RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
I got my ttt l/s and wore it today. It is VERY VERY Drt. Patchy mess. You must put balm underneath and a small dab of gloss.....and you must carry it with you for touch up. Also yu need to fill in your entire lip with liner first. But the color is gorgeous


Well-known member
no way!


Well-known member
So let me tell you about a story about a gremlin makeup thief named my daughter. I met gremlin thief for lunch yesterday and brought all the Riri stuff to rub it in her face that she should have listened to me and let me order her something..yes the very stuff she said she didn't want when I asked her REPEATEDLY what she wanted. I should have known by now that she would want everything being the RiRi stan that she is. Anyway, she gets her hands on Ririwoo, puts it on in the car, and it's love at first sight! She is just posing like crazy in the sun visor mirror, taking selfies for instagram with MY lipstick fronting like she went thru the hellish launch waiting 4 hours just to get on the mac page, calling every store screaming for any Riri Lipstick! I said I can try to find you one "no no mom it's ok but it sure is pretty I just love it but don't worry about it" She's so in love with her lips, that she forget to check our popeyes order and I didn't get my fries nor bisquit ! that's a whole nother day and story. So she packs all my makeup and food back in the bag we part ways. I call my bloomingdales and they have 1 RiRiwoo left.. ok so I ordered it for her. I tell her in the AM that I ordered her one, and what does she send me, a picture of MY RIRIWOO in her hand!! She said it slipped out of the bag and she was soooooo sorry and that she'll pay for the new one I ordered. I am so salty at this point but I am lmao! She is a slick one! Had the nerve to wear it into work today and everyone loved it *eye roll* I'm trying to get her instagram pic to post it here so we can ALL shame and throw rocks at her..but I don't know how to get instagram pics.

Moral of the story: HIDE YO MAC!


unsure of whether or not someone has recommended this lip combo BUT if not here it is: 'nightmoth' lip pencil outlined on your lips and blended a bit towards the center and top it with 'who's that chick' lipstick. lovely combo!!


Well-known member
So let me tell you about a story about a gremlin makeup thief named my daughter. I met gremlin thief for lunch yesterday and brought all the Riri stuff to rub it in her face that she should have listened to me and let me order her something..yes the very stuff she said she didn't want when I asked her REPEATEDLY what she wanted. I should have known by now that she would want everything being the RiRi stan that she is. Anyway, she gets her hands on Ririwoo, puts it on in the car, and it's love at first sight! She is just posing like crazy in the sun visor mirror, taking selfies for instagram with MY lipstick fronting like she went thru the hellish launch waiting 4 hours just to get on the mac page, calling every store screaming for any Riri Lipstick! I said I can try to find you one "no no mom it's ok but it sure is pretty I just love it but don't worry about it" She's so in love with her lips, that she forget to check our popeyes order and I didn't get my fries nor bisquit ! that's a whole nother day and story. So she packs all my makeup and food back in the bag we part ways. I call my bloomingdales and they have 1 RiRiwoo left.. ok so I ordered it for her. I tell her in the AM that I ordered her one, and what does she send me, a picture of MY RIRIWOO in her hand!! She said it slipped out of the bag and she was soooooo sorry and that she'll pay for the new one I ordered. I am so salty at this point but I am lmao! She is a slick one! Had the nerve to wear it into work today and everyone loved it *eye roll* I'm trying to get her instagram pic to post it here so we can ALL shame and throw rocks at her..but I don't know how to get instagram pics.

Moral of the story: HIDE YO MAC!
Hide yo' MAC 'cause they stealing every RiRi MAC Lipstick out there!
......... Your daughter is so cute!
I wish my mum was into Makeup like you :)


Well-known member
I found a nice combo that looks a lot like Nude.It's Stone lip liner all over the lips a little bit of Myth to sheer it out and then Blankety on top.


Well-known member
Hide yo' MAC 'cause they stealing every RiRi MAC Lipstick out there!
......... Your daughter is so cute!
I wish my mum was into Makeup like you :)
"you ain't got to come and confess I'm lookin you I'm gone find you" I'm glad she did confess because you know why: when I would have discovered it missing, I would have kicked her apt door down looking for it like the PoPo lol so it was in her best interest to fess up! When I saw the picture, I was like, that better be some physicians formula new lipstick and not my RIRIWOO!! Oh and guess who has my Archie Veronica hearts compact.. do I even need to say her name??


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by VixenwithFixens
~snip~ Moral of the story: HIDE YO MAC!

Oh boy.. I'd make her pay me back for the new lipstick - just for that stunt. lol.

I bought backups of HK and Diamonds because I had my prized Ruffian Naked "lifted" by my sister. Luckily I found someone on a blog sale selling it for $10 and snagged it.. ! I was FREAKING out trying to find it because people, at that time, were selling it for outrageous prices on ebay.

But anyway, hide it.. AND back it up, is my motto.

PS-- I got one of my orders of Diamonds today.. it's BEAUTIFUL.. I love it. <3


Well-known member
Oh boy.. I'd make her pay me back for the new lipstick - just for that stunt. lol.

I bought backups of HK and Diamonds because I had my prized Ruffian Naked "lifted" by my sister. Luckily I found someone on a blog sale selling it for $10 and snagged it.. ! I was FREAKING out trying to find it because people, at that time, were selling it for outrageous prices on ebay.

But anyway, hide it.. AND back it up, is my motto.

