MAC Divine Night Collection (October 17, 2013)


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I keep coming on here like every hour ... Where the f are these bloggers with swatches


Well-known member
I just pre-ordered Private Party lipstick. I order lip glass and then neglect to use them, so that will be a skip for me.

I am the same way. I often forget I even have the lipglasses and cremesheens i do have. But I'm trying to get better at using them up. So maybe, just maybe, I should take a lesson from you and refrain!
Quote: Originally Posted by PixieDancer

My list has been all over the place for this collection! So, honestly, ANY opinion you offer will be insanely helpful! I'm mostly on the fence w the MSF's... I don't "need" more versions of the same colors. Don't want to hoard just to hoard. Thanks for all your help! I wait in eager anticipation for your review!!!
Haha! I feel the same way! But if she raves, I just KNOW I'll end up w them all... I have no willpower. That's why Specktra is so dangerous sometimes! Lol
I completely agree on this. I need to be more selective. They're usually just so darn pretty! I like the more marbleized ones more than these ones.


Well-known member
Is anyone besides me DYING to see e/s swatches???

I really don't think swatch pictures are going to do these shadows justice at all. Most of them are very similar looking in the pan and even when applied to the eye, the differences are subtle. Subtle but gorgeous for my tastes, though, because these are mostly colors that don't always look very good on me. In this MES formula, they're perfect. I went from assuming I'd get maybe 2-3 to wanting pretty much all of them. The deeper colors are some of the best MES texture I've ever encountered and are more like a Satin or Velvet finish in the standard powders, or even in some cases Lustre and a more dry Veluxe Pearl, if you use Fix+ on your brush.

First off, I'm NC15 but the skin on my lids is much darker - people often think I'm wearing eyeshadow when I'm not. I've never tried to color match the shade but I'd say it's about NW35 or thereabouts. So, light golds usually look rotten. Light pinks look bad too, like I'm trying too hard to look young or something. On the bright side, it's why I love sheer shadows - it lets my natural coloring blend with the color of the shadow, which gives me a cool now-you-see-it-now-you-don't, effortless look. I'm bringing all this up because if you have paler lids, these MES are going to show up much more distinctly.If you have deeper lids, some of these may not show up since a couple are on the sheer side even when wet.

The pattern on the pans is very nice, with the small square the perfect size for a flat brush to grab product without getting of the main color mixed in.

I'll just try to run these down fast:

Gilded Night- Bright gold with silver pearlized base/ Black with pearlized pigments - I'm a little bit torn on this one, since I know I want the black/blue and was really keen on the white gold/deeper gold. The thing is, this black is NOT the same as the black in Tonight's Temptation. THIS black has the same satiny base, but there is much more sparkle here, GREEN sparkle to be exact. The sparkle color is so beautiful that I'm having a tough time. It will be an amazing combo with the black in T'sT, to provide a hit of sparkle on the lid or inner corner or wherever needed. Then, the gold is really lovely. Again, it's sheer and looks like the perfect golden sheen highlight on me, applied wet or dry. The gold in Captivating is MUUUUCH more yellow and also more opaque, which makes it really nice too, so I'm having a tough time narrowing it down. If you don't wear a lot of black shadow, the decision would be easier. If you want a gold for the lids that's very subtle and that doesn't lighten the lids or make them yellow, this is the best gold of the collection. For me, who has trouble finding gold shadow that doesn't look stupid on me, and yellow shadow that doesn't look awful, this one and Captivating are both really tempting.

Captivating- Bright white gold base/ Deep gold - Like I was saying, the small gold part here comes off very yellow on me in a good way. That's why I'm interested in it, since most yellows look awful. This gold looks like a good version of the way Three Ring Yellow looks on me, which is the bad version of the same color for my skin tone. It's not frosty either, even when applied wet, just sheen. The pale gold color is not frosty either, in fact it goes on very satiny, without even much sheen. It's a flattering color, but a touch light for me - just a teeny bit too light to use on my brow bone. It's very smooth and nearly matte, but it is pretty sheer. I reserved one, because I love that deeper gold to bits, but I'm not sure I will use the paler color - I like Gilty Morsel quite a bit better, as it's a little darker.

Tonight's Temptation- Black with pearlized base/ Royal blue - Woah that blue! It's like a cross between a Satin and a VP when applied wet. It's so jewel toned and rich. It looks just like that glowing deep blue pressed pigment that came out recently, except just smooth with sheen and no sparkle. I almost bought the pressed pigment one, but I am so glad I held off, because this one is way, way better. The black is really something else too. It's what I'd call a slightly warmer black, but it's definitely black, rather than off-black. It has a subtle clear sparkle that is almost imperceptible when applied wet - the texture is JUST like Beluga, where it reads pretty much matte, with an occasional single glint catching the light. You can also sheer it out really well and even that won't accentuate the sparkles. I tried sheering it out all the way up to the brow and it looked seriously excellent like that - better than Dark Dare worn that way, because it's more subtle. I felt like I was straight off the runway. I will be wearing it like this with just a touch of the blue in the inner corners of the eyes and a little Feed the Senses on the lips and my hair in a romantic up-do! Can't wait.

