RiRi Hearts MAC Holiday Collection (December 12, 2013)


Well-known member
Ok so I made two orders I hope that's not an issue?? At the last minute decided to get my sister the lippies as well oh boy hope it they don't get cancelled??


Well-known member
Glad everyone got what they wanted!


Well-known member
Mannn I was flipping out my phone kept going slow then I had previous items in my cart an almost hit checkout with a balance of 160 0.0 had to remove everything and thank god my lippies were still in my bag I feel much better!!' Thanks everyone!!!


Well-known member
CS told me multiple times that there's a limit of one item per customer. Meaning, no matter how many orders you make, you can only get one of each item....

I'm afraid they will cancel my order if I make another one...I'm not taking that chance...T___T;


Well-known member
omg i woke back up and refreshed and just in time except i was so asleep i ordered SO MANY RRW lol


Well-known member
Yay! I can finally sleep peacefully instead of staying in light stage sleep lol. Goodnight ladies! 'Twas fun :D go JCP!!!!!


Well-known member
CS told me multiple times that there's a limit of one item per customer. Meaning, no matter how many orders you make, you can only get one of each item.... I'm afraid they will cancel my order if I make another one...I'm not taking that chance...T___T; 
I doubt that. I did it with the fall release with no problems.