MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Really VERY nice set up. I'm a bit strange because I can't put my makeup on while sitting! What's up with that?
It just feels weird to me
I am the same way. I stand VERY close to my mirror.


Well-known member
Me too!  Im so close that sometimes the end of my brushes hit the mirror lmao
Lawlz, I always have to get right up to the mirror for eyeliner. I actually walk over to my full length mirror because I'm not tall enough to comfortable lean over my counter.
wow!! i'd love to have a makeup station but umm...i CANT sit down n do my makeup...crazy huh but i feel like im more in control n get better angles with lighting when i stand so i prefer to do my face in the bathroom! guess thats another reason whyyyy i cant get into do a makeup tut lol LMAOOOO!!! dmnnnn girl back awaaaaaay lol (i've done that too though) :lol:  along with making the craziest ugliest faces while applying liners
:lol: !! I've never had a big enough area in my bathroom to sit an do my makeup, so I don't know if I would enjoy a sit down station or not. If my SO and I get approved for the apartment that we want, I will have enough space in the bathroom to make ALL the silly faces I want while doing my routine and then some.


Well-known member
Snuck away from the Super Bowl party to check Specktra LOL. I really don't care who wins, which would crush DH.

I have been playing with my Archie's stuff all weekend. I must say that BB, DLG, RR, Spoiled Rich, Cream Soda, and Veronica's Blush have impressed me the most so far. I plan to BU BB, DLG, and RR if I get a chance. I already ordered a BU of Cream Soda.

Mall Madness is also very pretty, but I know that I have that color somewhere already in my stash. I haven't been able to get the look that I want with Caramel Sundae yet. The lighter colors seem to blend into my skintone, so I need to be creative to make them "pop."

This weekend has been an expensive one. First my Archie's stuff was delivered, then I got the both the loose and compact version of the NARS' powder (Elegant you were definately right about these - amazing), and the 2 new UD Oz palettes. I need to be on a no buy for a few months - after I get my BB, DLG, and RR BUs that is.


Well-known member
I'm the same way! I have to be standing.
same! except in high school when i lived at my parents' place, i use to literally sit on their bathroom vanity counter to put my eyeliner on!
general rule is that there are generally a lot of mascara and eyeliner smudges on my mirrors...


Well-known member
LOL Anyone else notice in these Super Bowl Commercials, girls were wearing (so far I've seen, as it appears on this TV screen we're watching at least!) Candy Yum Yum, Pink Pigeon and Party Parrot (forgot the name of the product but it looks like it was a party in a bar).


Well-known member
I watched the Puppy & Kitty Bowl earlier.
I don't care who wins this year, but the Doritos commercial playing dress up was pretty funny.


Well-known member
Would warmth of coral go well with flatter me Pearlmatte?? Or should I just go ahead and get cream soda? NC 40 for reference.


Well-known member
Would warmth of coral go well with flatter me Pearlmatte?? Or should I just go ahead and get cream soda? NC 40 for reference.
I would say Warmth of Coral, I don't think Cream Soda would show up too much on NC40. I was going to get Cream Soda too until I saw the swatches. Christine is NC30, and it barely shows up on her.