Past Midnight- Blackish purple with violet pearlized base/ White pink frost - White pink frost shadow usually looks AWFUL and TERRIBAD on me, but this one is fantastically perfect. It's so gorgeous. On me, it's the Feed The Senses of white pink shadows! I was very surprised. I am going to wear this to death, with or without the plum, which is also awesome and like a Satin finish, complete with subtle pink highlight sheen, when applied with a slightly damp brush. The pink is sheer, even when applied wet, btw, but the highlight and coloring it gives is dramatically noticeable, without accentuating lid texture. Out of the entire MES collection, this pink is going to be my most used - it will be perfect with cat eye liner and red lips for a subtle, perfect look. I'm not going to say it will be to everyone's liking - if you are young and can pull off more opaque frosty white pink shadows, the plum color may or may not be something you need. Neither color is glittery at all, just sexy, perfect sheen.

Until Dawn- Soft gold base/ Purple Taupe - Another golden color. The main color looks a little coppery in the pan, but on the lids it's like a soft natural skin color with a sheen, sort of like Beaming pressed pigment, but without the glitter. It's so smooth and sheeny and will be perfect for the skin tone I have around my eyes when I want a shadow that adds dimension but doesn't darken or lighten the eye area. It's something that will be great to wear with strong liner for a finished look, or when wearing super strong lipstick colors and you want a barely there but not undone eye. The texture is really beautiful. Also, the taupe is PERFECT for me. Most taupes can be too cool and pull grey for corpse eyes, then some others pull brown and wind up not look taupe on me at all. This is the ultimate taupe for me, just like the pale pink in PM was perfect for me. It's not sheer either - it's frosty and a bit sparkly, but smooth, not chunky or accentuating the eyelid texture, even when wet. I was thinking originally to skip this one, because I already am getting subtle lid colors in PM and GN but that taupe pushed it over the edge. I think I will be pretty much set for subtle lid washes in powder format for now.

Exquisite Ego- Bronze base/ Soft white champagne - This one also looks coppery in the pan and went on very similarly to Until Dawn. Again very smooth and nice, but it was so similar to Until Dawn on me that I'm almost beginning to wonder if I'm mixing these two up in my mind. Now I feel dumb, lol. I remember being really enthusiastic about both of them and being a little torn about how to narrow my purchases down. I wish I could be more descriptive here, but honestly I'm sure this one and Until Dawn are not going to sell out really fast so we will get more pictures and opinions and I will for sure go back and give a better opinion. I think I'm almost all reviewed out - I need some dinner STAT.

Anyhow to sum up, I was really impressed with these MES and wound up wanting them all, but this is mainly because the more subtle colors have a texture on degree of opacity on my lids that happens to be a holy grail type dream for my tastes - most powder shadows are too heavy or frosty to look right and cream shadows, while much closer to what I love, are usually waaaaaaay more sparkly than these, so much less subtle. These are just natural and beautiful, not metallic robot in the slightest, just sheeny and delicate.Your mileage may vary, and I'm sure lighter lids will see much stronger color variation. Very dark lids may see the paler colors more clearly too, especially when applied wet, but mostly these aren't frosty, so perhaps they will not have what it takes to show up without a base. I'm looking forward to hearing what darker skinned gals have to say.

I wasn't too crazy about the colors in the ED shadows in Magnetic Nudes - they're the type that may be a little too light for me or too cool, and they're shimmery and sparkly like all the EDES, while these are much more subtle, so I will spend my money here. These MES fill some gaping holes in my collection!


Well-known member
Flair for Finery is SOOOOO for pale NWs, it isn't even funny!
If you are a person that WISHED Feed The Senses had been pinker and not quite so grey, FFF will make you very happy.

All of the blushes will be good for NW too, if you are looking for something to bring a little warmth to the face without a lot of orange, mainly because they are very sheer with one standard layer and because the highlight on LL and Talk of the Town is cool pink. Lured To Love is indeed like a sheer Supercontinental, so if that one is OK on you, you're good too. If you are NW but with red cheeks, then I'd say to be more careful about LL and TotT and try them in person.

Of the MSFs, Centre of Attention will actually be really nice no matter if you're NW or NC because while the golden highlight part is VERY yellow - it's actually so yellow, you can use it to neutralize redness, then put the main color on top, which looks like a sheer Forever Marilyn with a teeny bit more pink in it. The other two MSFs will probably be a problem for NW with redness, but would be good for more neutral people who like a sheer bronzer effect and all the shimmer and sheen of a MSF. Again, try in person.

The eyeshadows will have to be approached with care because they all have a warm cast, from very subtly warm to super obviously yellow and this is an undertone no one wants the wrong thing with around the eyes.

Since it's not going to be easy to judge the Mineralize products in this collection just from photos, if you want to be safe, test everything in person. I bet there will be a few things for everyone in here, if you are a Mineralize lover, but you will definitely have more options for products that do some similar things with Magnetic Nudes that won't all lean so golden.

