MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
I wonder if we should be checking under lipsticks or looking for the actual page. When they released the Strong Collection, you had to search for the individual items that you wanted.


Well-known member
LOL that's very true. But I didn't mean texts from MAC, I meant like if other Specktra users were going to alert each other through text when the collection goes live
That would be a good idea I'd be down for that. My luck I'd get texted at work and then have to run around frantic.
"I'm sorry I can't take your order, have an emergency." ;)


Well-known member
and i forgot i swarched the Betty pigments too, if you like frosty pastels you are going to dig these. The lavender one has a slight pinky ness, and the sea foam green one has an aqua ness to it, uber frosty. not my cup of tea but they were nice!


Well-known member
GlamQueen21 pls advise which of the pearlmattes you wud opt for my NW 47 ST. I kno I 'want' one but can't decide which. I have never used them or pigments b4.


Well-known member
As long as I'm able to get my hands on Mall Madness, I'll be okay. I just might wait until the in-store release so I don't have to worry about the MAC website freezing or running crazy slow.


Well-known member
I am debating on whether I will stay up or not tonight. I was able to pre-order all the items I wanted except the two items I wanted the most!
(I want those pearlmattes so bad!) If the sale does go up tonight, will it it be right at midnight? Or after?


Well-known member
Ditto! Pretty much all I want from this collection. Now the ED collection will be a whole other story.

As long as I'm able to get my hands on Mall Madness, I'll be okay. I just might wait until the in-store release so I don't have to worry about the MAC website freezing or running crazy slow.


Well-known member
It's *usually* around Midnight EDT, but you never really know.
I am debating on whether I will stay up or not tonight. I was able to pre-order all the items I wanted except the two items I wanted the most!
(I want those pearlmattes so bad!) If the sale does go up tonight, will it it be right at midnight? Or after?


Well-known member
GlamQueen21 pls advise which of the pearlmattes you wud opt for my NW 47 ST. I kno I 'want' one but can't decide which. I have never used them or pigments b4.
I would go with both for your NW47 skintone. I myself have never used a Pearlmatte Powder before since I always prefer Beauty Powders since they have more pigmentation.


Well-known member
Dilemnia of dilemnia, both!!!! My ecard can only go so far, lol. Thks tho cause I think that's the best packaging to me. I didn't want to purchase it for cuteness factor alone and never use it. I imagined using the mirror alone once its all gone. Sorry b2m


Well-known member
You're not far off from my skin tone! I'm from San Diego. You? Glad I could help you out :) I've seen some girls do it here and there for different collections! Hoping one pops up for this one lol. Anyone want to help me out? X)
I'm from the bay area, yea looking at ur pic ur pretty close to me lol.... Thanks for the swatches too


Well-known member
Daddy's little girl looks like petals & peacocks which I already have! I hope DLG is diff enough to justify buying it!