MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Here's my damage at the Archie's Girls event tonight. It was a fun time, but I'm glad I preordered because it was pretty crowded. When I was ready to leave I just went to the register and picked up my goodies. A professional photog took my picture with Archie. They will mail it to me. I'll give that to the Hubs since he's a fan of the Archie comics. I got two commemorative buttons and two heart shaped tins of candy. One will be a treat for my daughter for Valentine's Day along with a SR quad & Double Trouble NP. While there, I did a B2M for Samoa Silk e/s since it's going bye, bye. Since I was on a roll, I got three items from YOTS, Viva Glam Nicki 2 l/s & l/g and a Veluxe brow liner & brow gelcreme arrived in the mail today. The cherry on top of this massive haul will be my NARS Light Reflecting Loose Setting powder which will arrive on Thursday.

OH MY!!!


Well-known member
I can't buy shit I'm seriously in my car crying right now and I have to take a fucking math quiz in 5 minutes. I'm so soooo upset and no one around me understands or even cares! it was supposed to be my first party but kow I really don't see the point since I don't have any fucking money!
Awww Naughtyp. That really sucks. I'm reading this late---my heart sank for you when I read this! I hope you went to the event anyway, and placed the items on hold until tomorrow.


Well-known member
blew some gift cards at the mac site, nordies, and sephora!! I got..

(previously on launch day I ordered Caramel Sundae, Ronnie Red, Girl Next Door, Cream Soda)

Mac site:

MSFN light Plus
Embrace me LL
Nightmoth LL
Soft Brown E/S
Blanc Type ES (refill)


Veronica's Blush PM
Daddy's Little Girl ls
Boyfriend Stealer ls


Nars Loose light reflecting powder
UD Glinda Palette.

NICE haul. We're all on the NARS LRP train aren't we?
Have you tried it and what do you think?


Well-known member
Wish I could help you CC.
I passed on the lip glasses because I have so many already that I don't even use. I did get Boyfriend Stealer, and I have Oh Oh Oh from its original release.
MissTT talked some sense into me, so I'm going to hold fast on the lipglasses. I also haven't been wearing my current glosses as much.


Well-known member
WOW! Some of you gals are going all out for this collection! LOL! My haul is tiny compared to some of y'all!

I'll post pics when I can get everything! I'm still waiting on two more packages! BTW...I'm SO lemming over Prom Princess but, I have a lot of natural redness in my
cheeks and I'm sure it will only make it worse..But, I want it SO badly! Dammit!


Well-known member
OH MAN! there's really nothing more thrilling than a gigantic HAUL! :) did they give away those candy tins or did you have to redeem the coupon that was on the invite (like shop, cook) i didn't get an invite in the mail - just an evite..
Here's my damage at the Archie's Girls event tonight. It was a fun time, but I'm glad I preordered because it was pretty crowded. When I was ready to leave I just went to the register and picked up my goodies. A professional photog took my picture with Archie. They will mail it to me. I'll give that to the Hubs since he's a fan of the Archie comics. I got two commemorative buttons and two heart shaped tins of candy. One will be a treat for my daughter for Valentine's Day along with a SR quad & Double Trouble NP. While there, I did a B2M for Samoa Silk e/s since it's going bye, bye. Since I was on a roll, I got three items from YOTS, Viva Glam Nicki 2 l/s & l/g and a Veluxe brow liner & brow gelcreme arrived in the mail today. The cherry on top of this massive haul will be my NARS Light Reflecting Loose Setting powder which will arrive on Thursday.



Well-known member
Either MAC or UPS has lost my package.
I ordered as soon as it came online and got shipping confirmation on the 31st. I looked at the tracking just to see my delivery date which was supposed to be yesterday the 4th. I didn't get my package so today I called UPS and they told me to immediately contact the sender because there had been no scans or movement on my package, the info I was seeing goes in automatically from the sender it was just showing in transit with the order processed and the origin scan.

I called MAC CS and she said sometimes mistakes happen but they cannot open the investigation until 10 business days have passed.
I asked her to just be honest and let me know if I should be looking for this package or if I need to go the store on Thursday to get my stuff. She was kind enough to say she doubted I would get my order and if I purchase in the store let them know so they can credit my card.
She also told me if I wait the 10 days and don't get my lipsticks they would send them to me 2nd day air.

