L to R...RRB, RRW, Heaux
ZOMG trying to post this took too long. I would post face stuff but I'm not in my best face right now

NC 20 if that makes a difference, but my inner arm is prob NC -5..
RRB is less bright than in this photo, much more "everyday" wearable than I thought it would be, however RRW and Heaux are 97% accurate to this photo. RRB went on the lips very smoothly (put on balm 5/10 min before that).
Heaux is hardly berry, especially once on the lips, it is more of a deep red (burgundy?) , but still gorgeous. A very sultry lip look. Did not go on as smooth as RRB but maybe because no lip balm underneath (SO BALM THAT ISH).
RRW is RRW lol, very pretty red, but you all know that!