No implication that you're not intelligent. I see Ph.D.s make grammatical and spelling errors all the time. It's just an error i hear frequently - like "could care less." ..."So," i say to myself, "just how much less could they care?" Because obviously they still care, if they could care less (in other words, they meant to say "could
n't care less").
Lots of people get "literally" and ["virtually" or "figuratively"] confused. So i hoped it might help some other folks before they figuratively burst into flames
I do editing IRL - which people seem to think can be replaced by "spell check" - which usually can't tell the difference between "form" and "from" typos - and "grammar check" - which i've seen suggest appallingly terrible inaccurate corrections. And i make mistakes myself when rapidly typing posts; then i berate myself when i see them, because then i'm being a bad example.
<= me reading my own e-mail errors