MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Congrats everyone, happy hauling!!!! The Mac customer service agent was right on point about the time yesterday evening when I placed the Snake and PP order. I so wanna order with everyone now !!! Enjoy your goodies!!!


Well-known member
Ended up placing an order even though I was on the fence. Once I saw it online, I just HAD to purchase something!
Got Strawberry Malt l/g, Daddy's Little Girl l/s, Ronnie Red l/s and Flatter Me pm. Can't wait for it to arrive! Now I can't wait to keep watching to see what sells out first (and how quickly)!!

And now that that's over... what's the next collection up??
Haha j/k! Kinda.


Well-known member
That was a nice team stalking effort everyone! I'm new around here and I'm just cracking up over all the commotion /excitement! Thanks to you peeps I now have all I wanted (I think). Phew!
Yes! (I'm semi new as well.) I'm loving the team effort and support here!
This is my MAC go to place now for the latest collections/discussions.


Well-known member
Crapo. I was proud of my little haul but why do I feel like more?! I'm afraid of the dreaded skippers remorse. Must stay strong!
Same. Somehow I still spent $170 and I thought I really cut my haul down with 2 lipsticks, SR quad, brushes, and Veronica's Blush.

Still can't decide if I need Prom Princess and Daddy's Little Girl. I'll probably just check those out in store next week. I want like three of the lipglasses but I never even use the ones I have.


Well-known member
i can get some sleep now after stalking for 24 hours!! THank you ! MAC!

here is what i end up ordering:


betty bright x2
ronnie red x2
daddy's little girl
mall madness
kiss and don't tell

face stuff:

both blushes
one pearl matte in flatter me

eyes stuff:
spoiled rich palette ( I completely forgot i had put in my basket and it was too late to remove because I realized i had purchase it when my order was already placed.. now i hope i really like it.


the brush set (i couldn't pass is so freaking cute lol!!)

HAPPY HAULING EVERYONE!! i really hope all of you get all the goddies you been wanting and waiting for!:)


Well-known member
Well I just got my email... Looks like Mac is trying to send before they sell out.... It's ok Mac I already ordered but thank you... Baby steps


Well-known member
i made 4 seperate orders lmao. i made sure the ones i really wanted went first. the last order i placed was for girl next door and veronicas pearlmatte since those i really wasnt sure about. if i dont like it ill sell it here on specktra.

my final order was:
-both pearlmattes
-girl next door
-betty bright
-daddys little girl
-ronnie red
-viva glam nicki 2

my sister got:
-prom princess
-spoiled rich quad
That's exactly what I did! I've had too many bad experiences where it's in your cart then you check out and it's gone! (I only did 2 orders though)


Active member
Oh my! I just placed 5 separate orders. I couldn't stop! I got girl next door plus a backup, betty bright plus backup, daddy's little girl lipstick, stay sweet lipglass, flatter me pearlmatte, and veronica's blush pearlmatte, and cream soda blush. I think the madness of waiting got to me so I went crazy! LOL but I feel so MUCH better now!