PS-- I got one of my orders of Diamonds today.. it's BEAUTIFUL.. I love it. <3
Diamonds IS so beautiful! I had planned to do a look today since I have all must stuff.. even washed all my brushes, lip all washed and ready for RiriWoo *smh* I really am going to throw rocks at her when I see her!

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
I bought the Hourglass Ambient palette and of course OD'd on the primer but I definitely think its a keeper. Nude-lightly, Diamonds, Stylish Me blush
Richelle, everything looks beautiful on you! Nude was made for you girlfriend... Just beautiful :)
Nude + Stone :heart: Ugh, Wonky mascara. Speak of the devil lol. I got overexcited at the prospect of having finally worn Nude and took the photo before applying the second coat to my right eye :blush:
You look so beautiful! Nude is awesome on you!
My FOTD with Talk That Talk lipstick and lipliner. I also did my eyes kinda inspired by the Her Cocoa quad and used Woodwinked on the outer half of my lids. On the rest of my eyes I have Patina on the inner half of my lids, Kid in the crease as a transitioning color, Brown Down to deepen the crease and under the eyes and Blanc Type as a highlight. On my cheeks I'm wearing Hibiscus Kiss and Wisper of Guilt. I mixed both shades of HK and it actually had very good pigmentation and I love the colour. It doesn't show up in the picture, but really it's there. I'm suprized how much I like these warmer browns with a dark lip. I think I'll wear this look a lot for the fall and winter!
Just smashing... Pure beauty.


Well-known member
So let me tell you about a story about a gremlin makeup thief named my daughter.  I met gremlin thief for lunch yesterday and brought all the Riri stuff to rub it in her face that she should have listened to me and let me order her something..yes the very stuff she said she didn't want when I asked her REPEATEDLY what she wanted.  I should have known by now that she would want everything being the RiRi stan that she is. Anyway, she gets her hands on Ririwoo, puts it on in the car, and it's love at first sight! She is just posing like crazy in the sun visor mirror, taking selfies for instagram with MY lipstick fronting like she went thru the hellish launch waiting 4 hours just to get on the mac page, calling every store screaming for any Riri Lipstick!  I said I can try to find you one "no no mom it's ok but it sure is pretty I just love it but don't worry about it" She's so in love with her lips, that she forget to check our popeyes order and I didn't get my fries nor bisquit ! that's a whole nother day and story.  So she packs all my makeup and food back in the bag we part ways. I call my bloomingdales and they have 1 RiRiwoo left.. ok so I ordered it for her.  I tell her in the AM that I ordered her one, and what does she send me, a picture of MY RIRIWOO in her hand!! She said it slipped out of the bag and she was soooooo sorry and that she'll pay for the new one I ordered.  I am so salty at this point but I am lmao! She is a slick one! Had the nerve to wear it into work today and everyone loved it *eye roll*  I'm trying to get her instagram pic to post it here so we can ALL shame and throw rocks at her..but I don't know how to get instagram pics. Moral of the story: HIDE YO MAC!
Ugh! I totally understand. I was reading this out loud so my mother would hear me while side eyeing her. She has the sticky fingers. She always tells me she doesn't want anything and end up jacking my stuff. So I learned to just get her what I think she would like so I wouldn't have to sacrifice mine. Lmbo!!!!!! She said "I don't have any of your stuff" but I went and grabbed her make up bag and dumped it out, I counted over 5 items that were mine. I never said anything to her about them so I guess she thought I didn't know. Ha!!! The struggle. :fight: :busted:


Well-known member
So if this collection gets restocked on the MAC site is it going to be posted here on the forum or are people doing this in PMs now to keep it on the down low? I'm just wondering because I'm hopeful to catch the restock and I check back on MACs site frequently as well as this page. :) sorry if I'm asking something that's already been answered but I have read along with the page religiously and I didn't see this information. Thanks in advance to answers :)


Well-known member
So let me tell you about a story about a gremlin makeup thief named my daughter. I met gremlin thief for lunch yesterday and brought all the Riri stuff to rub it in her face that she should have listened to me and let me order her something..yes the very stuff she said she didn't want when I asked her REPEATEDLY what she wanted. I should have known by now that she would want everything being the RiRi stan that she is. Anyway, she gets her hands on Ririwoo, puts it on in the car, and it's love at first sight! She is just posing like crazy in the sun visor mirror, taking selfies for instagram with MY lipstick fronting like she went thru the hellish launch waiting 4 hours just to get on the mac page, calling every store screaming for any Riri Lipstick! I said I can try to find you one "no no mom it's ok but it sure is pretty I just love it but don't worry about it" She's so in love with her lips, that she forget to check our popeyes order and I didn't get my fries nor bisquit ! that's a whole nother day and story. So she packs all my makeup and food back in the bag we part ways. I call my bloomingdales and they have 1 RiRiwoo left.. ok so I ordered it for her. I tell her in the AM that I ordered her one, and what does she send me, a picture of MY RIRIWOO in her hand!! She said it slipped out of the bag and she was soooooo sorry and that she'll pay for the new one I ordered. I am so salty at this point but I am lmao! She is a slick one! Had the nerve to wear it into work today and everyone loved it *eye roll* I'm trying to get her instagram pic to post it here so we can ALL shame and throw rocks at her..but I don't know how to get instagram pics.

Moral of the story: HIDE YO MAC!
hilarious. my cousin is regretting not getting TTT liner and tried to jack me for mine. I feel you.

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