MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Active member
getting sleepy... my eyes are giving up on me oh this is not good


Well-known member
HaHa! That's funny! Sleep deprivation causes you to think all kinds of funny things. This has definitely been an experience. HaHaHa


Active member
Does anyone know the finish of the lipglosses? I know it says "lipglass" but is that like the really sticky yucky texture?


Well-known member
When they released YOTS yesterday, did it go to PROS first and then regular customers? Just trying to find out if all collections are handled that way. Thanks

Ana A

Well-known member
hahaha if only...I have 3 if only we could put their precious soft paws to use Im sure the stalk would be vicious grrawr lol :).....Oh God I need sleep too, come on mac pretty please! :(


Well-known member
Can anyone who has seen DLG tell me about how bright it is? I'm sure it's not CYY bright or maybe not even Pink Pigeon bright (I'm not thinking in terms of color dupes, but brightness). In some swatches it looks like a bright vibrant pink and in others it looks all muted and blah.
Hi, everyone! I've been lurking this thread for a while and stalking alongside you all and finally caved and made an account >.< I never bother with MAC because they release sooo many collections and they sell out so fast and it all hurts my brain but Archie comics were my life/childhood and I've waiting for this collection since it was first announced! I'm not a PRO member and I must say I'm jealous of those of you who are! D: I have no MAC counters where I live so online is kind of my only option but this whole thing is giving me serious anxiety! I'm super scared I won't get what I want :'c