MAC Tropical Taboo Collection (2013)


Well-known member
Crap. I just checked my email and I also paid $30 instead of $36 (well, before my discount). I hope they won't cancel my order, I wouldn't mind if they charge me the difference but don't cancel it!
Mine said $30 this morning and is now higher on the site too! I hope they don't think we somehow hacked the site or anything (again).

Audrey C

Well-known member
Crap. I just checked my email and I also paid $30 instead of $36 (well, before my discount). I hope they won't cancel my order, I wouldn't mind if they charge me the difference but don't cancel it!
They won't cancel it, but they will charge the higher price. I had that happen a few collections ago (can't recall which - Archie's maybe? It had special packaging and the price on the site started as the 'regular packaging' price). My confirmation email listed the lower price, but the charge went through higher. I know I could have called and kicked up a fuss about it and I'm sure they'd have refunded the difference, but since they charged me the price that was all over the internet so I didn't bother. *Shrugs* I just paid the retail price for the items.

That's why there are no nasty notes on my file.


Well-known member
Wow... That is just... wow. Mac really seem to have a bee in their collective bonnet about "those sites on the internet" (i.e., us). Which is ridiculous if you consider how much sites like this do to build up their sales by generating excitement, providing swatches and details for people who don't live close to a store, etc. Lighten up already, Mac! Welcome to specktra!! Hopefully you managed to get away with the cheaper price. It's bad enough when the descriptions are wrong (or there are spelling mistakes), but they should really be more careful about the pricing. That mistake could end up costing them a lot of money. The only thing that would surprise me is if the stores received enough stock to meet demand. :eek:hboy:
It wouldn't be a MAC launch without drama. I am sure a sadist at MAC HQ is like, "On second thought, let's retrieve 2 of each item so there's only enough stock to make testers. King Kong got nothing on me!"


Well-known member
I ordered a bunch of AAO lipsticks on the morning of the Riripocolypse and they were supposed to come today.. My black box showed up this morning and only had a greenluxe eyeshadow pallete in it ...... Sooooooooooo rediculous. Good thing was I called CS and they said I can keep the pallete and they will resend my order. My Riri stuff should is still on the way and I ordered adored and simmer this morning so hopefully those orders will be correct. The online shipping department better shape up


Well-known member
They won't cancel it, but they will charge the higher price. I had that happen a few collections ago (can't recall which - Archie's maybe? It had special packaging and the price on the site started as the 'regular packaging' price). My confirmation email listed the lower price, but the charge went through higher. I know I could have called and kicked up a fuss about it and I'm sure they'd have refunded the difference, but since they charged me the price that was all over the internet so I didn't bother. *Shrugs* I just paid the retail price for the items.

That's why there are no nasty notes on my file.
I just checked and the transaction appear on my credit card, they didn't charge me more.. but maybe they will add it later?

Audrey C

Well-known member
The stores I go to usually won't allow customers to swatch the products before launch, at least thats what they've told me several times, and I hate the pressure of waiting outside the store the day of the launch...most of those women go crazy. I usually get there early and if I see there are people waiting before me I let them go first but sadly many dont respect that, then when we finally get in we're all breathing in each others ear, trying to get to the products eww makes me to anxious..Ill rather loose sleep and stalk the blogs for swatches.
Neither the standalone store I frequent nor the Bay will let me swatch, but the manager at the Bay counter took me aside a bit ago and said she'd be happy to hold items for me. I haven't taken her up on that yet because that didn't work out so well for me with MM and the MAC store. Things went missing from my bag and the only reason I got the items I wanted was through CPs here. I've bought very little from that store since then. It isn't spite or anything like that, but I told my fave MUA that since they aren't permitted to hold items and things sell out so quickly that I've shifted to buying online. I'm not prepared to run all over town to get what I want.

My local Bay frequently gets 3 or 6 of an item. They turn one into a tester and then have two to sell. It's ridiculous. I just can't be bothered to line up outside a store (in the middle of my work day) so that I can race to the MAC counter and hopefully be first. What it does mean is that I can rarely try items before buying. I no longer feel conflicted about returning what doesn't work for me since it's MAC sales practices that have me shopping this way. I've really liked that MAC has released items early to bloggers of late (although not for this collection, unfortunately); at least then I can see good swatches and read reviews. I don't often make a purchase mistake when I can do that.

