MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Betty Bright and DLG on hand
I tried outrageously fun next to DLG and its similar but a little different still. But not enough for me. I'll use up my OF. Here are a few swatches if DLG and below is Up the Amp.
:drools: :drools: :drools: :thud: Sooo glad i backed it up!!! Lucky you have arm room to swatch. I used to, but now they're covered with ink. :lol:


Well-known member
Temptalia's swatches:jawdrop:
I can say I might want to add cream soda because I have nothing like it! I dont think warmth of coral is it? I wanted to try DLG but someone on here said its super close to Outrageously Fun and maybe night blooming which I had and sold because it didn't look nice on me.


Well-known member
So DLG is a pretty close dupe for Petals and Peacocks? I almost bought p&p for a nice price buttttttt since I got DLG I can skip??


Well-known member
Okay, so after seeing the Temptalia swatches I'm pretty okay with everything I hauled. I'm kind of second guessing getting Betty Bright, because although I love that type of color, it usually never looks good on me. :-( I am liking Oh Oh Oh more, but if its similar to O lipstick I can probably pass bc I had that one and for some reason never really liked how it looked on me. The Veronica piggies are tempting , but if I have Deep Blue Green and Later. already, do I really really need them? Decisions, decisions...

After seeing Temptalia's swatches, I want Strawberry Malt even more! Trying SO hard not to place another order.


Well-known member
I ordered a muji drawer today so I will have a place to store my Archies Stuff. I am running out of room.


Well-known member
In the mean time, here's what VG Nicki looks like. Ooooh it's so different, I like it alot, especially with my scarf :p It's rather light & I'm surprised it doesn't wash me out (I'm a redhead)

Thought's on the lippie?

It looks great on you! I really like it with your scarf and necklace.


Well-known member

I seriously haven't dropped this kind of $ since the Venemous Villains collection of I'm having a ball! Go big or go home, right?
AND...I just talked myself out of Boyfriend Stealer...looks similar to Sinister, and I got rid of that one.
Yes, I agree. VV was crazy $$$ too.


Well-known member
THAT was what came to mind for me! I LOVE NI!

I just wore that yesterday. I LOVE LOVE NI on. Its become one of my favorite colors.
I just wore that again yesterday also, its really a great color AND I noticed earlier its still in stock


Well-known member
Christine's swatches are making me so glad I got mall madness and Ronnie's quad. The glitter in MM is
. Now do I need a p/m? hmmm. I still think I should wait for BB. Also I'm surprised how great Stay Sweet looks on her lips in the full face preview. Finally a light gloss that isn't too uneven. I wonder how it compares to Nicki 2 l/g.


Well-known member
In the mean time, here's what VG Nicki looks like. Ooooh it's so different, I like it alot, especially with my scarf :p It's rather light & I'm surprised it doesn't wash me out (I'm a redhead)

Thought's on the lippie?

That looks beautiful on you! I mean really really pretty.

and to think that I had just talked myself out of it