I really don't think swatch pictures are going to do these shadows justice at all. Most of them are very similar looking in the pan and even when applied to the eye, the differences are subtle. Subtle but gorgeous for my tastes, though, because these are mostly colors that don't always look very good on me. In this MES formula, they're perfect. I went from assuming I'd get maybe 2-3 to wanting pretty much all of them. The deeper colors are some of the best MES texture I've ever encountered and are more like a Satin or Velvet finish in the standard powders, or even in some cases Lustre and a more dry Veluxe Pearl, if you use Fix+ on your brush.

First off, I'm NC15 but the skin on my lids is much darker - people often think I'm wearing eyeshadow when I'm not. I've never tried to color match the shade but I'd say it's about NW35 or thereabouts. So, light golds usually look rotten. Light pinks look bad too, like I'm trying too hard to look young or something. On the bright side, it's why I love sheer shadows - it lets my natural coloring blend with the color of the shadow, which gives me a cool now-you-see-it-now-you-don't, effortless look. I'm bringing all this up because if you have paler lids, these MES are going to show up much more distinctly.If you have deeper lids, some of these may not show up since a couple are on the sheer side even when wet.

The pattern on the pans is very nice, with the small square the perfect size for a flat brush to grab product without getting of the main color mixed in.

I'll just try to run these down fast:

Gilded Night- Bright gold with silver pearlized base/ Black with pearlized pigments - I'm a little bit torn on this one, since I know I want the black/blue and was really keen on the white gold/deeper gold. The thing is, this black is NOT the same as the black in Tonight's Temptation. THIS black has the same satiny base, but there is much more sparkle here, GREEN sparkle to be exact. The sparkle color is so beautiful that I'm having a tough time. It will be an amazing combo with the black in T'sT, to provide a hit of sparkle on the lid or inner corner or wherever needed. Then, the gold is really lovely. Again, it's sheer and looks like the perfect golden sheen highlight on me, applied wet or dry. The gold in Captivating is MUUUUCH more yellow and also more opaque, which makes it really nice too, so I'm having a tough time narrowing it down. If you don't wear a lot of black shadow, the decision would be easier. If you want a gold for the lids that's very subtle and that doesn't lighten the lids or make them yellow, this is the best gold of the collection. For me, who has trouble finding gold shadow that doesn't look stupid on me, and yellow shadow that doesn't look awful, this one and Captivating are both really tempting.

Captivating- Bright white gold base/ Deep gold - Like I was saying, the small gold part here comes off very yellow on me in a good way. That's why I'm interested in it, since most yellows look awful. This gold looks like a good version of the way Three Ring Yellow looks on me, which is the bad version of the same color for my skin tone. It's not frosty either, even when applied wet, just sheen. The pale gold color is not frosty either, in fact it goes on very satiny, without even much sheen. It's a flattering color, but a touch light for me - just a teeny bit too light to use on my brow bone. It's very smooth and nearly matte, but it is pretty sheer. I reserved one, because I love that deeper gold to bits, but I'm not sure I will use the paler color - I like Gilty Morsel quite a bit better, as it's a little darker.

Tonight's Temptation- Black with pearlized base/ Royal blue - Woah that blue! It's like a cross between a Satin and a VP when applied wet. It's so jewel toned and rich. It looks just like that glowing deep blue pressed pigment that came out recently, except just smooth with sheen and no sparkle. I almost bought the pressed pigment one, but I am so glad I held off, because this one is way, way better. The black is really something else too. It's what I'd call a slightly warmer black, but it's definitely black, rather than off-black. It has a subtle clear sparkle that is almost imperceptible when applied wet - the texture is JUST like Beluga, where it reads pretty much matte, with an occasional single glint catching the light. You can also sheer it out really well and even that won't accentuate the sparkles. I tried sheering it out all the way up to the brow and it looked seriously excellent like that - better than Dark Dare worn that way, because it's more subtle. I felt like I was straight off the runway. I will be wearing it like this with just a touch of the blue in the inner corners of the eyes and a little Feed the Senses on the lips and my hair in a romantic up-do! Can't wait.

Past Midnight- Blackish purple with violet pearlized base/ White pink frost - White pink frost shadow usually looks AWFUL and TERRIBAD on me, but this one is fantastically perfect. It's so gorgeous. On me, it's the Feed The Senses of white pink shadows! I was very surprised. I am going to wear this to death, with or without the plum, which is also awesome and like a Satin finish, complete with subtle pink highlight sheen, when applied with a slightly damp brush. The pink is sheer, even when applied wet, btw, but the highlight and coloring it gives is dramatically noticeable, without accentuating lid texture. Out of the entire MES collection, this pink is going to be my most used - it will be perfect with cat eye liner and red lips for a subtle, perfect look. I'm not going to say it will be to everyone's liking - if you are young and can pull off more opaque frosty white pink shadows, the plum color may or may not be something you need. Neither color is glittery at all, just sexy, perfect sheen.

