RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
That's what gets me too. All these "backordered" orders should be able to be filled since they are cancelling so many of the orders
They are telling people on their fb page that there will not be a restock, and to look for more Riri in the fall. They also keep saying that backorders are guaranteed to ship in July. Maybe they are betting on having enough cancellations to cover the backorders.


Well-known member
If your pre-noon orders got honored, consider yourself lucky... Sigh. If you were able to order multiple RRBs in one order, you are lucky as hell. If you are Canadian, I am envying you hard for your good health care and low gun violence AND your nice MAC CS! LOL.
Thanks for the explanation, it makes more sense than just the whole "I don't know" but it still sucks in a big way. I hope you get your items.


Well-known member
so my lippies order says shipped even though i have BUs in it
But i'm not holding my breath until i see the tracking number uploaded on UPS, it still says not found
but my legit blush order still says pending

after reading all of these posts it really does seem like they are randomly canceling orders


Well-known member
So, like a pathetic girlfriend in those Hallmark movies, I called MAC CS again to ask why. Why did they cancel 1 post-launch order and the other post-launch order now says "shipped?" I said, "I have been a customer of MAC Online for 10 years. I would hate to walk away without having received a proper explanation." (Saying this as a grown-ass woman is really hard to do.) The CS rep said because I had placed lipstick orders before noon (all of which got cancelled), the MAC online ordering system tallied 4 SKUs for each lipstick for my account. She said that the CS rep that suggested I place another order (to get backordered lipsticks) was WRONG because today's "make-up" order would have been cancelled, too, automatically. Someone will call me back to tell me what will happen next. That "SKUs" explanation sits better with me than "MAC is teaching you a lesson on fairness, Spektrette," or "Your bank/the universe screwed you, not MAC" explanation from earlier this morning. So, to those whose post-launch orders were unfairly cancelled, call and ask if your order got cancelled because of their SKU-reading issue. They MAY try to manually fix your order problems. I sure hope they make things right.
The way she explained it to me was (for example): Pre-noon orders - 3 Heauxs total (all cancelled) Post-noon orders- 1 Heaux (shipped) 1 Heaux (cancelled bc it's Heaux #5) If your pre-noon orders got honored, consider yourself lucky... Sigh. If you were able to order multiple RRBs in one order, you are lucky as hell. If you are Canadian, I am envying you hard for your good health care and low gun violence AND your nice MAC CS! LOL.
Wow it sounds like they're not allowing multiples and have things "back ordered" because they're going through with a fine comb, canceling and then probably shipping that to the next person. Craziness. All I read was 1 item per order.. Not one per email/customer/household that's shitty. Glad I skipped this or I'd be sad!!
None of this is true. I ordered multiples (multiples in one order, as well as multiple orders) and none have been cancelled. In fact, there's 6 of one colour and 5 of another that have been shipped, all of which are in 3 separate orders. They're feeding everyone lies.
I just called & got through right away, the rep said that the lipsticks were not coming back in the fall. I said to cancel anyway (because I'm f*cking pissed at the whole thing). She said the woo would ship and I said I don't want it,. I want to cancel the whole thing. She said she couldn't guarantee that it wouldn't ship but I could refuse the package. I really hope they don't ship it. I just want the whole thing canceled. It was still "pending" so they really have no excuse not to be able to cancel it. They canceled everybody else's orders forcibly, why not this one voluntarily? So about the lipsticks not coming back in fall, who knows if it's true or not? MAC CS is full of lies and misinformation.
No, the lipsticks are not coming back. I've said this from the beginning. If people want them, they need to order them now (still available for order) and wait for it on BO.


Well-known member
I'm just reading back on the snitch drama - the snitcher was banned? Her username doesn't show up on search, only as other people quoting her. All her posts are gone. I do agree with other posters that there should be some place where hookups like that are posted that has a post/time requirement like the clearance bin. I wish we had a place for coupon codes too (or is there one? maybe I can't find it)

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