MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


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ok so final verdict on veronica's blush on woc (nc43)?
i'm kinda intrigued by the hype on the pearlmatte formula, but i was wondering (assuming i can only get two of the three), which of VB, PP or mall madness i should get? i love purple gloss, but there's a part of me that knows that i like it but don't wear gloss very often...and on the other hand is it OTT to get both VB and PP?
Tough one. When the MA tried the Pearlmatte on me it wasn't the end all. But when I looked in other light I really liked it. So it's nice but Must have? Probably not. Prom Princess - I got that too. Probably shouldn't have as I've overdosed on blush but it looked more blue based than some recent bright pinks I've bought. Now, Mall Madness. . . I just ordered this. It seems this is another item that was left out of my bag. I'm wondering now if the items were sold out and they just didn't say anything. But that would be crazy since I was the first one in the store tonight. But Mall Madness is probably the most unique to my collection out of all of those. I'm thinking it will look nice paired with the darker lipstick.

BTW can anyone chime in ? I've just placed two orders. Should I call and ask them to combine them or is that asking for trouble?


Well-known member
I am seriously wanting that NARS powder now... I actually don't like NARS all that much (the lip products) but I just have this feeling that I *NEED* it... thanks guys!! ;)


Well-known member
This is totally OCD, but I cannot, will not reuse a dirty brush. I wash them EVERY night (including LE brush set, brushes) in baby shampoo and several drops of baby oil. I wet the bristles and then dip the wet brush in the soap mixture. I rub the brush in my palm, several times clockwise, several times counter clockwise and then several times back & forth on my palm until they're completely clean. I then rinse them really well in tepid - cool water, gently squeeze the water from the brush with a paper towel and lay them flat to dry. I wash more than one brush at a time. Typically, I wash like-fiber & same-length brushes together, and have washed as many as five brushes at a time.
Wow! You would hate my brushes. LOL I have good intentions but I don't follow through with my cleaning routine. I will try harder. The only thing is sometimes I do wash them at night and they are not dry in the morning.


Well-known member
I don't know if you got a response to this dear. The Nars powder is a reflecting powder. It give the face a soft blurred 'photoshop' appearance, also reduces the appearance of large pores. It photographs better than other powders - not white ghosting cast. It causes your makeup to last a very very long time. Its really really a beautiful face powder. We have a thread on it where you can read everyones experience with it.


Oh man.. today I went into Sephora to get a sample of this stuff.... I'm waiting till payday on Friday to get it. Well I told her about how this great this is supposed to be and then she went on and on about how much better the MUFE is... and when I said it seems to have a white cast in photos she told me "I'm not trying to argue with you but you must be putting too much on... blah blah blah..." and then I tried to say something again and she went on about how I use too much...which btw i wasnt even wearing... so I just let her talk.... and got sample and left. Teach me a lesson to go to a different Sephora than my normal one. yeesh..


Well-known member
Ronnie Red sold out at the event. That one is going to be the hardest to find. Caramel Sundae looked so pretty on the MUAs. Prom Princess too; it has a gorgeous sheen. I'm going to have to go back for a few more things.
That is so cute! I wonder if it was a stencil or if the girls just slapped on RR and puckered up!

On another note, today was
Part Two! This week is so crazy I haven't had a lot of time to play with my new goodies, but I tried BB on yesterday (as previously reported) and today I got my Boyfriend Stealer l/s, so I tried that on right away. I love it!! I kept going back on forth on whether or not I wanted this one because the swatches all looked so different, but since I realized I had a g/c to spend, I figured I may as well take the chance, and I'm so glad I did! It's a really fantastic dark plum on me. I will probably put FoF l/g from GD over it this weekend. I also find it interesting that a few people have said they need to exfoliate before wearing this lippie because it makes their lips flaky and/or goes on patchy. I didn't experience either of these problems, personally. BB was a million times flakier on my lips than BS! So once again, when it comes to my lips, cremesheens > satins.


Well-known member
This is totally OCD, but I cannot, will not reuse a dirty brush. I wash them EVERY night (including LE brush set, brushes) in baby shampoo and several drops of baby oil. I wet the bristles and then dip the wet brush in the soap mixture. I rub the brush in my palm, several times clockwise, several times counter clockwise and then several times back & forth on my palm until they're completely clean. I then rinse them really well in tepid - cool water, gently squeeze the water from the brush with a paper towel and lay them flat to dry. I wash more than one brush at a time. Typically, I wash like-fiber & same-length brushes together, and have washed as many as five brushes at a time.
I tend to reuse eye brushes a little but I don't like reusing face brushes after nearly ruining my Snowglobe BP!! I am much more careful now.


Well-known member
Here's my damage at the Archie's Girls event tonight. It was a fun time, but I'm glad I preordered because it was pretty crowded. When I was ready to leave I just went to the register and picked up my goodies. A professional photog took my picture with Archie. They will mail it to me. I'll give that to the Hubs since he's a fan of the Archie comics. I got two commemorative buttons and two heart shaped tins of candy. One will be a treat for my daughter for Valentine's Day along with a SR quad & Double Trouble NP. While there, I did a B2M for Samoa Silk e/s since it's going bye, bye. Since I was on a roll, I got three items from YOTS, Viva Glam Nicki 2 l/s & l/g and a Veluxe brow liner & brow gelcreme arrived in the mail today. The cherry on top of this massive haul will be my NARS Light Reflecting Loose Setting powder which will arrive on Thursday.



