MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


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Gotta say, the UD Oz the Great and Powerful palettes do absolutely nothing for me. There's a color or two i like, but the palettes as a whole i just wouldn't be likely to use.

So much other tempting makeup out there...

Now i'm thinking of maybe getting Cream Soda blush... I don't wear colors in that range much (i'm Team Purple!), but it seems like it might be light enough and not too warm of an orange for me. Guess i'll try to remember to bring my brushes with me and hit the MAC store early on Thursday... I didn't bother to do an arm swatch before, but now i'm starting to weaken, with all the nice swatch photos here.

At least i am absolutely confident that Prom Princess is way too strong for me, so no temptation there.
When I found out that UD was making palettes for Oz, I was excited to see what they would look like (hoping they would be something along the lines of the Alice in Wonderland one). But I was disappointed. I don't like that they are made with the build your own palette. I hope they are not planning to make all of their palettes that way!

I would recommend Cream Soda if you like peach blushes. It's my new favorite! I have some redness in my cheeks, and this helps balance it out while giving a nice natural color.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by elkaknits
I want to see a swatch of Mall Madness next to funtabulous.... is that so off the wall? They both seem like purple iridescents to me. I am probably totally off. Would somebody mind doing that for me? I would so very much appreciate it. TIA!

I'm still working my way through hundreds of posts, so i don't know if anyone replied yet...

I can do it once my BLACK BOX arrives - probably late tomorrow, so not until Thursday.

But i can say off the top of my head that Funtabulous is much much bluer, brighter/more intense, and more... uh... dazzling, while Mall Madness is pink (not purple), sheer, and not as glittery. In short, the colors and the finishes are very different from each other.


Well-known member
practice practice!! It took me a long time to realize that less is more and finding the right product for your skin tone. I use sculpt pro powder with the 165 brush (killer for contouring) I put my blush on first actually, the add the contour after. I blend them together afterwards! Believe me though, I still have days where it comes out looking patchy and strange.. I find that adding a good amount of powder to that area first makes it appear smoother (like mineralize skin finish natural) 
Thanks alot! I appreciate you responding with tips!


Well-known member
I think it hits stores Thursday
Thanks! I know the assistant manager at my counter so I wanted her to hold DLG for me since I'm having buyers remorse. When she was working at the Pro store she actually did a send/sale for me with the MM collection. I try to get everything on my own (online) but when I need something she's there :)


Well-known member
That's an awesome connection to have, B7uemo0n! And I think it's smart of you to have her hold DLG, because I bet that one's gonna sell out fast!


Well-known member
My brushes weren't scratchy either! It's actually a pretty nice set.
sometimes after a few uses it gets scratchy or if you compare them to the actual sizes of the original brushes and not the SE sets you can tell there is a difference. i cant speak for these since i didnt try these but the past sets ive tried have been scratchy so i just stick to the full versions of the brushes


Well-known member
I guess I sound like a broken record, but Prom Princess is absolutely divine on NW10-20. Albeit its scarily dark color in the pan, it turns into the most beautiful berry color on cool, pale skin. If you have Unconventional blush, try it with PP. The colors go so well together.
Unconventional is my favourite blush (of an admittedly small selection), and that sounds like a great combo. Prom Princess has long been firmly on my list and the more I see/hear about it the more it becomes my absolute no.1 must buy from this collection!


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Off topic: OK... who's drooling with me right now? Don't these Clarins summer lippies look yummy?
Just saw them and had to share.


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So hard to keep up with this thread lol. Can't believe Marilyn was surpassed. Just checked my tracking and now my package isn't supposed to arrive till the 7th, was originally supposed to be the 5th. Gonna get 2 day shipping next time...


Well-known member
So many NW10-NW15s here! Would anyone (especially on the paler side) mind sharing their best foundation matches? F&B, Studio Sculpt, and Giorgio Armani break me out, unfortunately. To stay on topic, I LOVE my Veronica's Blush and I can't wait to get my Prom Princess that I ordered today! Also got DLG, RR, BB, and the Caramel Sundae quad.


Well-known member
A Veronica inspired look as I head out to the event. The second picture is my eyeshadow before mascara. I obviously don't need the spoiled rich quad, lol. I'm wearing prom princess and daddy's little girl.


Well-known member
idk if this was talked about but did anyone noticed how stained your lips get after using daddys little girl??