RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
My order of RiRi Boy, Heaux and RiRi Woo got cancelled! I re-ordered RiRi Boy and Heaux lipsticks just now and my order of Barbados Girl Lustre Drop is still on pending.


Well-known member
So??? 4 is the legitimate limit anyway Why does that earn someone the label "greedy" Did you sign up today just to come here to scold us for BU's I also bought 2 boxes of Ritz Crackers at the store the other day...because we like them & they were on sale...is that greedy too? I am anything but a greedy person. Better not mention how many FM powders I bought :ban2:
:rofl: I love you. I went to the drugstore last week and you know those Starbucks Iced Coffee drinks? Not that Frappuccino crap, but they have new, real iced coffee drinks. Well, they had 7 and I took them all. I snatched them up in my arms, ran to the register like a mad woman and walked the streets back home with bags clanking. Not sorry. Hoard the makeup, the coffee, the crackers. It's there, take my money. :lol:


NO actually I found this site a few weeks ago & have been following in order to keep up with the RiRi collection. Today I finally decided to join but I liked how nice and helpful everyone was about MAC and their collections..

Sorry, I thought this was a place where one can state their opinion about something.. just as I've seen you do several times one here. No need to get mad because you fell into that category, if the shoe fits wear it & move on. I don't understand the anger. Like I said, I didn't mean to offend anyone.. I saw a few posts about this & decided that I would speak on it.


Well-known member
I really think the issue comes when people start calling other people names....that's never going to end well. We are all adults now. "Idiots" "greedy" etc. not cool
Luckily it has remained mostly civil!

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
Just got my 2 packages with one each of RRB and RRW .. just had to try RRB on and ofcourse lip swatch for everyone here.. the formula doesn't feel dry on the lips even tho when I tried applying it was tugging so I dabbed it on then swiped.. I kinda like this better than fml on me.. this was taken in natural lighting infront of my window..
So so pretty ;-)


Well-known member
So now we shouldn't buy backups because someone else personally doesn't do that?

I buy BU's ALL the time, not of everything, but certain things that I find I love on myself.

I am team "However many I want/need and can afford right now." If someone takes the time to stalk, stay up all night, or run around town like a madman trying to get a product, they can get as many as they feel they want. And, if someone wants to sleep in, not check the website like a stalker, or they have a job where they cannot do that, but they will pay an inflated price on ebay, they should do that without having to be guilted about it. Yeah, it sucks that MAC doesn't make enough product to go around, but it simple supply economics really. The less they make, the more the demand. Unless we as a group are going to actually boycott and not buy the product until they change their strategy. But that ain't gonna work either, there will be scabs and there will still be evilbayers that use their time/resources/whatever to get as much product as they can and make a profit.

On the bright side, I skipped the collection because I didn't think it was worth the drama of the waiting room. If there had been something I really wanted, I would have just paid the inflated price later because it was worth saving my time and mental aggravation to not have to put myself through it. Anyone who did, well you have my respect because I just would not have the mental fortitude.

For anyone whose order got cancelled, that is just wrong of MAC to do that, I would be flooding CS with calls until they made that right. Not that it would get results necessarily, but they would think long and hard about cancelling orders in the future for customers who thought they were making a legitimate purpose.

For those who get really pissed and don't want to play with MAC anymore, I understand that too. Unfortunately, I guess most of us are too addicted to not put up with the abuse. Luckily, these products are dupeable, so for me its a balance, if the product is really unique, yeah I will drive around town vein hunting, stalk or beg/borrow/bribe to get it, but if it takes TOO MUCH effort, well, I guess NARS or another brand gets my money. So, did we decide Dragon Girl is a NARS dupe for RRW? Do we have a dupe for Heaux? Cuz I kind of like the color. But not enough to kill somebody for one. As for RRB, well if someone wants to sell me their back up, I will likely want to try it, but its not different enough from UTA to justify drama to get it or inflated ebay prices...


Well-known member
NO actually I found this site a few weeks ago & have been following in order to keep up with the RiRi collection. Today I finally decided to join but I liked how nice and helpful everyone was about MAC and their collections.. Sorry, I thought this was a place where one can state their opinion about something.. just as I've seen you do several times one here. No need to get mad because you fell into that category, if the shoe fits wear it & move on. I don't understand the anger. Like I said, I didn't mean to offend anyone.. I saw a few posts about this & decided that I would speak on it.
Your opinion is cool but saying things like greedy is probably pretty offensive to most. I'm was an only child so ill bare my greediness... I want it all for me =D . Don't bother me one bit. Every man for himself! Or woman I should say! My parents taught me you snooze you lose....Nonetheless If people said you were uptight...it might offend you...JS keep the name calling out


Well-known member
:rofl: I love you. I went to the drugstore last week and you know those Starbucks Iced Coffee drinks? Not that Frappuccino crap, but they have new, real iced coffee drinks. Well, they had 7 and I took them all. I snatched them up in my arms, ran to the register like a mad woman and walked the streets back home with bags clanking. Not sorry. Hoard the makeup, the coffee, the crackers. It's there, take my money. :lol:
Lmao!! I hoard juice and yogurt. I always take ALL the juice off the shelf when it goes on sale! My son loves it!! And I used to buy ALL the blueberry oiko yogurt!! One time some lady gave me a stink eye lol


Well-known member
Damn.. so I ordered mine way later in the day (Only ordered RiRi Woo), and I'm still pending with no money taken out. Now I'm thinking this wasn't meant to be.