Well-known member
Wow! You would hate my brushes. LOL I have good intentions but I don't follow through with my cleaning routine. I will try harder. The only thing is sometimes I do wash them at night and they are not dry in the morning.
Mine are always dry in the morning. Maybe it depends on where you're putting them to dry---or my house is too warm


Well-known member
I'm in line right now for the party I don't kno what I'm going to get !!!!! ahhh so excited even tho I'm here all by myself! my cousin had to take care of my grandpa in Palm Springs n my mom was gonna go with me but now her boyfriends son didn't pick him up so she had to leave. I wasnt going to come after the day I had but I figured pretty new makeup will be the only thing to make me. happy! lol
You have an awesome boss! Have a great time! I'm happy for you!


I'm too pale for any of the mac foundations (so white essentially) and it looks great! If I actually could choose any one purchase from the entire collection it would be DLG ls. It looks gorgeous just blotted on as well :)


Well-known member
Here's my damage at the Archie's Girls event tonight. It was a fun time, but I'm glad I preordered because it was pretty crowded. When I was ready to leave I just went to the register and picked up my goodies. A professional photog took my picture with Archie. They will mail it to me. I'll give that to the Hubs since he's a fan of the Archie comics. I got two commemorative buttons and two heart shaped tins of candy. One will be a treat for my daughter for Valentine's Day along with a SR quad & Double Trouble NP. While there, I did a B2M for Samoa Silk e/s since it's going bye, bye. Since I was on a roll, I got three items from YOTS, Viva Glam Nicki 2 l/s & l/g and a Veluxe brow liner & brow gelcreme arrived in the mail today. The cherry on top of this massive haul will be my NARS Light Reflecting Loose Setting powder which will arrive on Thursday.
So, basically, you didn't buy that much, huh

Wow, great haul!!! Did you get the tins for spending a certain amount then?


Well-known member
Ronnie red sold out before I was able to snag it! I picked strawberry malt instead but I think I should got boyfriend stealer!! everyone kept complimenting me on it. shoot! lol hopefully I will get RR BS and GND for my cousin on Thursday!


Well-known member
Here's my damage at the Archie's Girls event tonight. It was a fun time, but I'm glad I preordered because it was pretty crowded. When I was ready to leave I just went to the register and picked up my goodies. A professional photog took my picture with Archie. They will mail it to me. I'll give that to the Hubs since he's a fan of the Archie comics. I got two commemorative buttons and two heart shaped tins of candy. One will be a treat for my daughter for Valentine's Day along with a SR quad & Double Trouble NP. While there, I did a B2M for Samoa Silk e/s since it's going bye, bye. Since I was on a roll, I got three items from YOTS, Viva Glam Nicki 2 l/s & l/g and a Veluxe brow liner & brow gelcreme arrived in the mail today. The cherry on top of this massive haul will be my NARS Light Reflecting Loose Setting powder which will arrive on Thursday.

they gave out tins!!! how cute! aw i want one! I need to get samoa silk soon, do they have it in pan form still?


Well-known member
If I were only going to get 1 pearlmatte which one do you think would be most flattering for somebody who is around NW15/NW20? I've been leaning towards Flatter Me because it would warm me up a bit and sometimes I need that, but Veronica's Blush is lovely too
I really don't think I'm going to be able to afford both. What do you guys think?

Edit: I was also thinking about going with Flatter Me over Veronica's Blush because there are going to be more silvery pink based pearlmattes coming out with Baking Beauties, but I feel like Veronica's Blush might be more suited for people with cool skin so I'm super conflicted.


Well-known member
Tough one. When the MA tried the Pearlmatte on me it wasn't the end all. But when I looked in other light I really liked it. So it's nice but Must have? Probably not. Prom Princess - I got that too. Probably shouldn't have as I've overdosed on blush but it looked more blue based than some recent bright pinks I've bought. Now, Mall Madness. . . I just ordered this. It seems this is another item that was left out of my bag. I'm wondering now if the items were sold out and they just didn't say anything. But that would be crazy since I was the first one in the store tonight. But Mall Madness is probably the most unique to my collection out of all of those. I'm thinking it will look nice paired with the darker lipstick.

BTW can anyone chime in ? I've just placed two orders. Should I call and ask them to combine them or is that asking for trouble?
Not much experience with that but you can try. Two different reps may have the orders. To avoid confusion I would leave well enough alone--it's free shipping and hopefully you'll get them the same day since you placed the orders so close together right?


So many NW10-NW15s here! Would anyone (especially on the paler side) mind sharing their best foundation matches? F&B, Studio Sculpt, and Giorgio Armani break me out, unfortunately. To stay on topic, I LOVE my Veronica's Blush and I can't wait to get my Prom Princess that I ordered today! Also got DLG, RR, BB, and the Caramel Sundae quad.
NARS sheer glow in "siberia", Tarte BB tinted treatment in "fair", Tarte smooth operator tinted moisturizer in agent 00. Tarte Maracuja Miracle Foundation in Fair.
I like Tarte b/c I have major breaking out issues and I find their face products don't clog my pores. :)


Well-known member
I wore Cream Soda today, and it looks great on NC40 skin!! I had doubts that it would not show up all that well, but boy is it pigmented...I will be picking it up ASAP.


Well-known member

DLG applied normal.

DLG - dabbed on

GND- I have NYX pale pink lip liner under it so it didn't look 1980's on me

Top left is Mall Madness - looks uneven in this pic, it's just a crappy cell camera. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Top Right is wonder woman's athena's kiss
Middle is Dish it up
bottom is DLG
I don't know if it shows but at the very wayyyy bottom there is little line of lip liner and it's NYX sand pink

first time trying to take pics for a website, "i tried". I do not wear foundation so I can't compare but 1 MAC counter said i'm NC15 and another said I'm NW15, so basically i'm pale LOL.
Dish it up pulls more purple on my lips and DLG pulls more pink they are very similar on me but DLG looks better on my complexion :) I don't know if any of these help. i should have smiled but my 4 yr old kept sticking hands, feet and toys in the pics so i had to crop them