MAC Tropical Taboo Collection (2013)


Well-known member
Hmmm...I need to play around with them some more, but I am considering backing up Lust and/or Rio. I don't have any MSF's like them right now, but at the same time, will I ever really go through them? I work in a hospital, so its not like I can glam it up everyday at work....what to do, what to do...
Lol I know right! I'm a teacher and I always wonder what my parents of students will think if I wear some CYY to work ;) ha! Edit: in text and on forums all proper grammar goes out the door! Lol


Well-known member

The CSGs look awesome on you!
Will most likely BU every thing! I'm officially Team Narcissus!
The CSG formula is my favorite. So I will look into Calypso Beat as well.


Well-known member
:haha: I've gone thru a By Candlelight, 2 Redheads, and im almost finished with a Superb EDSF. I wear a highlight every single day. LOVE these things! If you can score one, you need to go in there and demand that they find you one! Whether it's thru the fulfillment center, or calling other locations, both Macys and other department stores and freestanding stores. That's bullshit is what it is! Thanks dear :blush: Yeah the pearlglides are most definitely not for the waterline! You'll risk an eye injury and/or an infection, and losing your sight isn't worth the pain and damage that putting this in your waterline can cause. But you CAN use Orpheus in the waterline.
I got one from Nordies thankfully I'm just mad cuz I wanted to put it on my macys card lol. oh well at least I have it now! :) I swear one of these days I am going to stop trippin off mac lol.......


Well-known member
Yeah the pearlglides are most definitely not for the waterline! You'll risk an eye injury and/or an infection, and losing your sight isn't worth the pain and damage that putting this in your waterline can cause. But you CAN use Orpheus in the waterline.
Ah, thank you so much for this!! Yeah when she said it burned her eyes, I was like, "no thanks!" haha I am going to make sure to keep this top lid only! haha


Well-known member
Mac-Guy, I just had to go back and find this post of yours to say you are/were so right. I swatched the MSFs today in store, and I really don't think they are geared at the pale and the cool toned among us. They all read as warm on me, some worse than others.
Thanks, honey.


Well-known member
Today I'm wearing Simmer and it's amazing!!!!!!!
My rank is: Simmer, Sweet Samba, Adored (a bit chalky, I must use less product)


Well-known member
Is this the j544 pinkdollface I ordered mines long ago lol can't remember the numbers say its is lol I can save myself some money
That's the G544 I believe. The J544 is the same only the black bristles are a cream colour and the handle is a bit longer, it's also a bit more expensive than the G544. The G544 is a great one to have too and it should be able to accomplish the same result! Here are pictures of my J544. I wish I had my Mac 131 here too, so I could get comparison pics.



Well-known member
NC50! So far I am loving it. MUA said not to use it on the waterline though. She did and it burned her eyes, but another used it and said it was totally fine.
Some pearlglides have sparkle pieces that can irritate your eyes. But I think this probably applies only to the first generation of pearlglides because I have used Lord It Up on my waterline and there is no problem. My eye pencils are all pearlglides and I use them on my bottom lashes on a daily basis (so invariably some gets onto my waterline) and there's absolutely no problem. (I wear contact lenses).


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Nothing at all to do with the topic at hand, but I know my fellow board moms will get it. My 18 year-old daughter is graduating from high school today and asked me to do her makeup for her. I offered to pick up the cost of having it done at MAC, but she preferred me to do it.

We spent a solid 40 minutes playing with red liners and the many many red lippies in the house to Frankenlip just the right colour and finish for her black and white dress. Now, I'm no MUA but I'm thrilled to bits that my late adolescent daughter still is happy to spend part of her special day with me and trusts me to create a look she's happy with (unlike the MAC artist who caked on foundation that was a very poor colour match).

Off to have fun with my 'baby' whose been taller than me for at least five years.
Aw what a lovely story! I'm not a mom, but I can imagine how you were feeling. Congrats on your daughters graduation!

Audrey C

Well-known member
Aw what a lovely story! I'm not a mom, but I can imagine how you were feeling. Congrats on your daughters graduation!
Thanks! She looked great and her makeup held through a long, hot evening. She has oily skin with enlarged pores and it was hot, hot, hot so I didn't want full foundation that would melt off her in no time. We used P&P Natural Radiance primer,Studio Moisture Tint, blot powder on her t-zone and NARS Illuminating loose powder on her cheeks Her main lip colour was Charmed I'm Sure with Kiss Me Quick liner, and those MM lippies wear like iron. The rest of her makeup was more subtle - The Perfect Cheek and Shell Pearl for cheeks, sheer wash of Sweet Heat EDES with NARS Kalahari duo in crease and Eclair as liner and black mascara. She's a green eyed blonde and spends a lot of time outdoors so she's fairly tanned.

The ladies at our local MAC counter are really not great at foundation. We've both had makeover done and come home and washed our faces. The two we've tried have a fondness for heavy, cakey foundation and I've yet to come out of there without them using too dark a colour on me. Now I just tell them what to use.


Omg I Want all the blushes and MSFs. They all look so pretty. What would you guys recommend for me (NW 25-30). Do I really need them all?


Well-known member
I'm loving all the swatches! Everyone looks great! My Nordies order should be here today. I can't wait to swatch EE and Tropica!

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