Until Dawn- Soft gold base/ Purple Taupe - Another golden color. The main color looks a little coppery in the pan, but on the lids it's like a soft natural skin color with a sheen, sort of like Beaming pressed pigment, but without the glitter. It's so smooth and sheeny and will be perfect for the skin tone I have around my eyes when I want a shadow that adds dimension but doesn't darken or lighten the eye area. It's something that will be great to wear with strong liner for a finished look, or when wearing super strong lipstick colors and you want a barely there but not undone eye. The texture is really beautiful. Also, the taupe is PERFECT for me. Most taupes can be too cool and pull grey for corpse eyes, then some others pull brown and wind up not look taupe on me at all. This is the ultimate taupe for me, just like the pale pink in PM was perfect for me. It's not sheer either - it's frosty and a bit sparkly, but smooth, not chunky or accentuating the eyelid texture, even when wet. I was thinking originally to skip this one, because I already am getting subtle lid colors in PM and GN but that taupe pushed it over the edge. I think I will be pretty much set for subtle lid washes in powder format for now.

Exquisite Ego- Bronze base/ Soft white champagne - This one also looks coppery in the pan and went on very similarly to Until Dawn. Again very smooth and nice, but it was so similar to Until Dawn on me that I'm almost beginning to wonder if I'm mixing these two up in my mind. Now I feel dumb, lol. I remember being really enthusiastic about both of them and being a little torn about how to narrow my purchases down. I wish I could be more descriptive here, but honestly I'm sure this one and Until Dawn are not going to sell out really fast so we will get more pictures and opinions and I will for sure go back and give a better opinion. I think I'm almost all reviewed out - I need some dinner STAT.

Anyhow to sum up, I was really impressed with these MES and wound up wanting them all, but this is mainly because the more subtle colors have a texture on degree of opacity on my lids that happens to be a holy grail type dream for my tastes - most powder shadows are too heavy or frosty to look right and cream shadows, while much closer to what I love, are usually waaaaaaay more sparkly than these, so much less subtle. These are just natural and beautiful, not metallic robot in the slightest, just sheeny and delicate.Your mileage may vary, and I'm sure lighter lids will see much stronger color variation. Very dark lids may see the paler colors more clearly too, especially when applied wet, but mostly these aren't frosty, so perhaps they will not have what it takes to show up without a base. I'm looking forward to hearing what darker skinned gals have to say.

I wasn't too crazy about the colors in the ED shadows in Magnetic Nudes - they're the type that may be a little too light for me or too cool, and they're shimmery and sparkly like all the EDES, while these are much more subtle, so I will spend my money here. These MES fill some gaping holes in my collection!
"Tonight's Temptation" sounds GORGEOUS. I've been looking for the perfect blue eyeshadow (and by that I mean my favorite shade of blue), and this one looks spot-on in the pan, but I was worried it would be patchy like most blues. Your review makes it sound so so pretty, but I just can't justify buying it considering (a) it's LE, (b) it's expensive, and (c) only a fraction of the shadow is blue, while the rest is black. Anyway, thank you for the wonderfully detailed description.


Well-known member
"Tonight's Temptation" sounds GORGEOUS. I've been looking for the perfect blue eyeshadow (and by that I mean my favorite shade of blue), and this one looks spot-on in the pan, but I was worried it would be patchy like most blues. Your review makes it sound so so pretty, but I just can't justify buying it considering (a) it's LE, (b) it's expensive, and (c) only a fraction of the shadow is blue, while the rest is black. Anyway, thank you for the wonderfully detailed description.
There is plenty of the blue in there - the square is not really that small - they all look smaller in the pictures than when you hold them in your hand. If you love it, you should at least check it out, because it is the opposite of patchy - it's smooth and velvety and rich! I love this color too and always avoid buying ones that are like it because they are never quite right - too dry or too glittery or needs base underneath, etc. THIS is the one I am finally buying - so what does that say?


Well-known member
Flair for Finery is SOOOOO for pale NWs, it isn't even funny!
If you are a person that WISHED Feed The Senses had been pinker and not quite so grey, FFF will make you very happy.

All of the blushes will be good for NW too, if you are looking for something to bring a little warmth to the face without a lot of orange, mainly because they are very sheer with one standard layer and because the highlight on LL and Talk of the Town is cool pink. Lured To Love is indeed like a sheer Supercontinental, so if that one is OK on you, you're good too. If you are NW but with red cheeks, then I'd say to be more careful about LL and TotT and try them in person.

Of the MSFs, Centre of Attention will actually be really nice no matter if you're NW or NC because while the golden highlight part is VERY yellow - it's actually so yellow, you can use it to neutralize redness, then put the main color on top, which looks like a sheer Forever Marilyn with a teeny bit more pink in it. The other two MSFs will probably be a problem for NW with redness, but would be good for more neutral people who like a sheer bronzer effect and all the shimmer and sheen of a MSF. Again, try in person.

The eyeshadows will have to be approached with care because they all have a warm cast, from very subtly warm to super obviously yellow and this is an undertone no one wants the wrong thing with around the eyes.

Since it's not going to be easy to judge the Mineralize products in this collection just from photos, if you want to be safe, test everything in person. I bet there will be a few things for everyone in here, if you are a Mineralize lover, but you will definitely have more options for products that do some similar things with Magnetic Nudes that won't all lean so golden.

