RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
I can go on with these happy, fuzzy references! But back to MAC...who's re energized by this collection after being disappointed by the delay? ME!!!
I am also re-energized. Really, pleasantly surprised to sign onto the MAC site and not find it up. I was like, "Uh-oh... Specktra will know what's up."


Well-known member

Has anyone's sources confirmed yet if heaux is going to be like rebel? I know that's everyones theory. Im not to sure about these copy I mean inspired colors of permanent colors. Though I was happy with riri woo since I don't have ruby. I was never crazy for UTA
Hasn't been confirmed but the last IG posted posted really looks like Rebel and UTA to me. Which somehow kills my joy a little.


Well-known member
Seriously!! One of the hair forums I pay to be on would have chewed up and spit out some of the pictures we post! Thank goodness that doesn't happen here.
I agree....it took me a long time to put a picture of myself in my avi on here but I feel safe enough to do so because the people on here are so nice. There are other message boards I participate on that I would NEVER in my life post a picture of myself.


Well-known member
Erine if you're reading this, don't stop giving us information. You're kinda like my MAC informant...and I know insider trading is bad but I won't tell if you don't... With that said, lets just talk makeup and have a good time!
Amennnn! I, and I'm sure the majority of us on here, live for the MAC info you provide lol


Well-known member
There.. I'm not ignoring you.

*Pulls up a chair* *sits uncomfortably close to you* Well, hello there MACerette.

I don't really care about not having a question answered because it more than likely got lost in the shuffle. Also, I have the power of Google.
Come hither


Well-known member
Drama, Herpes, Rebel, Rhi-Rhi, OMG, lol..................Erine, don't let anyone ever change who you are and/or what you do. I remember playful banters between you and I on occasions when I was and may still be a mere 'who the hell is this chick" on this site. It was like no other member existed then and it felt so comfortable and natural (and you are not overseas either, lol). I think that it all makes for a flow of the forum good or bad, it is what make up family, pun intended. If we didn't disagree and argue then we wouldn't be a big happy family, right? Love all you gals and guys!!!! P.S. Funny thing, even when it seems like you are under attack I don't even flinch cause I know you can take care of yourself.......


Well-known member
Drama, Herpes, Rebel, Rhi-Rhi, OMG, lol..................Erine, don't let anyone ever change who you are and/or what you do. I remember playful banters between you and I on occasions when I was and may still be a mere 'who the hell is this chick" on this site. It was like no other member existed then and it felt so comfortable and natural (and you are not overseas either, lol). I think that it all makes for a flow of the forum good or bad, it is what make up family, pun intended. If we didn't disagree and argue then we wouldn't be a big happy family, right? Love all you gals and guys!!!! P.S. Funny thing, even when it seems like you are under attack I don't even flinch cause I know you can take care of yourself.......
Omg this killed me just now! :lmao:


Well-known member
Hasn't been confirmed but the last IG posted posted really looks like Rebel and UTA to me. Which somehow kills my joy a little.
i know what you mean -- i can kind of flip easily between having to have these for that reason, or skipping them altogether...
do you like the retro matte formula?


Well-known member
Hasn't been confirmed but the last IG posted posted really looks like Rebel and UTA to me. Which somehow kills my joy a little.
i know what you mean -- i can kind of flip easily between having to have these for that reason, or skipping them altogether...
do you like the retro matte formula?
I do like the formula which is why I'm still on the fence. The thought of having a matte rebel excites me more than a matte UTA.

Also I kinda dislike typing UTA because all I think about is UTI.


Well-known member
I am fairly new and I have NEVER felt like anyone was rude to me personally. I really like Erine because she has helped a noob like me SO MUCH. Sometimes I get things twisted a little on pics or collections. Erine and a few others have helped me get my facts straight. I appreciate it so much. Everyone KNOWS that women are naturally catty. Not everyone is going to like your username or pic or comments. My take on that is-WHO CARES what other peeps think. In the end-WE ARE ALL MAC addicts using each other to feed our habit so if you make a few "friends" along the way consider yourself damn lucky;)


Well-known member
I do like the formula which is why I'm still on the fence. The thought of having a matte rebel excites me more than a matte UTA.

Also I kinda dislike typing UTA because all I think about is UTI.
i love the retro matte formula, and both of those shades, so likelihood is that the riri side of the fence will win out on june 18th...


Well-known member
I just recently joined Specktra to feed my MAC addiction, but I just want to say that I have never felt that anyone was being rude to me, and Erine is seriously like a goddess lol. She provides so much information, and I incredibly grateful for all her help, because she definitely contributes greatly to the site. We love you Erine!


Well-known member
I just recently joined Specktra to feed my MAC addiction, but I just want to say that I have never felt that anyone was being rude to me, and Erine is seriously like a goddess lol. She provides so much information, and I incredibly grateful for all her help, because she definitely contributes greatly to the site. We love you Erine!

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