Audrey C

Well-known member
I just checked and the transaction appear on my credit card, they didn't charge me more.. but maybe they will add it later?
The higher price was on my credit card from the beginning, so I think they caught the error quicker in my case. Maybe they're honouring the price for you - let's hope. I placed my order by phone today because I wanted to ask about the MSF, so I have no idea yet what I was charged for that particular item.


Well-known member
I guess I'm the only one who stuck to their no-buy! Although swatches of Adored and Rio (or encouragement from specktrettes! haha) within the next few days might make me crack

Ana A

Well-known member
Neither the standalone store I frequent nor the Bay will let me swatch, but the manager at the Bay counter took me aside a bit ago and said she'd be happy to hold items for me. I haven't taken her up on that yet because that didn't work out so well for me with MM and the MAC store. Things went missing from my bag and the only reason I got the items I wanted was through CPs here. I've bought very little from that store since then. It isn't spite or anything like that, but I told my fave MUA that since they aren't permitted to hold items and things sell out so quickly that I've shifted to buying online. I'm not prepared to run all over town to get what I want.

My local Bay frequently gets 3 or 6 of an item. They turn one into a tester and then have two to sell. It's ridiculous. I just can't be bothered to line up outside a store (in the middle of my work day) so that I can race to the MAC counter and hopefully be first. What it does mean is that I can rarely try items before buying. I no longer feel conflicted about returning what doesn't work for me since it's MAC sales practices that have me shopping this way. I've really liked that MAC has released items early to bloggers of late (although not for this collection, unfortunately); at least then I can see good swatches and read reviews. I don't often make a purchase mistake when I can do that.
I completely understand what you mean, when I was preparing for Fashion Sets, I took the time to not only call but go to different locations to ask if any would hold items for me, mostly said no except for a mac counter at Nordstroms. They took my list and my credit card information, this was 3 weeks before the launch, I called 3 different times after that to make sure my order was still a go and I was given different responses all those three times... til I spoke to the manager and she said she would honor my items on hold. When I went there the morning of, the same manager said that they did not allow it and that although my items were on hold I could not have them til a week after. She then told me they had the products in stock and that I was welcomed to buy them but that I couln't get my items on hold 0_o lol til this day I'm not even sure what that meant?? lol....anyway I had to ask her two more times if I could purchase the items I wanted right there and then and she said yes. While I was paying a customer arrived asking for the heroine lip liner and I over heard the manager tell one of the employees to go get it from the bag that held my items on hold wth!......anyway to make a long story short I try to avoid shopping for collections at stores especially counters.


Well-known member
I guess I'm the only one who stuck to their no-buy! Although swatches of Adored and Rio (or encouragement from specktrettes! haha) within the next few days might make me crack :sweat:
Nope...I skipped this collection too. Was tempted to get the lip liners and a lipstick but passed.


Well-known member
Go, Purple! Go, Purple! Go, Purple! (actually, i'm more about blue-violet, than i am about red-violet/purple)

So i'm am completely skipping Midnight Mambo because it is more magenta than purple, and not at all violet. And i was soooo up for violet...


Well-known member
What is the purpose of swirl hunting if they are gonna pull your stuff and put it back out? I want to be upset but I know it is not worth it! The same store did it with Après Chic and now again. This is why I know where my loyalty really lies
That's ridiculous that they went through the charade of inviting you to select your swirls... Only to put your stuff back out there.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by patentg33k
Something similar happened to me with the blushes released at the end of 2012--Poised and Taupe Shape. They were "sold out" on the first moment of release. A few people were able to order them through the blush page, not not too many.

I emailed, called, chatted, got the same types of responses. Those were NOT hyped blushes at all--not a big deal to most ppl but I'd seen them from MAC Fashion Week coverage and wanted them. I could not believe they sold out.

After I called around and got them shipped (there was healthy stock in the stores), the blushes appeared on the site. Apparently, stock was NOT the issue--I think they were in stock for weeks (months, really) on MAC's site once they figured things out. They just messed up the release.

They are still in stock on the US MAC site - Poised and Taupe Shape are now both in the goodbyes section.


Well-known member
I skipped this collection. The only thing I wanted was the Heroine lip liner, and I'm just springing for NYX Purple Rain. I'd rather save my money for something I REALLY want.

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