MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
I guess Erine figured out the misunderstanding! She thought maybe a blogger was trying to compare the colors and others misinterpreted it as it actually BEING those colors! It confused everyone for awhile! I'm certainly happy it was solved, sorted out, and shared on good 'ole Specktra!! Or I might have skipped SP altogether!!
So MAC got more of my money because I ended up with SP AND FM! Which ones did you get girlie?
Copycat syndrome.


Well-known member
Well, I ordered the pressed, but sephoras stocking numbers were mixed up so I got the loose. It is photoshop powder!! It makes the skin look amazing soft-focused & made my blush color amazing! Sephora is sending me the pressed version right away, but I am going to keep both because I LOVE it!
Elegant, you're killing me here! How many nails in the coffin do I need?!

Off I go to the thread!



Well-known member
Wow - I looked at this collex on Mac site & decided to pass.

The price increases are ginormous!

I'll stick with what I have.

What a riot!


Well-known member
But yr gonna get 'em right? I just read that they aren't like SP, so I am good (finally caught up on YOTS thread). I don't know how these stupid rumors get started. I don't see how a p/m would look as shiney as SP anyway, since they are fairly different prodx anyhoo.
All shipped.

Copycats. That's all I have to say.

Exactly. SP is not a good choice for pale NW complexions, but it looks awesome on NC. It just clashes with cool undertones. Thus, SP is just in theater make up stash, but not in my personal one.


Well-known member
Ordered yesterday at 5:05PM CST and chose overnight shipping. Received confirmation email a minute later. My order is still pending. Guess I won't be getting overnight shipping even though I paid for it.....Will contact CS.


Well-known member
EXACTLY!! Or maybe we can call it Copycat Stealing Syndrome since when they copied it, they more than likely didn't site their original source! HeeHee wink
Well, I usually throw in a couple of spelling mistakes when I post the color stories. I'm not sure if I should feel sad or if I should laugh when people just copy the color stories w/ citing Spectra. But it sure cracks me up that so many copied and pasted the "PAIN pot" and the "TORN tote" onto their blog.


Well-known member
Cream Soda looks pretty, though I probably have something close. The packaging and promo pics are so cute that I want everything!


Well-known member
Well, I usually throw in a couple of spelling mistakes when I post the color stories. I'm not sure if I should feel sad or if I should laugh when people just copy the color stories w/ citing Spectra. But it sure cracks me up that so many copied and pasted the "PAIN pot" and the "TORN tote" onto their blog.
WOW!! Now THAT does really "spell it out" for you doesn't it!?!!!! I wonder how they would react to someone "copying" from THEIR blog so blatantly and without being sited as the source!? I suppose they aren't creative enough to have to worry about that...
I do think it's funny when you do that! I had no idea it was intentional! I just figured it was because you post so much info in a short time you are in a hurry... Now I will find it even MORE hilarious!!


Well-known member
Those who paid through PayPal- are your orders still pending? :/
I paid with PayPal and received an order confirmation at 6:01 PM EST and my shipping notice this morning at 8:04! I've never had an issue with MAC/PayPal but I really feel for everyone that has :( what a rollercoaster!


Well-known member
Wow - I looked at this collex on Mac site & decided to pass.

The price increases are ginormous!

I'll stick with what I have.

What a riot!
My goodness I wish I had that kind of restraint! I see the prices and get irritated but can't seem to dig deep enough to pass! I'd love to be your Luke... if my Yoda you will be! HeeHee


Well-known member
Well, I usually throw in a couple of spelling mistakes when I post the color stories. I'm not sure if I should feel sad or if I should laugh when people just copy the color stories w/ citing Spectra. But it sure cracks me up that so many copied and pasted the "PAIN pot" and the "TORN tote" onto their blog. :p
WOW!!  Now THAT does really "spell it out" for you doesn't it!?!!!!  I wonder how they would react to someone "copying" from THEIR blog so blatantly and without being sited as the source!?  I suppose they aren't creative enough to have to worry about that... I do think it's funny when you do that!  I had no idea it was intentional!  I just figured it was because you post so much info in a short time you are in a hurry... Now I will find it even MORE hilarious!!
That's what I thought! :lol: It's funny and sad at the same time haha.