MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Can anyone tell me how long it takes to get your confirmation email? I haven't yet and it's stressing me out even though it seems to have gone through looking at my order status and previous purchases. I just want to be sure!!
I received confirmation a minute after I placed my order right when it went live. With the strength collection I didn't receive confirmation. I did receive the email for tracking days after tho.. I called to make sure that my order went through and the SA told me I should have gotten a confirmation even tho I didn't.


Well-known member
I'm proud of you too. Me on the other hand, $250 today and $50 yesterday on YoTS. 
Heck, you enjoy those goodies girl! :) Nothing wrong with that. I'm just being really picky on what I get this year. And one of my resolutions is to not use my credit cards. Got to get then paid off. So everything I get is out of my pocket. Don't think I can resist April though, too much good stuff coming!


Well-known member
I feel so guilty for spending $327.00 but man am I glad that's over! Yay I get to sleep tonight! I hope everyone got what they wanted :)


Well-known member
OMG the Archie not cute, just sayin


All my stalking paid off, I got everything I wanted!
Betty Bright Lipstick
Daddy's Little Girl Lipstick
Cream Soda Blush
Prom Princess Blush

Yaaay! This was sooo fun following all of this today! I'm new to Specktra but I've been a long time makup addict!

Hope everyone gets what they want!!


Veteran Moderator
Staff member site glitches

Funny how extra items get thrown in when you're in a panic
where did that come from ;)

I got:
Both blushes
Both Peralmattes
2 Ronnie Red
Daddy's Little Girl
Girl Next Door
Strawberry Malt
Comic Cute NP
And Pins

Great haul! Oh, there are pins? I want those too.


Well-known member
I feel so guilty for spending $327.00 but man am I glad that's over! Yay I get to sleep tonight! I hope everyone got what they wanted
I was feeling the same way! Then I smacked myself because I have been drooling over this collections since last june! WE DESERVE IT