RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
They won't restock on the mac website since its "limited edition". I really don't see a point of letting people use their pro discounts after 2 weeks if most thing is sold out
That isn't true at all. They have restocked every single collection since I've been on this board, the amount of restock varies though.  How many times did the summer release get restocked?
It was at least two times. Maybe even three? I have to keep reminding myself that it will probably happen so I don't freak out over here. xDD


Well-known member
:down:  No. I only managed to get HK. I had TTT in my cart but it got taken out. I'm trying to nab it off of one of the dept. stores websites. If not, oh well. I'm wearing FOD today and I love it. I know they're different, but FOD may have to do for me. Are you done with this collection?
FOD is definitely a beautiful color! The hassle that comes with trying to get ONE TTT makes it less and less appealing. With all the upcoming collections, I'm sure we'll see a couple more beautiful vampy shades. & no I'm not.. I really need want Nude and maybe TTT's lip liner.


Well-known member
Congrats to everyone who got their shipping notices. I'm still sitting here bitter about the fiasco yesterday and bitter about having to wait another day for the department stores. I've come to find out the added bitterness is one of those woman thangs (y'all know). I'm still stalking the department store websites, though just in case they decide to be sneaky and I'm going to put in separate orders in case they try to have a one item per customer rule. If I can get what I want that way and not have to leave the house Thursday I will be one happy lady.


Well-known member
Congrats to everyone who got their shipping notices. I'm still sitting here bitter about the fiasco yesterday and bitter about having to wait another day for the department stores. I've come to find out the added bitterness is one of those woman thangs (y'all know). I'm still stalking the department store websites, though just in case they decide to be sneaky and I'm going to put in separate orders in case they try to have a one item per customer rule. If I can get what I want that way and not have to leave the house Thursday I will be one happy lady.
Shark week as my friends and I call it will do that every single time!

What else do you have to get it?


Well-known member
I was about to get off of here. Glad I saw your reply! Thanks for the recollection. When you say TTT looks more brown, do you think LA Provocante is more of a truer purple in comparison? Also, which one do you think is darker?
From memory, La Provocante does seem more purple to me than Talk That Talk. It's difficult for me to say which is darker since I haven't compared them on my lips and side by side. I can say La Provocante is buidableso can vary it's level of intensity. I don't know if you can do that with Talk That Talk.


Well-known member
Shark week as my friends and I call it will do that every single time! What else do you have to get it?
:lol: Yes! Whatever usually pisses me off pisses me off 10 times stronger and I can fall asleep anywhere at anytime. I need to get 2 TTT's (one for me, one for my friend), WTC and I would like to get 2 Diamonds but I'll settle for one if I have to.


Well-known member
Next time you're in your local CCO - ask them if they have it or if they've ever had it, so you can be on the look out for it since they send a lot of repeat products.. You can see if they'll call you if it comes in.   I've never tried doing that but when I was in there one time - I heard the sales associate tell a customer she'd call her when a certain product came in..  They were on a first name basis, so I am not sure if they'd do that for everyone (or if it's just this particular store/sales clerk) that does it --- or if the sales girl offered because of the girl's loyalty to the store.   I am waiting for Ruffian Naked to make another appearance at my CCO - I need a backup.. I think the picture is VERY unflattering.  Rihanna is BEAUTIFUL.. In that picture, she just looks "blah".  It actually doesn't really look like her.. strange.   Why do I feel like they just slapped this campaign together?  With the re-promotes of a lot of products..and the boring advertisement -- is just seems like they didn't invest much creativity in this endeavor.   The packaging is still utterly amazing and beautiful though!
[/b] :agree: I was just talking about the same thing with a MAC employee. He was telling me what a hassle that promo pic has created for them as they get customers who demand the products to look exactly like that on them. Lol!
I was looking for something more full body, high fashion and typical MAC celebrity. Just something more iconic.


Well-known member
Nude is another story because as I'm looking around its becoming more evident that it's not for everybody....some people it looks like their lips are sad?.. Like they died on their face. Some others I see that "poopy" lips thing, and some look like ashy Larry lips. Can't say I blame you for second guessing that one lol


Well-known member
My order is still pending and I have MAC asking me on my FB rant which got pretty lengthy (lol) to send them emails with my contact info. I'm conflicted as to whether or not I want to waste even more time doing so.


Well-known member
My order is still pending and I have MAC asking me on my FB rant which got pretty lengthy (lol) to send them emails with my contact info. I'm conflicted as to whether or not I want to waste even more time doing so.
You probably should. Maybe just copy/paste what you've already written out?

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