RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
or he is driving around wearing some RiRi lips


Well-known member
thats happened to me before!!! ughh and i went to the apt office where they leave our packages if we're not in and the lady said it was the lazy UPS man that day -.- so upsetting! other people were there too, i bet the guy just marked all of them as 1st attempt because he didn't want to go deliver
That really sucks, but it's known to happen. Our guy just rings the bell and leaves small packages at
the door, wether we're home or not. Anything large he puts in the garage for us.

When I look at all of the confusion here, from ordering, to orders being canceled, to delivery mishaps,
it's like this whole collection was somehow jinxed. It's surreal!!


Well-known member
I just tested Diva in my local MAC shop today and really liked it... That's good to hear! Diva is more brown than Heaux, I want to say significantly, but I don't own Diva, my friend does
Hmmm, Diva didn't seem particularly brownish to me, just dark. I was actually looking for a red darker than Deeply Adored, which is the first red i haven't hated on me, so i was comparing it with DA, looking for a red that leans blue rather than orange/brown. I'm pretty sure Diva is darker than and not as "pink" as Heaux.

I originally planned to order Heaux or RiRi Boy, then i decided not to, because i wanted to avoid the madness. I figured i'd just get the Lustre Drops and hoped i could get out of Purgatory The Waiting Room more quickly that way (Hah!). I figured i could make do with Up The Amp (same color as RRB, different finish). And i have a decent bunch of plums and berries, so i figured i'd pass on Heaux. But it took close to 15 minutes for the check box next to the Lustre Drops to show up on my computer and somehow both lipsticks ended up in my basket.

I'll get to compare Heaux with my other plums & berries and Diva, when she and the Boy arrive - my black box is due here Tues. 25th...


Well-known member
Internetchick!!! I just read your blog post, I seriously laughed reading the whole thing(more so out of annoyance). SMH No public apology or even a hey we cancelled order due to this.... What a great way to acknowledge your customers.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by PrettyKitty
Here's Heaux on me! Feel free to read my review and check my other swatches on my blog! (link is in my signature)

Ooooo, that looks nice on you! I was starting to have buyer's remorse
, but i think i can wear that color.

Now im wondering how it compares to Strong Woman...


Well-known member
And so people who missed out on it originally will get plenty of chances to get it, no worries of rushing and plenty of time to think about it as it's in all collections haha..
There should be plenty since RiRi Woo will be both in the Fall release (in August) and in the Holiday release, and i believe both will be in the special "rose gold" packaging.


New member
Hey ladys
I'll my my first post a confession...lol
So Im one one of those 894 evil lurkers who peeped the secret code to buy riri stuff before 12p... and got my stuff cancelled too.Ha..
ordered it on my phone(took 45 mins or so) after waiting 5 hours on my computer(still takes 2 hours to order from my computer.smh)
but i emailed them this:
"Yesterday my order(2******0) was cancelled, i have yet to receive an email notification for that, because of that, im inquiring if i will receive an email when my current order ships? or might it also be cancelled?"

alot of words to say,' Are you cancelling my Shhhh??'.lol

they said:
Thank you for taking the time to email us at MAC Cosmetics Online.

"Thank you for allowing us to explain that the product was not available to the public on the site at the time your order was placed. Individuals, using technological means to circumvent our site, were able to gain access to the collection prior to the time of launch. The instructions on how to "find" the collection were then posted online. Because we consider this to be an unfair advantage over the many customers who were awaiting the official published launch time, we made the decision to cancel orders placed prior to the actual launch time.

However, we wish to take the opportunity to confirm that the order 2######1 you placed after the official launch is processing. You can expect to receive further email communications with the status of this order as it fully processes. Thank you for your understanding in this matter."

So apperently yall are some HACKERS!!(jokes.lol)


Well-known member
Yup! They could do that and then have a rough guess of quantity made for the regular consumer to buy. That way then people also can't bitch that people on Specktra have BU's for themselves. ;)
Plus, it may even give us hoarders a chance to ease off BUs
There's a certain panic that sets in when you realize a few months down the road that you "should have" gotten a spare, whether the product is getting used very quickly, or if you've lost, dropped, or had your dog eat it.


Well-known member
i'm always amazed when i read that some ladies here have children almost my age.i can't imagine how it could be to have a mom collecting makeup like i do.you're the coolest moms ever
Seriously! I got my mom what I thought was the coolest gift ever with primer brushes, foundation, lip and eyecolors all in a box. IT'S UNTOUCHED except for a few things. My sister is even worse..

At least my mom appreciates when I bring her back nailpolishes.


Well-known member
There should be plenty since RiRi Woo will be both in the Fall release (in August) and in the Holiday release, and i believe both will be in the special "rose gold" packaging.
Is the fall collection for sure in August? I would think maybe Sept(hoping sept bday month lol) or Oct?


Well-known member
i'm always amazed when i read that some ladies here have children almost my age.i can't imagine how it could be to have a mom collecting makeup like i do.you're the coolest moms ever
For real! I took my Mom on a field trip to Sephora during a VIB sale, her first time in the store, and she couldn't stop commenting on the $100 face creams and how the store was ridiculously over-priced based on that. Her cosmetics consist of drugstore items that fit in a small ziploc bag. Um yeah, I couldn't even fit my essentials in a big ziploc freezer bag.

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