Exactly! Who in the right mind would try out a l/s on their lips - no matter what the MUA claims...?! And yes, I've seen worse at stores, especially at events. It's simply gross!
Get this. My best friend almost died from meningitis. Obviously she could've gotten it from anywhere, but the most likely source was from work, at the counter. So we replaced all the lip products that couldn't be sanitized-all the glosses. Our upper management ripped us a new one for doing that, as it "costs too much money to replace that many testers". I fucking hate the management! That following weekend we had a customer come in for a makeover who was just released from the hospital after contracting meningitis. If you think about, you wouldn't be safe trying on glosses, mascaras, gel/liquid liners, foundations or concealers. Just because it doesn't have a wand o. It doesn't mean someone didn't double dip with a disposable. People are ignorant when it comes to that kind of thing. I caught people double dipping all the time and had to replace testers cuz of it frequently. I even came back from the bathroom and saw teen girls behind the counter opening live foundations and testing them on their faces. Seriously.
Yes, you can pass it on to your child during birth if you happen to be having an outbreak at the time of delivery, but I have heard it is pretty rare. They will usually try and do a c-section birth if the mother is having an outbreak at the time to avoid passing it along to the baby. Kissing a baby when you have a cold sore can also pass it along, though that goes for adults as well.
Exactly. If you've had a cold sore, you carry the herpes virus. It's surprising how many people think a cold sore is just a sore like a canker sore. It's as simple as sharing a cup with someone to contract it.
I also doubt it was on the lipstick. It doesn't live and breed on surfaces. I never sit on toilets and in my drunk days as horrible as this sounds, I always peed on a bush because I was so scared I would sit on a toilet and get herpes! My dr has always insisted I wouldn't lol though I still refuse to take the chance. You can get it from kissing the wrong person. Oral herpes aka cold sores are different from genital herpes. As for child birth I think it's in your 30s, maybe 34thweek of pregnancy, they start to give you something that keeps you from having a break out so you can deliver vaginally since its only transferred if you have a break out. Though many opt for c-section
Omg i just posted this on Fb today. I was at the airport and had to pee and the seat was covered in pee. I'm more likely to catch something cleaning up the pee! The only way you can catch something from a toilet seat is if you have an open sore on your bum and you sit down, and STDs have never been cought from a toilet seat. I'm tired of cleaning up grown-ass womens' pee just so i can pee! So relax all you hoverers. You can safely sit.