I really don't think swatch pictures are going to do these shadows justice at all. Most of them are very similar looking in the pan and even when applied to the eye, the differences are subtle. Subtle but gorgeous for my tastes, though, because these are mostly colors that don't always look very good on me. In this MES formula, they're perfect. I went from assuming I'd get maybe 2-3 to wanting pretty much all of them. The deeper colors are some of the best MES texture I've ever encountered and are more like a Satin or Velvet finish in the standard powders, or even in some cases Lustre and a more dry Veluxe Pearl, if you use Fix+ on your brush.

First off, I'm NC15 but the skin on my lids is much darker - people often think I'm wearing eyeshadow when I'm not. I've never tried to color match the shade but I'd say it's about NW35 or thereabouts. So, light golds usually look rotten. Light pinks look bad too, like I'm trying too hard to look young or something. On the bright side, it's why I love sheer shadows - it lets my natural coloring blend with the color of the shadow, which gives me a cool now-you-see-it-now-you-don't, effortless look. I'm bringing all this up because if you have paler lids, these MES are going to show up much more distinctly.If you have deeper lids, some of these may not show up since a couple are on the sheer side even when wet.

The pattern on the pans is very nice, with the small square the perfect size for a flat brush to grab product without getting of the main color mixed in.

I'll just try to run these down fast:

Gilded Night- Bright gold with silver pearlized base/ Black with pearlized pigments - I'm a little bit torn on this one, since I know I want the black/blue and was really keen on the white gold/deeper gold. The thing is, this black is NOT the same as the black in Tonight's Temptation. THIS black has the same satiny base, but there is much more sparkle here, GREEN sparkle to be exact. The sparkle color is so beautiful that I'm having a tough time. It will be an amazing combo with the black in T'sT, to provide a hit of sparkle on the lid or inner corner or wherever needed. Then, the gold is really lovely. Again, it's sheer and looks like the perfect golden sheen highlight on me, applied wet or dry. The gold in Captivating is MUUUUCH more yellow and also more opaque, which makes it really nice too, so I'm having a tough time narrowing it down. If you don't wear a lot of black shadow, the decision would be easier. If you want a gold for the lids that's very subtle and that doesn't lighten the lids or make them yellow, this is the best gold of the collection. For me, who has trouble finding gold shadow that doesn't look stupid on me, and yellow shadow that doesn't look awful, this one and Captivating are both really tempting.

Captivating- Bright white gold base/ Deep gold - Like I was saying, the small gold part here comes off very yellow on me in a good way. That's why I'm interested in it, since most yellows look awful. This gold looks like a good version of the way Three Ring Yellow looks on me, which is the bad version of the same color for my skin tone. It's not frosty either, even when applied wet, just sheen. The pale gold color is not frosty either, in fact it goes on very satiny, without even much sheen. It's a flattering color, but a touch light for me - just a teeny bit too light to use on my brow bone. It's very smooth and nearly matte, but it is pretty sheer. I reserved one, because I love that deeper gold to bits, but I'm not sure I will use the paler color - I like Gilty Morsel quite a bit better, as it's a little darker.

Tonight's Temptation- Black with pearlized base/ Royal blue - Woah that blue! It's like a cross between a Satin and a VP when applied wet. It's so jewel toned and rich. It looks just like that glowing deep blue pressed pigment that came out recently, except just smooth with sheen and no sparkle. I almost bought the pressed pigment one, but I am so glad I held off, because this one is way, way better. The black is really something else too. It's what I'd call a slightly warmer black, but it's definitely black, rather than off-black. It has a subtle clear sparkle that is almost imperceptible when applied wet - the texture is JUST like Beluga, where it reads pretty much matte, with an occasional single glint catching the light. You can also sheer it out really well and even that won't accentuate the sparkles. I tried sheering it out all the way up to the brow and it looked seriously excellent like that - better than Dark Dare worn that way, because it's more subtle. I felt like I was straight off the runway. I will be wearing it like this with just a touch of the blue in the inner corners of the eyes and a little Feed the Senses on the lips and my hair in a romantic up-do! Can't wait.

Past Midnight- Blackish purple with violet pearlized base/ White pink frost - White pink frost shadow usually looks AWFUL and TERRIBAD on me, but this one is fantastically perfect. It's so gorgeous. On me, it's the Feed The Senses of white pink shadows! I was very surprised. I am going to wear this to death, with or without the plum, which is also awesome and like a Satin finish, complete with subtle pink highlight sheen, when applied with a slightly damp brush. The pink is sheer, even when applied wet, btw, but the highlight and coloring it gives is dramatically noticeable, without accentuating lid texture. Out of the entire MES collection, this pink is going to be my most used - it will be perfect with cat eye liner and red lips for a subtle, perfect look. I'm not going to say it will be to everyone's liking - if you are young and can pull off more opaque frosty white pink shadows, the plum color may or may not be something you need. Neither color is glittery at all, just sexy, perfect sheen.

