MAC Divine Night Collection (October 17, 2013)


Well-known member
We all are here for the same reason . Because we love makeup let's drop the whole issue and continue on with our love for MAC. dont really feel like scrolling through 4 pages of back and forth pish posh because I accidentally may pass by something makeup related . We don't want anyone's feelings hurt either. Welcome to everyone going new bc I can't quote posts on my iPhone for some reason! And thanks to all the girls icing their swatches and great info !


Well-known member
MAC has that $500 limit so she actually had to buy some items from Nordstroms! Kinda sad when you think about it at least we'll see something soon. I hope she just puts up her swatches minues reviews tonight and then the actual reviews tomorrow.
I love when she does this! The comparisons are really helpful but I'll settle for swatches only for now!


Well-known member
I've only been here 10 months and I still consider myself a newbie. On that note, I don't get why the issue of hostility against newbies keeps coming up? Its not about hostility....its about respect and a certain protocol. I've been here long enough to experience how welcoming everyone is here. If for example, you come in attacking any of the members on your 4th post because you didn't bother to sign up and read the entire thread and update yourself on what's being discussed (or what has already been answered) thats like tying a noose around you neck because we won't tolerate that kind of disrespect.
See how simple that was! Perfectly stated doll.

And what's up with all the hatin towards us old folks...................


Well-known member
She mentioned on facebook yesterday that she'd overnight it and that she should get it today. So the reviews should be up soon..
MAC has that $500 limit so she actually had to buy some items from Nordstroms! Kinda sad when you think about it at least we'll see something soon. I hope she just puts up her swatches minues reviews tonight and then the actual reviews tomorrow.
Yeah I saw that too. It's really sad. :haha:


Well-known member
I am so proud of myself... I think I am skipping this collection! hope you ladies enjoy ur goodies.
I think I skipping too. I've thought about Exclusive Event lipstick and YGI Cremesheen Glass but I think I'll pass. Granted that may change once I've seen more swatches. Ugh! I hope not though.
Thank you so much for understanding. I feel like this has gotten way outta control. All I asked was what a code meant-I wasn't trying to be rude or nosy at all. I thought this was something that MAC may have implemented after the whioe Riri debacle, and I had not heard about it. I don't even need to USE the stinkin' code-I have many colleagues I can get info from!!! And this whole "respect" thing is stupid. Anyone should be able to ask a simple question without being treated like a second class citizen. Again, thanks for seeing how rude some people have been, and for posting.


Well-known member
Hmm, I don't know where the quote went. But, anyway I am ROFL at the promo pic in the red bathing suit. Why is she leaned over and spread out like that?

LOL, I think that pic is from the Nars Guy Bourdin collection.
LOL I got a good chuckle out of this! They tried to hard to copy the promo image, poor thing has bone straight hair and the model most definitely is a curly girl. Hard to make that work if you know nothing about hair.


Well-known member
Hi Everyone,
I was just wanted to add my two cents. Ive been a "lurker" for a bit and did eventually join however I haven't been posting and most of the time I don't sign in. The reason why I come to this site is to see swatches and other peoples thoughts on the new MAC collections. I like to get an idea of what I want before I go to the MAC counter. So Thank you to everyone who has ever posted swatches or their thoughts on the new collections. I think its awful that someone would steal someone else swatches to pass them off as their own. I would never do that and any swatches that I view here I only use them for my own information. I don't post very often because I am not a make up expert by any means and my "collection" is still in its beginning stages. I think I only own 8 MAC lipsticks (I only started collecting lipstick with the Baking Beauties Collection). Again I would just like to thank everyone who takes the time to post swatches and review on products I find it very helpful. I would be a little sad if this site became a pay site or there were restrictions on posts I could see.
Lynee honey! You still have time to turn and walk away. This place will have you buying so much makeup, you'll find yourself at IKEA buying furniture just to store it. LOL

When I first joined Specktra, I had maybe 12 lippies. That total has since tripled.....

Hi my name is Shirl and I'm a Mac-addict!!!!!

Miss M Monroe

Well-known member
I have to say I have no control I ordered the stuff from this collection and I'm about to hit the button for nars Bourdin collection my wallet is ready to slit my throat it's screaming so loud


Well-known member
This was just posted. Credit to rebel_rock. Sorry if it's a dup swatch. I haven't had time to catch up & look today!


Well-known member
It's hard to ignore some peoples posts... I'm going to keep ignoring as to avoid anymore confrontation.... Anywho found this on Instagram!! Big thanks to the Instagram user!!


Well-known member
OK after reading at least 10 pages, I have to express my feelings. This whole "secret code" thing is a good idea, but at the same time, I'm on specktra maybe once to twice a week, does that make me a newbie because 80% of the time I don't comment?? I am a full time student and housewife, while that may not seem much to some, I work an average of 16 hours out the day... Whether its studying, writing papers, cooking breakfast or dinner for my husband, doing laundry, keeping up with the bills, and car maintenance. I have little to no time to reply all the time, and quite frankly by the time I get on the site I'm behind 10-20 pages, especially when the collection is being released that day or the night before. I have no time to read all those pages and then comment when 9 times out of 10 my question or comment was already stated by someone. I don't use this info for my gain. I enjoy this site, but I don't have the time to reply all the time. I mean really girls, this isn't the CIA its just makeup... Some of you girls are making it more than it actually is. Frankly no one gets paid to give the info out or receive it. I'm not trying to be harsh or mean, but some of you girls seem to have more time than others, and we should be penalized and info with held because we don't have free time to post on a blog??? Seems ridiculous to me, but to each its on....


Well-known member
Lynee honey! You still have time to turn and walk away. This place will have you buying so much makeup, you'll find yourself at IKEA buying furniture just to store it. LOL

When I first joined Specktra, I had maybe 12 lippies. That total has since tripled.....

Hi my name is Shirl and I'm an Mac-addict!!!!!

ok, it's really not funny

yes it is

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