That's the way you do it, Medgal!
Unfortunately my guy is cheap. Comes from a cheap family. He was a farm kid. I'm kind of the city girl. Over the years he's realized that nice quality isn't a bad thing and I've seen his tastes evolve for sure with the more things I've exposed him to. The good news is he doesn't really get on me about what
I spend on certain things. He just wouldn't choose to spend his own money on it. He knows I do a lot of research on items before I buy them and for the most part respects my choices. He would have buy the lipstick if I insisted, but being a grown woman I didn't feel like repeating myself so I just said forget it. LOL. I'm not like that everyday. In this case I didn't want to ask twice for a Christmas present - in essence begging. He did say he was thinking about getting me jewelry for Christmas though.