Until Dawn- Soft gold base/ Purple Taupe - Another golden color. The main color looks a little coppery in the pan, but on the lids it's like a soft natural skin color with a sheen, sort of like Beaming pressed pigment, but without the glitter. It's so smooth and sheeny and will be perfect for the skin tone I have around my eyes when I want a shadow that adds dimension but doesn't darken or lighten the eye area. It's something that will be great to wear with strong liner for a finished look, or when wearing super strong lipstick colors and you want a barely there but not undone eye. The texture is really beautiful. Also, the taupe is PERFECT for me. Most taupes can be too cool and pull grey for corpse eyes, then some others pull brown and wind up not look taupe on me at all. This is the ultimate taupe for me, just like the pale pink in PM was perfect for me. It's not sheer either - it's frosty and a bit sparkly, but smooth, not chunky or accentuating the eyelid texture, even when wet. I was thinking originally to skip this one, because I already am getting subtle lid colors in PM and GN but that taupe pushed it over the edge. I think I will be pretty much set for subtle lid washes in powder format for now.

Exquisite Ego- Bronze base/ Soft white champagne - This one also looks coppery in the pan and went on very similarly to Until Dawn. Again very smooth and nice, but it was so similar to Until Dawn on me that I'm almost beginning to wonder if I'm mixing these two up in my mind. Now I feel dumb, lol. I remember being really enthusiastic about both of them and being a little torn about how to narrow my purchases down. I wish I could be more descriptive here, but honestly I'm sure this one and Until Dawn are not going to sell out really fast so we will get more pictures and opinions and I will for sure go back and give a better opinion. I think I'm almost all reviewed out - I need some dinner STAT.

Anyhow to sum up, I was really impressed with these MES and wound up wanting them all, but this is mainly because the more subtle colors have a texture on degree of opacity on my lids that happens to be a holy grail type dream for my tastes - most powder shadows are too heavy or frosty to look right and cream shadows, while much closer to what I love, are usually waaaaaaay more sparkly than these, so much less subtle. These are just natural and beautiful, not metallic robot in the slightest, just sheeny and delicate.Your mileage may vary, and I'm sure lighter lids will see much stronger color variation. Very dark lids may see the paler colors more clearly too, especially when applied wet, but mostly these aren't frosty, so perhaps they will not have what it takes to show up without a base. I'm looking forward to hearing what darker skinned gals have to say.

I wasn't too crazy about the colors in the ED shadows in Magnetic Nudes - they're the type that may be a little too light for me or too cool, and they're shimmery and sparkly like all the EDES, while these are much more subtle, so I will spend my money here. These MES fill some gaping holes in my collection!

oh thank you so much for all your effort, time and energy...


Well-known member
preordered flair for finery yay ! I hope that it looks good on me im nc15 (i mix with nc20) with blue eyes.
FFF was the only lipstick that looked straight blech on me and I'm NC15 leaning towards NC20 too (green eyes/black hair). I look great in Feed the Senses and Double Spin, but not this one at all. If you're blonde, it'll be better than on me, I bet!


Well-known member
hmm ! im on the fence between dirty blonde/light brown ...hope it looks nice ...if not i could always use it for my freelance kit ..


Well-known member
I hope you will love them as much as I do!!

There is plenty of the blue in there - the square is not really that small - they all look smaller in the pictures than when you hold them in your hand. If you love it, you should at least check it out, because it is the opposite of patchy - it's smooth and velvety and rich! I love this color too and always avoid buying ones that are like it because they are never quite right - too dry or too glittery or needs base underneath, etc. THIS is the one I am finally buying - so what does that say?

You make it so hard to just say 'no' like I've been doing this whole time lol! I want "You've Got It" the most from this collection, but now I'm going to go to the counter just to test this one out...the main problem is I've never spent so much on a single eye shadow. T_T I usually buy palettes when I buy from higher end brands, and as for MAC, well, I only own lipsticks, since that's my love when it comes to makeup. ^_^;


Well-known member
ugh me too - to the point of getting them all mixed up in my brain, where I usually don't do that. All I can say is I decided to reserve them both, d'oh! The main one I might skip is Captivating because even though it finally has a soft yellow color that works for me, I think I'm so used to never having a yellow I like that I'm not sure I will wear it. It's funny how there are so many darn golds in this batch of MES. I think I'm going to end up with all 3 of those lol. I'm trying to decide but than I'm like all 3 than I say no 2 ..ugh ! I just can't say no to golds especially different types of golds lol


Well-known member
Congrats! That's one lucky pooch!

Oh tell me about home renovations. When I bought my flat last year I had to do everything, as there was nothing inside. The plumbing, electricity etc. connections were in place and that's about it. Oh, and I had walls, doors and windows too

It took months of planning and the actual work had its ups and downs but it was worth it in the end. Are you planning on moving out for a bit during the really messy stuff? You mentioning architects and contractors leads me to think we're talking about a serious renovation here. Not a quick lick of paint and a slap of wallpaper,
Oh Buick you make me howl. Are you happy with the results of your reno? I need more room for all of that damn nail polish you ladies made me buy!!! Yes this reno will be a biggie & we'll
likely stay at a house that we own in another state (can't have plaster dust and fumes up the new pooch's nose)...all very tricky and tough to coordinate...not looking forward to the messy stuff but I know we'll love it when it's done. We're making adjustments to accommodate our needs as we having the laundry room moved to the second floor and converting a bedroom to a dressing room/walk-in closet for moi because I get up early and the hubs likes to sleep in...I'll be able to get dressed & play in makeup w/o disturbing him.


