:agree: I've never purchased makeup with the sole intention of having it in "special packaging" because I purchase with the intent to use it. Not to mention I prefer not to pay more than I have to for anything lol. Besides...for those items I use up I do want the option to B2M them (wish other brands offered a program like this). I don't think you can do that with special packaging. And unless I purchase special packaging items with no intent on using them (for collection purposes) then I have no clue what I'm supposed to do with the empty special packaging once it's gone. Not knocking anyone that loves SP stuff...I'm just not that crazy about it. Of course...I say this while knowing full well I don't often use up ALL of any of my makeup (only been able to B2M eye shadow packaging because I went on a depotting frenzy...otherwise, the stuff I have B2M was packaging from stuff like brush cleanser, moisturizer, etc.).