MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Man, I really want the pin but I didn't know it was available until after I placed my little order! I can't afford to spend another $75 so I might end up buying one from eBay later—even if it is $10, ha.


Well-known member
Is the new Nicki ls like doughnut powder crack on the lips kinda color?
please don't make me spit out my coffee!

I was looking at that for spring, but just can't pull the trigger on that one. i have a feeling i'd look like a pink Tyrone Biggums.


Well-known member
Well, I usually throw in a couple of spelling mistakes when I post the color stories. I'm not sure if I should feel sad or if I should laugh when people just copy the color stories w/ citing Spectra. But it sure cracks me up that so many copied and pasted the "PAIN pot" and the "TORN tote" onto their blog.
You sly dog, you! I never even considered that you made those mistakes on purpose. I always just figured you were typing so fast and furiously trying to get all that info up for us that mistakes were bound to happen. I love your sneaky ways! This is like when people give a different middle initial to different subscriptions they get so that when they get some random catalog in the mail that they never asked for, they can look at the middle initial on the address label and figure out who gave away their personal info.


Well-known member
YEAH! I got mine on hold.
I was totally gonna pay for it but he held it for me till I come in today. He's so nice! Wooh! I've got Betty Bright, Prom Princess and Caramel Sundae on hold.

Oh and if any of you want Betty Bright and dont mind the shipping its the Green Hills Pro Store in Nashville, TN.


Well-known member
I feel so lucky to have a MAC store by my school, picked up bb, dlg and rr. *sigh of relief* Made it on time to class too! Typing this as we wait for class to start lol


Well-known member
Elegant-one, I was debating BFS ls too & I ended up putting in yet another order (yikes)!;) I'm hoping it will look good with mall madness lg. Sorry if this comes up 2xs, for some reason when I tried to comment off your quote it didn't work. It's been awhile since I've posted here so I'm a little rusty at posting.:)


Well-known member
hmmm, nobody wants to talk me in or out of Boyfriend stealer. Not much love for it?
I didn't get it. It WAS one of 2 l/s on my original list. After seeing Lillah's (I'm messing up that spelling?!?) swatches it looked too close to Yung Rapunxel for me to get it. I love the idea of the color, but YR had application issues galore and BS seems to be really sheer... which might actually be a good thing?!? I was so on the fence about it in the end. So I saw that as a sign to pass... and an excuse to add BB to my list! Which is now the most anticipated item for me!!


Well-known member
Pixie you are too funny! Love Love Love Star Wars!

I was interested in this collex but looked at the prices and said Nah.
I have tons of other makeup that doesn't get any love at all.
This make-up obsession is starting to snowball & get out of hand.
Time to pull in the reins!
My reasons for skipping. That and Extra Dimension