MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
LOL...yeah I don't think I could look my mom in the face after talking like that on tv
I'm always curious what these women do all day when they arent filming

Wakeup then Get all overly made up blow kiss to self
Drive around LA and judge people buy a ton of designed stuff
Get home and drink self into stupor cuddling with your expensive mixed breed dog
Then wait for the hubby to come home...


Active member
I shud be asleep but for some reason I find myself still lurking around here. What item(s) if any do u guys think will linger around long and possibly make it to the CCOs? (the good ones that get stock fairly often)
probably oh oh oh lippie for sure since alot of people seem to be into the bright lipsticks. Possibly the quads and accessories will linger for a while. Im sure the blushes PM and the bright lippies will go first


Well-known member
I'm always curious what these women do all day when they arent filming

Wakeup then Get all overly made up blow kiss to self
Drive around LA and judge people buy a ton of designed stuff
Get home and drink self into stupor cuddling with your expensive mixed breed dog
Then wait for the hubby to come home...
LMAO! Probably something like that


Well-known member
Alright...I think I need some help. As my list continues to grow, I've got to cut somethings out. I was really excited about trying Prom Princess. I'm not much of a blush person but for some reason this color totally appealed to me. It will be without a doubt the boldest blush in my collection (I have very few but the ones I do have are colors like Legendary, or Orgasm and Sin from Nars)
Now that I've seen more and more swatches, I'm worried that it may be too bold for me. I'm pretty fair (NW 15-20) and I tend to flush pretty easy (part of the reason I stay away from blush)
What do you all think? Do you think it is too bold for my coloring?

Has anyone with coloring similar to mine swatched it? I'm afraid I'm going to purchase it and then never wear it...


I am watching gray's anatomy Nd check mC's website over and over! It's 8:01 pacific time, what time do u guys think it will launch? :)


Well-known member
Fun to see what everyone is watching...keeps me awake to stalk a little while longer. I just switched over to Real Husbands of Hollywood. I love Kevin Hart he is hilarious.


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Staff member
200 new posts, you guys are in serious stalking mode I see! I thought the collection was already up.
Thanks for the link to Lauren's swatches, they're awesome. Cream Soda and BB look gorgeous together, so I might break down at the end and get them. GND looks somewhat disappointing.