RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
I know are they talking about eBay!? So what they're going to start writing "not for resale"? Please that won't fix or stop the problem. Just make more products and stop with this ridiculousness
They won't touch eBay bc they would probably end up prosecuting their own employees or friends and family. LOL. Plus "Buy now or pay eBay prices" helps drive the hype. I really hate to see MAC lose its way as a company. What happened to the upstart, diverse brand that was for all races, all sexes, all ages? Iris Apfel is doing a facepalm because MAC is being so uncool.


Well-known member
Don't feel terrible. I am sure T's handlers have already talked to her about posting the link. They probably have some way to figure out how many orders were placed through her link. I hope nothing bad happens to T. Like I said before, MAC has always allowed early orders and bloggers like T to tweet or post on FB that the collection is up. Nowhere on the press releases or fine print did it say customers had to ignore if products go live early. Not everything you put on your marketing pieces is legally binding... If we were to play like that, I could be mad that your skincare probably isn't made with moon minerals or some shit.
HA! It would be amazing to see them reprimand her the way they did us! She would never feature a product on her blog again. They'd lose so much business... They wouldn't. They reprimand us because they do it individually and we just come here and get mad


Well-known member
Hmm their FB page is pretty dead right now. Herp Gate to RiRi Gate...as a business I'd take RiRi Gate any day lol
They won't touch eBay bc they would probably end up prosecuting their own employees or friends and family. LOL. Plus "Buy now or pay eBay prices" helps drive the hype. I really hate to see MAC lose its way as a company. What happened to the upstart, diverse brand that was for all races, all sexes, all ages? Iris Apfel is doing a facepalm because MAC is being so uncool.
I agree totally


Well-known member
I cant believe yall dealing with CS still. Since this has started ive gotten cancelled mad times and back order emails and not one finger has been raised to place a call to CS. Lol i just let it be
You and me both. I said if my $$ is not in my account tomorrow there will be hell though.


Well-known member
Wait what? MAC is pursuing legal action? Against who, specktra? I'm confused! I dont have time for this, I have better things to do like watch the heat lose :haha:


Well-known member
I'm now convinced MAC has some form of crack derivatives in their ingredients. lol But on the surface some would believe it, the way this collection has been.


Well-known member
It is all about principle here. You want to make it fair, then actually make it fair. Don't say one thing and do the complete opposite. MAC is a great brand but they are not the only one than can make great products.


Well-known member
Omg don't tell me that
lmore lippies time! maybe is time to try the touche eclat!


Well-known member
It is all about principle here. You want to make it fair, then actually make it fair. Don't say one thing and do the complete opposite. MAC is a great brand but they are not the only one than can make great products.
Yep, yep yep, I agree. I actually told the first cs chic that, hey I buy a lot of Chanel, its great quality & a lot less drama...so maybe I'll just stay with them & forget MAC


Well-known member
On a more serious? note- We darted into Mac PRO store this afternoon to pick up two Show Orchids for my mom-( who still loves to rock killer lips while at the opera-lol - she's one of the great dames who still loves the Lauren Bacall aesthetic!) and one of my daughter's visiting friends was talking to two of the SAs who was saying rather hush hushly- that MAC had had it with illegal transactors who mess it up for everyone else. Moreover, that they were indeed looking into pursuing legal recourse to not only rectify the matter but to set an example/precedent so that this never happens again..... Idle gossip/tongues wagging - or is this something that others can confirm. I just looked busy and distracted because I didn't really wish to engage- but it did leave me wondering.

Richelle- you appear to have your finger on the pulse of what is trending- what have you heard? Thanks-
I just don't see this happening.

I really truly doubt MUAs are in the know regarding legal action. I would assume if MAC chose to go that route that the people involved would be sophisticated enough to not let information trickle down like that. They allowed some pre-launch transactions to go through, so if they wanted to show that this was unacceptable they should have cancelled them all. By allowing some they would have a harder time proving their side, if they were bringing legal action against people. Possibly they would have to take people to court in the state they live in, which would be extremely difficult (don't know for sure since I am not an attorney).

I think the more likely scenario is possibly banning people who they feel break their rules. I wouldn't like it if it happened to me, but I would easily get over it. It would be interesting to see how it played out if they chose that route. If they didn't do anything to bloggers who shared the link but banned customers, well that might be the beginning of the end.

This is all my arm chair speculation of course.


Well-known member
Way off topic, I'm watching the miss usa rerun and seriously Texas's makeup artist needs to get gone. Her eye makeup made her eyes look so heavy and droopy.... On side not, utah's answer was hilarious!!!!!


Well-known member
I'm waiting on money back too! Come on ya heauxs - you aren't giving my stuff and I sure as shit ain't giving you money for free! I'm calling CS first thing tomorrow if I'm still out the $32.

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