MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Come on mac launch the collectio.n already. I want to go to sleep so bad
lol... I am bored refreshing the page over and over....


Well-known member
I'm thinking about how hard my mama would slap me for even saying ANY of this in public...I still live in fear of my mama...true story.


Well-known member
Now that I see the swatches, I think I might pass up Betty Bright. I have two Viva Glam Nickis already and they seem so similar. I'm also worried Cream Soda won't show up on my skin tone, but the swatch is so pretty. Ronnie Red actually looks pretty. I'm checking my stash for Oh, Oh, Oh that color sounds familiar.
You're correct---OH OH OH is a repromote.


Well-known member
I thought maybe she was wearing a mixture of both.... I think I will wait and see more swatches and order from Nordstroms if everyone is loving it
I sort of wonder the same about wearing both blushes, but I also need to ask myself if I'm trying to justify buying Cream Soda blush. I am a NC35-40 and I don't know if it will show up on my skin tone without looking ashy, and spending an extra $22 buying Prom Princess to make it work is... eh... Same with Caramel Sundae quad; I love those light colors but I doubt they'd even show up on me.

But it just looks SO LOVELY on her. :|


Well-known member
Gone! Not gonads! Damn you auto correct!
Oh auto correct, how I love you, lol!!! Haven't finished reading through the posts I missed during the past hour or so, so sorry if someone else brought this up, but have you ever been to the damnyouautocorrect site? It's hilarious. I used to kill time during my breaks at work browsing that site and laughing my ass off.


Well-known member
I shud be asleep but for some reason I find myself still lurking around here. What item(s) if any do u guys think will linger around long and possibly make it to the CCOs? (the good ones that get stock fairly often)


Well-known member
I am calling it a a night at 12...I have to get up in the morning...hoping it won't hit online until tomorrow night
Hah my secret for stalking is drinking a lot of water before bed time...or leaving the tv on. Unless it sells out within minutes :(


Well-known member
I shud be asleep but for some reason I find myself still lurking around here. What item(s) if any do u guys think will linger around long and possibly make it to the CCOs? (the good ones that get stock fairly often)
I think that the nail polishes, pigments and the ugly totes will make it to CCOs... lol