RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
Feedbacks or lack thereof sometimes are more true indicators of how some members here truly feel about you than their written response. I personally feel that a lot of the members overseas are generally warmer, a bit more tolerant and accepting than some members located in the US. Lack of comments and/or feedbacks can be seen as indirect slights, being ignored and cues to actually make you aware of how someone actually feel about you. I don't post on Facebook anymore and have my account inactivated as I felt shy and uncomfortable however I feel more at ease posting on Specktra. I think that familiarity, bonds, length of membership etc have a lot to do with perceived acceptance. I am still fairly new to the site and to be honest I do feel odd and out of place at times but it could be just me and my sensitive nature. I am able however to shrug off any form of negativity due to the fact that I will be the first to admit that I am not very knowledgeable and skillful about a lot of things plus I wasn't collecting Mac way back when so I don't have a lot to compare and draw back on from years ago.


Well-known member
Well yes that could be, but sometimes you just need to have faith that people are meaning to do the right thing. Just think positive about it. Even if they don't mean it that way as long as you think positive they won't get to you. I'm not really sure if this makes sense, but english is not my first language so I don't know a better way to describe what I'm meaning.
I understand what you mean n I'm try to do this for now on lol


Well-known member
Although I've been lurking since the year Mac came out with Cult of Cherry, I've officially been a member since January. I limit my questions because I don't like catty responses. I'm mainly mobile when I'm here and sometimes it's hard to find an answer in this mode. There are other avenues to find an answer. My experience as a member has been great so far. I limit asking questions and mainly comment or answer what I know. I think everyone is excited about this collection and want to ensure they don't miss out.


Well-known member
Sign, never easy being a newbie. I think I've been here for a month and its nice to see people crazy about this stuff. Makeup whoring to the fullest. But not cool if someone acts like a jerk over makeup neither. On that note, for the most part this group seems awesome and helpful overall to each other.
Agree it just makeup I'm still a newbie myself and I don't now alot of the rules I still can't multiple quote its a learning process just like Anything else.i would never try to bring anyone down with a negative comment why comment then.we all are beautiful women with a passion for makeup.lets be honest here some threads be like 3000 comments most people are not going to read all of them if they have not been on in awhile.and some threads can be confusing its like 3 riri threads I didn't know until yesterday when the thread got locked.overall I love this site. I'm good at not paying attention to any shade coming my way which so far I have not received any.so in my Dora voice just keep swimming just keep swimming with a smile on my face


Well-known member
Maybe no one cares about my opinion but I was under the impression that the point of Specktra wasn't trying to join this elusive, private community but being able to come and share your love of makeup! I'm so over the mean and sarcastic comments to people!!!
I have to say, for someone telling others to relax -- you don't seem to be doing much of it yourself.

Specktra isn't an elusive, private community and as much as I understand people wanting to know the questions, the answers aren't hard to find. They can be found by googling, or reading back through posts. If they've searched and can't find it, then sure - ask away.

I also think it's incredibly rude to be calling someone out by name on here who you seem to have a disagreement with -- either message privately or don't name people, there's absolutely no need for it. I do however disagree -- Ernie has been more than helpful to me on numerous occassions and a lot of stuff I recently just purchased I wouldn't have made any informed decisions without her help and advice.

I've been here on and off for 3yrs. I don't post too much because I can't afford to keep up with the MAC collections like most girls here can -- and when I do have some spare money I still can't afford to go crazy and only buy one or two items however I do come on and read about them and see people constantly asking the same questions and as someone who doesn't post too much even I'm fed up of reading the same questions, let alone being the people who answer them. In saying that on occassion some of my questions have been ignored too, but if I don't get a response I dig harder to find my answer rather than get snotty because no one replied to me.

Even I still feel like an outsider at times because one of the best ways to get to know people here is to get stuck in the collection discussions which I can't always do due to lack of funds. Regardless though, there's absolutely no need for this kind of post/attitude.


Well-known member
so.. when's the release again? LOL kidding!


Well-known member
I definitely agree with the first part of Traycee's comment re: It's not that serious. I can understand annoyance/impatience at being asked when the collection is coming out when it is specifically stated in the title of the post. But why get snarky if a Newbie asks about stalking? Maybe they never lurked on Specktra and don't know how the process works. I thought the "jokes" or comments about that were unneccessary. Also regarding repetitive questions, sometimes a thread is like 100 pages deep. Even 55 pages deep such as this and some people don't have the time to go back and peruse every single post to get an answer, and so they just ask the question all over again. I understand that it probably is annoying but it happens. Anyways let's just all hold hands and sing kumbaya or something.


