Richelle! You made my tea fly out of my nostrils in ALL kinds of directions-!! NCIS /CSI
Have yet to perfect the art of sipping tea whilst rolling on the floor.
On a more serious? note- We darted into Mac PRO store this afternoon to pick up two Show Orchids for my mom-( who still loves to rock killer lips while at the opera-lol - she's one of the great dames who still loves the Lauren Bacall aesthetic!) and one of my daughter's visiting friends was talking to two of the SAs who was saying rather hush hushly- that MAC had had it with illegal transactors who mess it up for everyone else. Moreover, that they were indeed looking into pursuing
legal recourse to not only rectify the matter but to set an example/precedent so that this never happens again..... Idle gossip/tongues wagging - or is this something that others can confirm. I just looked busy and distracted because I didn't really wish to engage- but it did leave me wondering.
Richelle- you appear to have your finger on the pulse of what is trending- what have you heard? Thanks-