do...
Oh just get it! Spring and Summer are around the corner lol and you can always mix it up with another lippie or gloss :)


Well-known member
ya Betty Bright has more of a loud pink quality to it, than WMS. WMS is def. more orange toned. i think it will be immensely popular along with kiss and dont tell l/g. i predict those two to fly out of the drawers! just called my MAC store they have Archie on display in the back room but you are not allowed to try anything on she said!? i have never ever been told i cannot try a product on in the display room. she said you can only view it. i have perused many a collection in the backroom, i wonder why they changed this.? OK forget that i was at Macys yesterday and the sweeties over there let me swatch and try things on as i pleased.


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Staff member
Hm, I really don't know about BB. If it's really similar to Watch me Simmer or Toxic Tale, I'll skip. I swapped those, way too dark/intense on me, almost just red. I would like something lighter, more wearable. I'll wait for comparison swatches, but I'll probably pass. I really liked it in the promo pic, but in the real life pics it's a little scary.

Thanks for describing GND (I can't find the original post right now, sorry!) It definitely sounds different from Gaga1, so that one is still a maybe.
I'm leaning towards skipping Cream Soda now too, but we'll see. I think I will wait for the collection to be released here and not get a CP from the US, so I have another month and a lot more swatches to help me decide. Trying to be wiser with my purchases and skip if I'm unsure.

Hopefully by then we'll have swatches of the Mineralize lippies as well.