MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
I will give Nicki a whirl the next time I'm in Den Haag or Rotterdam but I'm not holding my breath. I wear all kinds of not-so-flattering colours just for kicks and I don't have problem with looking like Krusty the Clown's secret lovechild every now and again. It's just makeup and it comes off at night lol. But StG is in a league of its own

re: housemates - well, you could start with getting the guys to wear NP. If they refuse send them over to the NP thread. We'll be happy to show them the error of their ways
I also don't mind the strange shades like lavender and I guess that's why I like StG too. Poor guys, I don't think I can do that to them


Well-known member
I had a real discussion with my boss saying he took me less seriously when I wore make-up. I was like... what. He said he preferred it all natural and I told him that was bullshit, that they don't see it when we wear natural make-up. :D "I do!" Sure, hahah
Aaaargh! This sort of patronising tosh infuriates me, it really does. It's bad enough when people do this to their friends/family/significant others etc. but "preferring" an employee to look a certain way? Really? Unless your makeup/clothing/body mods/hair interfere with your work and make you less productive your boss should have absolutely F-all to say about your appearance.

Jeez, I'm pissed off now. Good thing my boss isn't at all bothered with superficial nonsense like this. I'm going to buy him a drink when he gets back from his holidays next week.


Well-known member
I also don't mind the strange shades like lavender and I guess that's why I like StG too. Poor guys, I don't think I can do that to them
There are some enlightened men out there who like a bit of NP. Yes, they are few and far between, but they exist!

Incidentally, if an enlightened man who likes a bit of NP is reading this, PM me. Granted, you also need to be a convincing enough lookalike of a certain semi-retired rhythm guitarist but we can always find a good cosmetic surgeon to fix that


Well-known member
I also don't mind the strange shades like lavender and I guess that's why I like StG too. Poor guys, I don't think I can do that to them
There are some enlightened men out there who like a bit of NP. Yes, they are few and far between, but they exist! Incidentally, if an enlightened man who likes a bit of NP is reading this, PM me. Granted, you also need to be a convincing enough lookalike of a certain semi-retired rhythm guitarist but we can always find a good cosmetic surgeon to fix that :supacool:
I used to date a guy who wore black np. :lol: Back in my 'black' days. I feel so old now lol.


Well-known member
I also don't mind the strange shades like lavender and I guess that's why I like StG too. Poor guys, I don't think I can do that to them
There are some enlightened men out there who like a bit of NP. Yes, they are few and far between, but they exist! Incidentally, if an enlightened man who likes a bit of NP is reading this, PM me. Granted, you also need to be a convincing enough lookalike of a certain semi-retired rhythm guitarist but we can always find a good cosmetic surgeon to fix that :supacool:
I used to date a guy who wore black np. :lol: Back in my 'black' days. I feel so old now lol.


Well-known member
I had a real discussion with my boss saying he took me less seriously when I wore make-up. I was like... what. He said he preferred it all natural and I told him that was bullshit, that they don't see it when we wear natural make-up. :D "I do!" Sure, hahah
That's such bull. We're damned when we do wear it and we're damned when we don't, which is so unfair!


Well-known member
There are some enlightened men out there who like a bit of NP. Yes, they are few and far between, but they exist!

Incidentally, if an enlightened man who likes a bit of NP is reading this, PM me. Granted, you also need to be a convincing enough lookalike of a certain semi-retired rhythm guitarist but we can always find a good cosmetic surgeon to fix that
I personally don't like nailpolish on most men (which would include my housemates I guess
), but on some it just works with their looks. I'll keep an eye out for one and let you know


Well-known member
My boss *like likes* me so that's why he might be saying that. He says it's to cover up my insecurity and we've had several discussions about it, I say there's nothing wrong with it if covering up some red spots makes me feel more secure. Hell, if I wanna paint a Da Vinci on my eyelids, no one's gonna stop me!

Me being more secure makes me happier and a better coworker and person for them to be around, no?

I usually don't wear make-up when I'm working because I'm not in the mood for it and I feel fine... unless there's someone cute around. Then I'm like, damn, I wish I would've put more effort in my face! Hahaha


Well-known member
AWWW buick, I'm sorry u do not like saint germain, At first I didn't quite like it too and thought it was over rated, but later I found that when I wore pastel minty green eyecolors, or turqoise e/s, saint germain actually looked quite nice with it. Only that I need to find the right sort of eye colors to match it.

