MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Someone probably already posted this, but I'll link to it again anyway. That's what I get for taking a 5 hour nap. XD I compared her swatch of RR with AP from Strength, and they look exactly the same. Glad I can skip it.


Well-known member
Im still upset that I missed out on Petals and Peacock from LOL was not into brights back then :( i just got OF from ordering from Gone But Not Forgotten cant wait for it! I missed out on PP also so then I tracked it down on evilbay and paid $75 for it. Now I don't even have the balls to try it on because I paid so much for it HaHaa  


Well-known member
I'm sorry (not) but SM just looks so yummy GORGEOUS in that swatch. yeah, go ahead & try resist that color

I'm getting it...

honey on boost

Well-known member
Here honey on boost---let me make it easy for you!  They were sold out so now is the time  :yaay:
Oh you enabler.. You!! Going to make another order now lol
I live in NYC and picked up a few of the lipsticks. I picked up Ronnie Red, Daddy's Little Girl, Betty Bright and Girl Next Door. I made lip swatches for them with the exception of Betty Bright but it looks a lot like Costa Chic on me but with an almost matte finish instead. For reference I wear NC42. 
I love Betty bright on you, Jae! So jealous you got to pick yours up in store.
Here's bb on me and swatches.
It looks awesome on you too! So glad i got a backup.


i'm trying to catch up with the thread but has anyone else had to call in to verify their order? After waiting all day for a shipping confirmation i finally called them. They said they couldn't process it without my verification. I've never had to do this before. i ordered yesterday, paid for next day shipping and now i wont be getting my AG stuff until next week.
for some reason the order was also changed to 2 day shipping. they no answers to any of my questions


Well-known member
I wouldn't worry too much about your orders guys. Sometimes they just don't update shipping notifications quickly. Once I think it was like two days before I got a shipping notice on an LE order and I freaked out and called MAC CS, who told me it had already shipped.


Well-known member
i'm trying to catch up with the thread but has anyone else had to call in to verify their order? After waiting all day for a shipping confirmation i finally called them. They said they couldn't process it without my verification. I've never had to do this before. i ordered yesterday, paid for next day shipping and now i wont be getting my AG stuff until next week.
for some reason the order was also changed to 2 day shipping. they no answers to any of my questions
Wow. What in the world? Was it like a really big purchase that was flagged by a cc company? I've never heard of this happening before.


Well-known member
Someone probably already posted this, but I'll link to it again anyway. That's what I get for taking a 5 hour nap. XD I compared her swatch of RR with AP from Strength, and they look exactly the same. Glad I can skip it.
well im glad i skipped both. i have been a good girl when it comes to skipping the reds!


Well-known member
The tracking on my package was finally activated, and I should be getting my goodies on Monday!! Soooo excited, especially for BB!!


Well-known member
Someone probably already posted this, but I'll link to it again anyway. That's what I get for taking a 5 hour nap. XD I compared her swatch of RR with AP from Strength, and they look exactly the same. Glad I can skip it.
Good, cause I totally slept on AP and didn't even care once I went to Nordies and found out Strength was MAC store only. I didn't even feel like getting into the online and MAC store sold out frenzy Glad to see its well, uh back!
Phone does not like me lol. But I bought all four, cannot wait to swatch them. Bloodline is so gorgeous I have 2!
Can't wait to see the swatches. I wish I was feeling the pigments more. The swatches of Bl and MS on Temptalia looks pretty uninspiring.
Dumb phone ugh. That lip swatch of Ronnie is making me very happy. Blue toned reds are my favorite.
Yes its gorge. Maybe I need 2 too. After seeing the new swatches, my list is Ronnie Red, Strawberry Malt, Kiss and Don't Tell and Prom Princess. The Ronnie pigments... I wanted more from them. Mall Madness, we'll see


Well-known member
      well im glad i skipped both. i have been a good girl when it comes to skipping the reds! 
That makes two of us, I said no reds since Marilyn and I've done good, my go to is ruby woo and I feel like none tops that for me so I'm glad I didn't get from strength and Archie's


valkolak, i'm having problems quote replying but the order was for about $220. Others who made bigger orders seem to have gone through the process seamlessly. I was just very irritated because had i not called i would have never known! Hopefully, it was a one time glitch. I'm not going to let it take away from how excited i am to have it all in my hands!! Its just one more day of anxious waiting with Mac on my mind!!!