Well-known member
Let's be real: several people join Specktra, come into a forum and their *very first post* is a question that has been asked a million times already in that very forum. This only shows that the person didn't bother to try to read any of the previous posts and came in seeking an instant answer. We realize that the number of postings in any one thread can be overwhelming but, geez, take the time to investigate and use the search before asking.
Yea i agree. There were a few times someone asked a question that had been asked and answered on that very same page! And a lot of times its just a page before but almost always its on the very first page (the first page thing i get if ur a newbie u wont really know but like in every thread we keep saying a lot of info is on the first post) sometimes its like at least try to read the last few posts before asking lol. Its ok to ask but the problem is if everyone is asking the same question and people who know keep answering after a while its like please try to read and not just ask the question and leave the thread. This isn't like yahoo answer thing where u just post a question and disappear until u get an answer lol I ask when i cant find the answer after reading a bit and i do admit ill get lazy and wont read and just ask a question but its rarely a question ppl keep asking so i know i'm not being too repetitive with my question. Dont be afraid to ask questions but all we ask is to read a bit. ^_^


Well-known member
Maybe no one cares about my opinion but I was under the impression that the point of Specktra wasn't trying to join this elusive, private community but being able to come and share your love of makeup! I'm so over the mean and sarcastic comments to people!!!
Total and complete cosign!! I have the same experiences here.....


Well-known member
I definitely agree with the first part of Traycee's comment re: It's not that serious. I can understand annoyance/impatience at being asked when the collection is coming out when it is specifically stated in the title of the post. But why get snarky if a Newbie asks about stalking? Maybe they never lurked on Specktra and don't know how the process works. I thought the "jokes" or comments about that were unneccessary. Also regarding repetitive questions, sometimes a thread is like 100 pages deep. Even 55 pages deep such as this and some people don't have the time to go back and peruse every single post to get an answer, and so they just ask the question all over again. I understand that it probably is annoying but it happens. Anyways let's just all hold hands and sing kumbaya or something.
I suggest using the search feature then. Search "release date" or something like that. The thing is, if the thread is 55 pages deep or 100 pages deep, then one must know the chances are likely quite high that they aren't the first ones asking that particular question. Either people don't really know how to use a forum or they just don't care to learn how to use it. Some are like "huff huff puff puff, I'm not reading through all of that! I have a question and I want it answered right now!"

Take re-stocks for instance. When I notice a restock is done, I come to see if anyone has posted about it before I post about it because chances are, someone has seen the restock and posted about it before I do.

Most people peruse forums on their leisure time. Leisure time means you have time on your hands. If you have time on your hands, use it to read and peruse a little bit. An awful lot can be learned and found out that way.


Well-known member
Also if anyone gets really out of pocket do not be afraid to hit the flag button. But make sure its a legit problem and not because a comment was smart.

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
Uhm, so... when will this be available?  :hmm:   :roflmao: This new release date actually works better for me.  :bigthumb: Yeah, I saw a lot of idiots people posting ignorant comments.  That one in particular is very classy... NOT!  :down:   Someone else said, "No thanks I dont wanna get the Herp."  :blink:   "What about herpes????"  :lol:   "Riri woo gives u herpes."  :wtf:
LMFAO! Wow...ppl need Jesus,truely! For one how do they know this lady wasn't already caring the virus & just happen to have a "fare up" She may of saw this as her way of getting paid. That or she hates Riri;) But ya'll know there are plenty more Mac/mu junkies out there who will still buy this up. Cause like someone else stated..Rihanna wasn't actually making the products Smfh. Some ppl,Lord.


Well-known member
I'm just going to throw in my two cents. I'm still relatively new here, so take it with a grain of salt, so we can eventually start talking about happy stuff or not so happy stuff like how I would be waiting impationately for 8:45 (PST) to roll around and get my stuff if there wasn't a stupid delay. Any who, I just want to point out, that the complaints aren't about questions previously answered 50 pages prior, it's about the questions that were just answered within the past few hours or even a day or so prior. They are questions where the answer can be found on the previous page or even that same page. It wouldn't hurt for some to just skim through the first few pages. I feel that it's part of universal Forum Etiquette. There are tools to go huntin' for an answer and I personally try to be proactive enough to use them, but at the very least I try to skim through to see if my question is lurking around because mostly likely it's been answered.


Well-known member
Well in fairness you have posted questionable things before.
With all do respect I have not @Richelle83. That was the perception, not the reality! And the manner in which folks chose to articulate their concern was nothing short of bullying. Totally unneccessary and alientating to say the least.To question a persons integrity without any concrete evidence and to do so as part of a group is what should be deemed as questionable. Furthermore I have oberved several other members who are part of the "crew" post "questionable things" and there was no objection just a discussion. Hyprocrisy? I'd say so.....

Just my take....


Well-known member
It wouldn't hurt for some to just skim through the first few pages. I feel that it's part of universal Forum Etiquette. There are tools to go huntin' for an answer and I personally try to be proactive enough to use them, but at the very least I try to skim through to see if my question is lurking around because mostly likely it's been answered.
THIS! thank you. thats what i basically said in my little rant. also, for those who don't know, on the top of the main color collection page the list of dates are there


Well-known member
It wouldn't hurt for some to just skim through the first few pages. I feel that it's part of universal Forum Etiquette. There are tools to go huntin' for an answer and I personally try to be proactive enough to use them, but at the very least I try to skim through to see if my question is lurking around because mostly likely it's been answered.
At the top of the page, underneath every collection name in bold, there is a link for 'search this thread'. I went in just now in this particular thread and searched for "release date". Guess what I found?

I think most people here try to help others for the most part. Just the other day someone posted a picture and said they didn't know if they had already posted the picture. I kindly let her know for future references, whenever in doubt or unsure if she's already posted a pic or not, just go ahead and search the gallery. Every thread has an image gallery on the right side of the page.

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