And I Finally got about swatching the cheek products from archie girls



Well-known member
Yes! I resisted so long then had to resort to Ebay but RR is so worth it. I guess I felt I had plenty of reds but I just love RR. And it really is different enough to justify getting it. Plus, the special packaging put me over the edge--I think its a must have!
Looks gorgeous on you. I am starting to want to get it! But I am on a no buy--what to do?
Love it on you. (trying to resist going to e-bay to get this one, I already have Outrageously Fun so I think I will skip it. With the special packaging and it looking so fabulous in all the swatches, its going to be hard to not get it)
I think OF and DLG are similar swatched on my hand. But, on my lips DLG comes off not as bright but, more rich in color. And it was WAY easier to apply! And the staying power was WAY better than OF. Just sayin? LOL!


Well-known member
I usually don't wear make-up when I'm working because I'm not in the mood for it and I feel fine... unless there's someone cute around. Then I'm like, damn, I wish I would've put more effort in my face! Hahaha
Well it's great that you aren't that bothered about it, but I know for a fact that I'd be very pissed off if my boss started going on about my (real or imagined) insecurities. I have enough sense not to make personal comments about my colleagues (and that includes my superiours) and I expect no less in return. I welcome their feedback, positive and negative, as long as its work related. The moment they start yapping on about me, we have a problem.


Well-known member
AWWW buick, I'm sorry u do not like saint germain, At first I didn't quite like it too and thought it was over rated, but later I found that when I wore pastel minty green eyecolors, or turqoise e/s, saint germain actually looked quite nice with it. Only that I need to find the right sort of eye colors to match it.

That's StG?!

Trust me, if it looked half as good as this on me I'd have got multiple BUs of the stuff!


Well-known member
I don't think it's a lot actually. I've heard people had 25 housemates or so, but they live in small flats. It's quite nice, because I don't have to cook as often and there is always someone at home, so I don't have to feel lonely (and there's always someone that can help me out when there's a scary spider
I also don't mind the strange shades like lavender and I guess that's why I like StG too. Poor guys, I don't think I can do that to them
Don't you just love these?
They catch me by surprise too often



Well-known member
Aaaargh! This sort of patronising tosh infuriates me, it really does. It's bad enough when people do this to their friends/family/significant others etc. but "preferring" an employee to look a certain way? Really? Unless your makeup/clothing/body mods/hair interfere with your work and make you less productive your boss should have absolutely F-all to say about your appearance. Jeez, I'm pissed off now. Good thing my boss isn't at all bothered with superficial nonsense like this. I'm going to buy him a drink when he gets back from his holidays next week.


Well-known member
AWWW buick, I'm sorry u do not like saint germain, At first I didn't quite like it too and thought it was over rated, but later I found that when I wore pastel minty green eyecolors, or turqoise e/s, saint germain actually looked quite nice with it. Only that I need to find the right sort of eye colors to match it.

And I Finally got about swatching the cheek products from archie girls

Love it! Are you wearing the aqua Betty pigment in that photo? Its gorgeous. I really like St. Germain too.


Well-known member
Well it's great that you aren't that bothered about it, but I know for a fact that I'd be very pissed off if my boss started going on about my (real or imagined) insecurities. I have enough sense not to make personal comments about my colleagues (and that includes my superiours) and I expect no less in return. I welcome their feedback, positive and negative, as long as its work related. The moment they start yapping on about me, we have a problem.
Problem is that we hang out and talk outside of work as well, so I don't see it as an attack on me as a coworker, or any attack at all, just critique and a point of discussion. Can't really talk him out of it though, I need to think of some better arguments, haha :D We don't talk about this while we're working, he usually runs when he sees me when he's working. I'm a scary little girl. :3

This is for the spider pic:

And something ontopic: Oh man, I love DLG. I keep putting on clothes that would match with DLG so I have an excuse to wear it when I go out. :D Hehe


Well-known member
First I felt like barfing, but in the end it became somewhat endearing. Then, disaster tourist that I am, I decide to watch some videos that are suggested after your video.
Did I mention that I absolutely detest spiders?