MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
There used to be an option to switch to full site, but it's been gonads for a few months, I haven't been able to access the full site from my iphone for since Oct or something
I noticed this earlier when someone was having problems. I guess it never occurred to me because I often don't need color descriptions (which is the main difference it seems between the mobile and web version) You should still be able to search but I guess on the mobile you don't have access to the site map...Bummer


Well-known member
Now I'm definitely questioning some of my choices...thank you for posting this...and by questioning I mean ADDING to my list!


Well-known member
this made me want ronnie red and girl next door when i had taken them off my list grr!! ahh I'll get all lipsticks ahh mac your the end of me


Active member
I thought I'd safely crossed Betty Bright off my list... : /

Thanks for sharing!


Well-known member
Ahhhhh!! Swatches! Lauren Clark
Thanks for this.


Well-known member
does anyone one know how to change it from mobil view to web view, i cant find the button/link to save my life!
If it's an iphone, there isn't one.
Really? I swear that Veronica's Opulash (Bad, Bad Black) was LE. Can anyone confirm this? I definitely will wait on it if it as a perm item dressed up in special packaging!
It's been perm for over a year.
Gone! Not gonads! Damn you auto correct!
:roflmao: I seriously lol'd