Well-known member
So I think I've got my final list down! Fingers crossed that the list remains the same or shortens!! I'll take: you've got it (lippie and csg) Private party (lippie and csg) Lured to love MB Stares and speculation fluidline (would this look good over a black base??) The lip bag that contains dark deed + vino, and the mini gloss kit in nude (i wish I could only get richly revered but oh well )


Well-known member
I hope you will love them as much as I do!!

There is plenty of the blue in there - the square is not really that small - they all look smaller in the pictures than when you hold them in your hand. If you love it, you should at least check it out, because it is the opposite of patchy - it's smooth and velvety and rich! I love this color too and always avoid buying ones that are like it because they are never quite right - too dry or too glittery or needs base underneath, etc. THIS is the one I am finally buying - so what does that say?
i meant to say that im in between NW 15 and NW 20 not NC sorry ! haha


Well-known member
Flair for Finery is SOOOOO for pale NWs, it isn't even funny!
If you are a person that WISHED Feed The Senses had been pinker and not quite so grey, FFF will make you very happy.

All of the blushes will be good for NW too, if you are looking for something to bring a little warmth to the face without a lot of orange, mainly because they are very sheer with one standard layer and because the highlight on LL and Talk of the Town is cool pink. Lured To Love is indeed like a sheer Supercontinental, so if that one is OK on you, you're good too. If you are NW but with red cheeks, then I'd say to be more careful about LL and TotT and try them in person.

Of the MSFs, Centre of Attention will actually be really nice no matter if you're NW or NC because while the golden highlight part is VERY yellow - it's actually so yellow, you can use it to neutralize redness, then put the main color on top, which looks like a sheer Forever Marilyn with a teeny bit more pink in it. The other two MSFs will probably be a problem for NW with redness, but would be good for more neutral people who like a sheer bronzer effect and all the shimmer and sheen of a MSF. Again, try in person.

The eyeshadows will have to be approached with care because they all have a warm cast, from very subtly warm to super obviously yellow and this is an undertone no one wants the wrong thing with around the eyes.

Since it's not going to be easy to judge the Mineralize products in this collection just from photos, if you want to be safe, test everything in person. I bet there will be a few things for everyone in here, if you are a Mineralize lover, but you will definitely have more options for products that do some similar things with Magnetic Nudes that won't all lean so golden.

I really don't think swatch pictures are going to do these shadows justice at all. Most of them are very similar looking in the pan and even when applied to the eye, the differences are subtle. Subtle but gorgeous for my tastes, though, because these are mostly colors that don't always look very good on me. In this MES formula, they're perfect. I went from assuming I'd get maybe 2-3 to wanting pretty much all of them. The deeper colors are some of the best MES texture I've ever encountered and are more like a Satin or Velvet finish in the standard powders, or even in some cases Lustre and a more dry Veluxe Pearl, if you use Fix+ on your brush.

First off, I'm NC15 but the skin on my lids is much darker - people often think I'm wearing eyeshadow when I'm not. I've never tried to color match the shade but I'd say it's about NW35 or thereabouts. So, light golds usually look rotten. Light pinks look bad too, like I'm trying too hard to look young or something. On the bright side, it's why I love sheer shadows - it lets my natural coloring blend with the color of the shadow, which gives me a cool now-you-see-it-now-you-don't, effortless look. I'm bringing all this up because if you have paler lids, these MES are going to show up much more distinctly.If you have deeper lids, some of these may not show up since a couple are on the sheer side even when wet.

The pattern on the pans is very nice, with the small square the perfect size for a flat brush to grab product without getting of the main color mixed in.

I'll just try to run these down fast:

Gilded Night- Bright gold with silver pearlized base/ Black with pearlized pigments - I'm a little bit torn on this one, since I know I want the black/blue and was really keen on the white gold/deeper gold. The thing is, this black is NOT the same as the black in Tonight's Temptation. THIS black has the same satiny base, but there is much more sparkle here, GREEN sparkle to be exact. The sparkle color is so beautiful that I'm having a tough time. It will be an amazing combo with the black in T'sT, to provide a hit of sparkle on the lid or inner corner or wherever needed. Then, the gold is really lovely. Again, it's sheer and looks like the perfect golden sheen highlight on me, applied wet or dry. The gold in Captivating is MUUUUCH more yellow and also more opaque, which makes it really nice too, so I'm having a tough time narrowing it down. If you don't wear a lot of black shadow, the decision would be easier. If you want a gold for the lids that's very subtle and that doesn't lighten the lids or make them yellow, this is the best gold of the collection. For me, who has trouble finding gold shadow that doesn't look stupid on me, and yellow shadow that doesn't look awful, this one and Captivating are both really tempting.

