MAC Punk Couture Collection (December 26, 2013)


Well-known member
i was at the Mac counter today ( i know this is the wrong thread but just to piggy back off of your comment) and i shared how excited i was about Superb coming back out with the Magnetic Nudes collection and she straight up told me that i had wrong info and that she couldnt think if the name if the EDSF that was being re-promoted but she KNEW it wasn't Superb. I didn't even bother saying anything else but thats when i knew that i rahter get my information from you wonderful ladies than the employees at my local mac counter. 
Yyyyyyup. Bet she'll feel like an ass!


Well-known member


Well-known member
I find this hard to believe, since they are testing them at the Mac update training. The mua at the Mac counter that I go to, said that they had not see or did they know what the riri heart Mac summer colours looked like in person. She said that if an item or collection was strictly online they did not get information about it or samples. So base off of that I would have to believe that they will be in stores and counters. I think the amount will be limited.


Well-known member
i was at the Mac counter today ( i know this is the wrong thread but just to piggy back off of your comment) and i shared how excited i was about Superb coming back out with the Magnetic Nudes collection and she straight up told me that i had wrong info and that she couldnt think if the name if the EDSF that was being re-promoted but she KNEW it wasn't Superb. I didn't even bother saying anything else but thats when i knew that i rahter get my information from you wonderful ladies than the employees at my local mac counter. 
Same here, girlie.

Ana A

Well-known member
Ayayay, I can already smell the drama this collection will bring we don't need any more "misinformed" MUA's

Audrey C

Well-known member
Yyyyyyup. Bet she'll feel like an ass!
The trainer at the MAC store near my office has given up telling me there's no such product coming. She believes me now and asks if I've seen swatches and what they look like. Camel Coat paint pot was the turning point. It's crazy that we knew about that months before the trainers do.


Well-known member
I find this hard to believe, since they are testing them at the Mac update training. The mua at the Mac counter that I go to, said that they had not see or did they know what the riri heart Mac summer colours looked like in person. She said that if an item or collection was strictly online they did not get information about it or samples. So base off of that I would have to believe that they will be in stores and counters. I think the amount will be limited.
ok....I just got a call bk from a MAC pro..SHE said ...they will be at MAC PRO AND mac stores only....NO macys stores for punk couture....except the blk lippie on black friday. so NOW im she will call me when the lippies get in and she will hold them for me ...
cheerleader.gif, thats whats up! lol


Well-known member
ok....I just got a call bk from a MAC pro..SHE said ...they will be at MAC PRO AND mac stores only....NO macys stores for punk couture....except the blk lippie on black friday. so NOW im she will call me when the lippies get in and she will hold them for me ...:cheer:, thats whats up! lol
That just makes it a little more difficult to get these lippies! i'll be on my toes around release date. I have to be ready because there's no way I'm missing them :boxing:


Well-known member
Well, damn. I guess I'll have to buy this collection online. Rawr, what a pain especially since I'm so used to just strolling into my counter and buying. XD
Like we say around here, "pos nimodo"... buckle up, buttercup!


Well-known member
Boooo, no discount for me then. =\ I'm not surprised though, since Strength was only at Mac stores and Mac online as well.