MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
[COLOR=4B0082]Me too! I just hope I can get to a computer when it launches. I didn't even stand a chance with the Marilyn Monroe collection. As soon as I got home, it was all sold out. I was upset I missed out on Naughty Saute from Shop Shop last year. That lippie has my name written all over it. I hope they re-promote it soon.[/COLOR]
If you are in the USA, I have a naughty sauté that was used once, it looks horrible on me, I'd be willing to work something out. I know some people don't like swatched lippies though!


Well-known member
That coin purse looks cuter and cuter as time goes by . . .
I know!!! I'm trying so hard to resist it. Someone else said that it may show up in the CCO, but I dont have one close enough to me where I could hunt it down every weekend. What to do???


Well-known member
Lol! My boyfriend always tells me that, in sweet brown's voice
My daughter get's mad hype over that video...I'm like seriously Taylor its not that serious but, could you imagine Sweet Brown was your neighbor lmfao... and she watches some dude that dresses like a chic called Rolonda or Rolondo, he is a straight weirdo!!
So... what is everyone getting from this collection?
I want Betty Bright, Ronnie Red, Kiss & Don't Tell, Strawberry Malt, and I wanted Flatter Me but if the PMs aren't online when the time comes I'll skip it (I'll be somewhat happy tbh because I'll save money lol).. I did want the PM half because I just really wanted something with Betty, Veronica and Archie on the package so maybe I'll get the mirror..? I really hope I can get what I want but if not I at least just want something of Betty and something of Veronica >.<


Well-known member
I have a mac store and counter in my mall, and it is only 5 minutes away...BUT I CANT HANDLE CROWDS! Especially in a small mac store and around a counter hahaha! I really want to get my goodies online this time!
Mine seem to not be crazy busy... but they sell out fairly fast. I'm planning to call in my have to have items and then swatch the other things when I pick up that night... If they dont have it anymore then I'll just get it at Macy's, I have store credit there anyway and should probably wait to get my have to have items but psshhh... I can't wait a week for that. ha.


Well-known member
I have one very small Macy's stand near me but they won't hold things or do pre-orders. They know I will buy it because I usually know about upcoming collections before they do, its just the store policy. MM I ordered a couple things from nordies and I called a nordies mac counter for a pre-sale and they sent me a couple l/s. The first and only time I called to do a preorder. The sales lady was super nice. I just happened to have the day off of work that mm launched at my Macy's counter so I was able to get my FM


Well-known member
somehow my list has been reduced with time. first I just wanted everything, but as time goes by, seeing more swatches, now I only want like 5 items instead of 10 :X
Heck yeah, Team 5-Item! GO TEAM 5-ITEM!

I am unsure if I'll be near a computer around 3pm, so... Is this really crazier than Marilyn? "I Survived Archie's Girls" 2013 commemorative t-shirts in order?


Well-known member
I know!!! I'm trying so hard to resist it. Someone else said that it may show up in the CCO, but I dont have one close enough to me where I could hunt it down every weekend. What to do???
I bet it will end up at the CCO. I have two CCOs near me, but it's a good drive away. CCOs are a hit or miss. I remember when the MAC Barbie showed up at one of them, but I already had one. I usually go during the summer.


Well-known member
Thats so funny. They tend to sell out fast of things at the Green Hills Pro Store, but they never seem to have a big crowd... at least not when I get there.

Mine seem to not be crazy busy... but they sell out fairly fast. I'm planning to call in my have to have items and then swatch the other things when I pick up that night... If they dont have it anymore then I'll just get it at Macy's, I have store credit there anyway and should probably wait to get my have to have items but psshhh... I can't wait a week for that. ha.
You lucky duck! It seems like they get in three of each item and have to use one for testers! It is a mad house!!!!! My nordies MU told me to text her if I don't get everything I want today, but I really don't think she will be able to hold things...and I feel guilty haha!


Well-known member
Thats so funny. They tend to sell out fast of things at the Green Hills Pro Store, but they never seem to have a big crowd... at least not when I get there.

Mine seem to not be crazy busy... but they sell out fairly fast. I'm planning to call in my have to have items and then swatch the other things when I pick up that night... If they dont have it anymore then I'll just get it at Macy's, I have store credit there anyway and should probably wait to get my have to have items but psshhh... I can't wait a week for that. ha.
I've been to the Green Hills Pro Store a few times and there is always a crowd when I go and it's always hard to get waited on. It is a good place to call for phone orders when things sale out on-line.


Well-known member
I've been to the Green Hills Pro Store a few times and there is always a crowd when I go and it's always hard to get waited on. It is a good place to call for phone orders when things sale out on-line.
Really? Man... I must get in at the right time. I was in there twice last week and it was me and maybe 2 other people. I've really only seen it busy on a Sunday morning... right when it opened.