Captivating- Bright white gold base/ Deep gold - Like I was saying, the small gold part here comes off very yellow on me in a good way. That's why I'm interested in it, since most yellows look awful. This gold looks like a good version of the way Three Ring Yellow looks on me, which is the bad version of the same color for my skin tone. It's not frosty either, even when applied wet, just sheen. The pale gold color is not frosty either, in fact it goes on very satiny, without even much sheen. It's a flattering color, but a touch light for me - just a teeny bit too light to use on my brow bone. It's very smooth and nearly matte, but it is pretty sheer. I reserved one, because I love that deeper gold to bits, but I'm not sure I will use the paler color - I like Gilty Morsel quite a bit better, as it's a little darker.

Tonight's Temptation- Black with pearlized base/ Royal blue - Woah that blue! It's like a cross between a Satin and a VP when applied wet. It's so jewel toned and rich. It looks just like that glowing deep blue pressed pigment that came out recently, except just smooth with sheen and no sparkle. I almost bought the pressed pigment one, but I am so glad I held off, because this one is way, way better. The black is really something else too. It's what I'd call a slightly warmer black, but it's definitely black, rather than off-black. It has a subtle clear sparkle that is almost imperceptible when applied wet - the texture is JUST like Beluga, where it reads pretty much matte, with an occasional single glint catching the light. You can also sheer it out really well and even that won't accentuate the sparkles. I tried sheering it out all the way up to the brow and it looked seriously excellent like that - better than Dark Dare worn that way, because it's more subtle. I felt like I was straight off the runway. I will be wearing it like this with just a touch of the blue in the inner corners of the eyes and a little Feed the Senses on the lips and my hair in a romantic up-do! Can't wait.

Past Midnight- Blackish purple with violet pearlized base/ White pink frost - White pink frost shadow usually looks AWFUL and TERRIBAD on me, but this one is fantastically perfect. It's so gorgeous. On me, it's the Feed The Senses of white pink shadows! I was very surprised. I am going to wear this to death, with or without the plum, which is also awesome and like a Satin finish, complete with subtle pink highlight sheen, when applied with a slightly damp brush. The pink is sheer, even when applied wet, btw, but the highlight and coloring it gives is dramatically noticeable, without accentuating lid texture. Out of the entire MES collection, this pink is going to be my most used - it will be perfect with cat eye liner and red lips for a subtle, perfect look. I'm not going to say it will be to everyone's liking - if you are young and can pull off more opaque frosty white pink shadows, the plum color may or may not be something you need. Neither color is glittery at all, just sexy, perfect sheen.

Until Dawn- Soft gold base/ Purple Taupe - Another golden color. The main color looks a little coppery in the pan, but on the lids it's like a soft natural skin color with a sheen, sort of like Beaming pressed pigment, but without the glitter. It's so smooth and sheeny and will be perfect for the skin tone I have around my eyes when I want a shadow that adds dimension but doesn't darken or lighten the eye area. It's something that will be great to wear with strong liner for a finished look, or when wearing super strong lipstick colors and you want a barely there but not undone eye. The texture is really beautiful. Also, the taupe is PERFECT for me. Most taupes can be too cool and pull grey for corpse eyes, then some others pull brown and wind up not look taupe on me at all. This is the ultimate taupe for me, just like the pale pink in PM was perfect for me. It's not sheer either - it's frosty and a bit sparkly, but smooth, not chunky or accentuating the eyelid texture, even when wet. I was thinking originally to skip this one, because I already am getting subtle lid colors in PM and GN but that taupe pushed it over the edge. I think I will be pretty much set for subtle lid washes in powder format for now.

Exquisite Ego- Bronze base/ Soft white champagne - This one also looks coppery in the pan and went on very similarly to Until Dawn. Again very smooth and nice, but it was so similar to Until Dawn on me that I'm almost beginning to wonder if I'm mixing these two up in my mind. Now I feel dumb, lol. I remember being really enthusiastic about both of them and being a little torn about how to narrow my purchases down. I wish I could be more descriptive here, but honestly I'm sure this one and Until Dawn are not going to sell out really fast so we will get more pictures and opinions and I will for sure go back and give a better opinion. I think I'm almost all reviewed out - I need some dinner STAT.

Anyhow to sum up, I was really impressed with these MES and wound up wanting them all, but this is mainly because the more subtle colors have a texture on degree of opacity on my lids that happens to be a holy grail type dream for my tastes - most powder shadows are too heavy or frosty to look right and cream shadows, while much closer to what I love, are usually waaaaaaay more sparkly than these, so much less subtle. These are just natural and beautiful, not metallic robot in the slightest, just sheeny and delicate.Your mileage may vary, and I'm sure lighter lids will see much stronger color variation. Very dark lids may see the paler colors more clearly too, especially when applied wet, but mostly these aren't frosty, so perhaps they will not have what it takes to show up without a base. I'm looking forward to hearing what darker skinned gals have to say.

I wasn't too crazy about the colors in the ED shadows in Magnetic Nudes - they're the type that may be a little too light for me or too cool, and they're shimmery and sparkly like all the EDES, while these are much more subtle, so I will spend my money here. These MES fill some gaping holes in my collection!
Thanks, luv.

I really lean towards a true neutral (if they made F&B in N1.5 I would be set) but occasionally have some surface redness from rosacea flares.
I have a feeling a couple of lipsticks, a blush and Past Midnight MES may come home with me as well.