I asked how that would be possible as these things are selling out like crazy and she said they are obligated to fulfill my order and I would get my products. Maybe all the small restocks come from a stash of products they hold in case of emergency and once deliveries are confirmed they make that stock available. Sorry for the long rant I just needed to vent but I'm enjoying reading all the posts and seeing all the great pics.
Geeezzzzz. So sorry this happened to you! So will you just take your order confirmation to a MAC store, or wait? I would be beside myself too. I hope you can get this straightened out


Well-known member
OH MAN! there's really nothing more thrilling than a gigantic HAUL! :) did they give away those candy tins or did you have to redeem the coupon that was on the invite (like shop, cook) i didn't get an invite in the mail - just an evite..
There were coupons attached to the invitation but no one even asked me for it---probably because your name had to be on a list to get in, and if you made it in you belonged there and were given the heart shaped candy filled tin, a button and a photo op w/'Archie" wink wink


Well-known member
Was able to speak with my friend (the assistant manager at mac counter) she's going to hold 2 DLG and 2 RR for me since I missed the restock a few times! Was hoping to use Paypal on the mac site but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.. Charge it to the game! :) Right now I have 2 Bb, 1 kiss don't tell and 1 flatter me. After this I'm done! I think...


Well-known member
I'm so pissed I didn't get the pin. I could cry. I didn't know about the $75 dollar thing. A--holes at MAC, such a love hate relationship!
Haven't made it through the other posts, but if you still want the pin, you can have mine. It's still in its packaging.


Well-known member
Hope you're having a blast! Let us know how you liked the event! :cheer: Veronica Blush PM and Boyfriend Stealer l/s both look pretty on you! You have a gorgeous skin! How is your neck? I hope you're not in pain. Take care. :heart2: You have an awesome boss! Have a great time! I'm happy for you!:pompom:
thanks ;) he is pretty cool lol I owe him one!!


Well-known member
Totally adorable---love your smile!!!

Here is a picture of me (in not great lighting) wearing the Veronica's Blush PM all over and Boyfriend Stealer lipstick. I love them both, though Boyfriend Stealer definitely needs to have lips exfoliated before wearing!



Well-known member
There were coupons attached to the invitation but no one even asked me for it---probably because your name had to be on a list to get in, and if you made it in you belonged there and were given the heart shaped candy filled tin, a button and a photo op w/'Archie"  wink wink    :blink:
I didn't have an invitation so I asked the mac girl where are those at and she gave it to me. there was a girl handing out the pins and she did collect the tin ticket but the girl at the register just handed them out lol so I got two of each. The Archie was really cute but I was too shy to take a pic by myself lol. there's some pics of him on Instagram already lol


Well-known member
This is totally OCD, but I cannot, will not reuse a dirty brush.  I wash them EVERY night (including LE brush set, brushes) in baby shampoo and several drops of baby oil.  I wet the bristles and then dip the wet brush in the soap mixture.  I rub the brush in my palm, several times clockwise, several times counter clockwise and then several times back & forth on my palm until they're completely clean.  I then rinse them really well in tepid - cool water, gently squeeze the water from the brush with a paper towel and lay them flat to dry.  I wash more than one brush at a time.  Typically, I wash like-fiber & same-length brushes together, and have washed as many as five brushes at a time. :thud:
I'm the same way! It's not too bad really once you get in the routine. I usually clean them at night after I brush my teeth and then they are all dried and ready for use in the morning.


Well-known member
BS looks gorgeous on you, Knope

Same here. I wash my brushes every night. Eyeshadow brushes, face brushes, eyeliner brush, lip brush, and everything. I can't reuse a dirty brush. I wash them in a mixture of olive oil and dish soap. (I got this from Michelle Phan.) After I wash and rinse them, I wrap them up individually with a paper towel to dry and reshape. (This one is from Dustin Hunter.) I use something that everyone has in their kitchen and thankfully, my brushes look and feel as new every morning. OCD?
But I like a clean brush.

OH MY!!!


Well-known member
The Archie at my event was cute with his fake freckles.  A professional photog took my pic with him.  My hubs will get a kick out of it because he loved the those comics--BTW, that's how I justified the enormous sum that I spent tonight. :haha:
no professional photographer at my event everyone was using thier cell phones! another reason I didn't get a pic, I didn't feel like bringing more attention to the fact that I was there alone lol


Well-known member
Why don't you try using a brush with the pressed powder? That's how I'm planning on using mine when it arrives.
However, I know myself too well and I'll probably end up ordering the compact too. This is a perfect way to use one of my 129 LE set brushes or the 167 SH. They fit nicely into a small makeup bag.