Well-known member
Sounds like a beautiful look!Thanks! She looked great and her makeup held through a long, hot evening. She has oily skin with enlarged pores and it was hot, hot, hot so I didn't want full foundation that would melt off her in no time. We used P&P Natural Radiance primer,Studio Moisture Tint, blot powder on her t-zone and NARS Illuminating loose powder on her cheeks Her main lip colour was Charmed I'm Sure with Kiss Me Quick liner, and those MM lippies wear like iron. The rest of her makeup was more subtle - The Perfect Cheek and Shell Pearl for cheeks, sheer wash of Sweet Heat EDES with NARS Kalahari duo in crease and Eclair as liner and black mascara. She's a green eyed blonde and spends a lot of time outdoors so she's fairly tanned.
The ladies at our local MAC counter are really not great at foundation. We've both had makeover done and come home and washed our faces. The two we've tried have a fondness for heavy, cakey foundation and I've yet to come out of there without them using too dark a colour on me. Now I just tell them what to use.
Unfortunately I have the same experience with foundation applications at the counter most of the time. They apply foundation too heavy for my taste and they often want to match me to a colour that's too dark for me. I guess part of the problem is the lighting at the counters. It makes me look so strange.