Well-known member
Just got my 2 packages with one each of RRB and RRW .. just had to try RRB on and ofcourse lip swatch for everyone here.. the formula doesn't feel dry on the lips even tho when I tried applying it was tugging so I dabbed it on then swiped.. I kinda like this better than fml on me.. this was taken in natural lighting infront of my window..

I really LOVE how this looks on you!

Please also post swatches here http://www.specktra.net/t/184065/riri-mac-june-2013#post_2410730


Well-known member
NO actually I found this site a few weeks ago & have been following in order to keep up with the RiRi collection. Today I finally decided to join but I liked how nice and helpful everyone was about MAC and their collections.. Sorry, I thought this was a place where one can state their opinion about something.. just as I've seen you do several times one here. No need to get mad because you fell into that category, if the shoe fits wear it & move on. I don't understand the anger. Like I said, I didn't mean to offend anyone.. I saw a few posts about this & decided that I would speak on it.
Shoe fits. I hoard those too :D


It's ok for you to attack & state your opinion about people on ebay but the minute someone says something that applies to you it's a problem... oh ok .. glad to know!

Thanks to all the people who chose to take my comment as a simple opinion and not get all rowdy about it. No harm


Well-known member
So??? 4 is the legitimate limit anyway Why does that earn someone the label "greedy" Did you sign up today just to come here to scold us for BU's I also bought 2 boxes of Ritz Crackers at the store the other day...because we like them & they were on sale...is that greedy too? I am anything but a greedy person. Better not mention how many FM powders I bought :ban2:
Lol. Funniest comment of the day!!!


Well-known member
So??? 4 is the legitimate limit anyway Why does that earn someone the label "greedy" Did you sign up today just to come here to scold us for BU's I also bought 2 boxes of Ritz Crackers at the store the other day...because we like them & they were on sale...is that greedy too? I am anything but a greedy person. Better not mention how many FM powders I bought :ban2:
Damn straight, Elegant. If anyone is mad, blame MAC for making you wait 3 hours to check out 1 lipstick and then having that damn order get cancelled. Blaming another MAC fan for being able to get 1. 2, 3, or 4 successfully is a bit misguided. I am happy for people that got their multiple RRB and Heaux. My orders getting cancelled had to do with MAC being inconsistent and vengeful heauxs. Now let me go cuddle my FM backups, which I will use til the end of time. These lingered at my counter for weeks so if someone missed out, program MAC counter and store numbers on your phone like I do!


Well-known member
I got what I wanted yesterday, I'm not speaking of myself. People keep bringing up MUAs, family/friends, and perms .. once again that's not who we're faulting. But anyway it seems that some are getting offended over it. It's just an opinion.. just as some may dislike the people that buy to resell... simple opinion. There was no intention to offend anyone so to avoid confusion I'm done on that subject...  :closed:
To be fair....the initial complaint/comment/opinion was very vague so it didn't seem to exclude anyone. It was said that people buying x-amount of items and how unfair it was/appeared to be...and how it didn't make sense because they would sell them or couldn't possibly use them. So of course people mentioned reasons why some people purchase so much. It's a forum...people are supposed to respond to comments made. It doesn't translate to anyone being offended (and if they were then responding is still great). We talk on here. We sometimes beat a topic to death. But save for some random amped up drama it rarely gets that serious. If people responding on the topic brought up offends you or anyone else I'm almost positive that was not the intention but anyone that posts on this or any forum has to accept that it is subject to being replied to and debated. If the initial intent was misunderstood it usually gets cleared up because of the responses.


Well-known member
So??? 4 is the legitimate limit anyway

Why does that earn someone the label "greedy"

Did you sign up today just to come here to scold us for BU's

I also bought 2 boxes of Ritz Crackers at the store the other day...because we like them & they were on sale...is that greedy too? I am anything but a greedy person.

Better not mention how many FM powders I bought



Well-known member
So??? 4 is the legitimate limit anyway Why does that earn someone the label "greedy" Did you sign up today just to come here to scold us for BU's I also bought 2 boxes of Ritz Crackers at the store the other day...because we like them & they were on sale...is that greedy too? I am anything but a greedy person. Better not mention how many FM powders I bought :ban2:
Lmaooo i just died


Well-known member
I think that everyone is entitled to an opinion, but its important to remember that if you state an opinion its something you should be willing to stand on if someone calls it out. I'm just saying


Well-known member
It's ok for you to attack & state your opinion about people on ebay but the minute someone says something that applies to you it's a problem... oh ok .. glad to know! Thanks to all the people who chose to take my comment as a simple opinion and not get all rowdy about it. No harm 
Same with ebayers...they beat me to the punch...oh well...I missed out. I don't get mad at anyone besides MACs horrible CS.