RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
So my order is still pending. At this point, if I get my order I get it. If I don't, I don't. I have other stuff to spend my money on!
Yup just checked and mine is still pending. I have 4 orders in total for friends and my sister so if they cancel i guess my friends can re order with the whole back order thing but i think im done. Im not fussing around with this. Like shontay said im not angry anymore. I do feel free.


Well-known member
That's what I'm saying though, I had ordered 4 heauxs (lol I still giggle when I see that) pre noon, they got cancelled... Ordered three orders after noon and only one got canceled. That would've been 7. So I think somebody has to manually go in and review these and that somebody wasn't doing a good job yesterday.
Brttbby, this discrepancy is gonna put me in rage mode again LOLOL. God, I need to find a new brand... Is Ryan Gosling making any lipbalms?


Well-known member
https://mobile.twitter.com/gjesel I wonder if this is really Guillaume Jesel (MAC's VP of marketing) twitter cuz I'm thinking of sending him a longgggg tweet lol


Well-known member
Interesting thing just occurred to me: if they are cancelling all these orders, does that mean there will be stock leftover? RESTOCK?


Well-known member
Okay so I just called them. Pre-launch I ordered RiRi Woo, RiRi Boy, and 3 other permanent items. I called, gave her my order number, she said, ok, I see this order is showing as cancelled. I said yes, let's go in and adjust that order shall we? I told her I'd still like the permanent items and I'd like to add 1 more permanent item and to just get rid of the RiRi items. So, I'll be looking for a few dollars to be put back into my account. The MAIN thing that I wanted from that order (RiRi Woo) has been shipped in the second order I placed post-launch. RiRi Boy is the only thing I won't be getting and you know what? I'm not even sad about it. I can B2M for Up The Amp if I feel like I want another purple lippie. I really don't need any but sometimes I get that urge. You all know how that is. We didn't even have a discussion about leaked links, message boards or anything else. Rectify my order, put the rest back in my account, ship my order, Copperhead will be a satisfied girl.


Well-known member
my order is still pending


Well-known member
Brttbby, this discrepancy is gonna put me in rage mode again LOLOL. God, I need to find a new brand... Is Ryan Gosling making any lipbalms?
That's what I, saying! That's why I'm so mad is because MAC gives everyone different answers and not one of me makes sense. Keep my products but seriously work on ur CS and try and make things right with ur customers


Well-known member
Interesting thing just occurred to me: if they are cancelling all these orders, does that mean there will be stock leftover? RESTOCK?
That's what gets me too. All these "backordered" orders should be able to be filled since they are cancelling so many of the orders


Well-known member
1. If MAC doesnt have enough control of their own website to prevent "leaked links" they should really look into their own security. If they say a collection is to be released at 12, then dont make it available to the public (Even through sneaky shortcuts) before that. Since they have made it available, perhaps unknowingly, it's their own fault and they should honor the orders that was placed because it was purely up to themselves to ensure that the products wasnt available beforehand.

2. The way they talk to some of you is just appalling, I agree that they should probably change something when it comes to cancelling orders because getting a "Uhm i dunno" as to why someones order has been cancelled is just ridiculous.

3. Snatching peoples packages back from the delivery truck? SERIOUSLY?! Sigh.


Well-known member
Interesting thing just occurred to me: if they are cancelling all these orders, does that mean there will be stock leftover? RESTOCK?
Apparently not because my order is gone and they can't refill them because HK and BG are sold out... Makes no sense what so eber


Well-known member
Wow it sounds like they're not allowing multiples and have things "back ordered" because they're going through with a fine comb, canceling and then probably shipping that to the next person. Craziness. All I read was 1 item per order.. Not one per email/customer/household that's shitty. Glad I skipped this or I'd be sad!!


Well-known member
Just an FYI, MAC was having issues with paypal, so if you checked out with paypal, most likely you're order will be cancelled or you will get an email saying to call in to verify payment. I had to reorder because the MAC CS person told me paypal cancelled it, and there was nothing MAC could do. So, just a heads up to check your emails often, especially if you paid with paypal.
This is exactly what happen to me! Now this morning I have to confirmation emails! Thanks mac for putting through two orders! I only needed one order.