Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
I am to scared to add all of mine up I should but i rather not. I can't believe on new years day I was at Mac I bought the 134 brush I've been eyeing it for a year or two just never had the courage to spend $53 on a brush... So I used the $50 bucks my mother in law gave me as a Xmas gift


Well-known member
I made VIB again and now I'm thinking- now what? 10% doesn't seem like enough of a discount to make myself buy something I don't need. Maybe use the discount for a back-up of something?


Well-known member
it's a satin matte formula. I freaking love it, I can see me wearing it a lot. It's like I'm trying to talk myself into it. Is that a sign I just need to pass?
If you haven't purchased it yet, you might want to go with the mini set. I was so happy it included the two colors that I wanted (plus 2 others), and is still cheaper than buying 2 regular sized ones. Plus it has the pic of Gwen on the box whereas the regular sized bottles don't. I'm happy that I saved a few bucks :)


Well-known member
I made VIB again and now I'm thinking- now what? 10% doesn't seem like enough of a discount to make myself buy something I don't need. Maybe use the discount for a back-up of something?
Best would be use it on something on sale that you really want or an LE item you really want ;) Because if backup of regular item can wait until april, then just wait for the 15% discount instead, since ten percent isn't really much of a discount. And if it can wait until next year, then you can just wait for 20% discount in november ^^


Well-known member
Ok. I'm Emma and I'm a newcollectionlimitededitionholic. This year I'm getting married and I started looking at my spending and I spend all my extra money in makeup and brushes etc. I make decent money and I haven't saved enough and even though my fiancé has been doing joint accounts for a few years already, he knows I don't spend on anything else really and has turned to the other side instead of confronting me but I know it's wrong and I dont want to be the girl that has thousands Of makeup items and no house to put them in. So I'm here and committing to a low Low LOW buy regime.


Well-known member
Was reading some of your posts so goin to commit to shopping my stash and not gettin stuff... I really don't think I need anything specially since I have so many new things from this past year. I'm going to the imats this year so I'm ahead of time only planning on spending $100 there. And no purchases from here til April. I will make it.


Well-known member
If you haven't purchased it yet, you might want to go with the mini set. I was so happy it included the two colors that I wanted (plus 2 others), and is still cheaper than buying 2 regular sized ones. Plus it has the pic of Gwen on the box whereas the regular sized bottles don't. I'm happy that I saved a few bucks :)
Good idea! I may do this too!


Well-known member
I really wanted the Mariah OPI 18k nail polish and found it for $20 down from about $30 but I'm glad to say I passed. I feel stronger


Well-known member
I made VIB again and now I'm thinking- now what? 10% doesn't seem like enough of a discount to make myself buy something I don't need. Maybe use the discount for a back-up of something?
If there's nothing you really and TRULY... NEED... skip the 10% coupon. It's not much of a savings and it's mostly just to rope you into making another purchase. Resist if you can. They will have the VIB sales again later in the year, and by then you might actually need some new staples, and it's a better discount than 10%.

So I'm here and committing to a low Low LOW buy regime.
Welcome Emma and CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming wedding! How wonderful! Maybe with this other looming financial commitment, you will easily find better ways to put your dollars to use.... then after the wedding, you will have indirectly set yourself up for better success in limiting your makeup purchases since you will have found the self control you were looking for while shopping your own stash instead of splurging on unnecessary makeup purchases! GOOD JOB on your new goal & commitment in 2014! We're here for you girlie!

Quote: Originally Posted by thefbomb

I really wanted the Mariah OPI 18k nail polish and found it for $20 down from about $30 but I'm glad to say I passed. I feel stronger
It DOES feel strangely good to pass.... who knew!? HeeHee Great job!


Well-known member
I made VIB again and now I'm thinking- now what? 10% doesn't seem like enough of a discount to make myself buy something I don't need. Maybe use the discount for a back-up of something?
Your code should work for a while. I used mine well after it "expired". Save it for when you need some skincare AND a splurge item.


Well-known member
I haven't yet read the nearly 600 (!!!) messages in this thread, but i just want to say:

I am on a Makeup Low Buy for 2014!!!

I'm going to Bali to perform music this summer with our Balinese gamelan organization in Berkeley CA, so i need to be saving for that. That's gotta be more important than lipstick and eye shadow...

Plus i'll be teaching - as a volunteer in a non-profit educational organization, so no pay - in SoCal, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin this year.

And... my makeup storage is full to bursting. I need to wear my way through more of my makeup. So i'm telling myself it's going to have to be something special for me to buy it.

Stay strong sisters and brothers!


Well-known member
Ty @pixiedancer !!! Def looking fwd to curving the craving for stuff I prob have dupes of already!!!


Well-known member
So I'm here and committing to a low Low LOW buy regime.
FUN! Congrats on your upcoming wedding. I just got married in 2013, and it's just wonderful. The wedding planning and day goes by so fast, so soak it all in!
LOL to the idea of having all of the makeup but no house to put it in!
You're in good company here doll! This is a great group of ladies.


Well-known member
I haven't yet read the nearly 600 (!!!) messages in this thread, but i just want to say:

I am on a Makeup Low Buy for 2014!!!

I'm going to Bali to perform music this summer with our Balinese gamelan organization in Berkeley CA, so i need to be saving for that. That's gotta be more important than lipstick and eye shadow...

Plus i'll be teaching - as a volunteer in a non-profit educational organization, so no pay - in SoCal, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin this year.

And... my makeup storage is full to bursting. I need to wear my way through more of my makeup. So i'm telling myself it's going to have to be something special for me to buy it.

Stay strong sisters and brothers!
WELCOME WELCOME Dear! Saw you mention "Low-Buy" in another thread and hoped that meant you would be joining us!!! WooHoo!

What exciting adventures you have ahead of you.... ALL of that is DEF more important than hoarding more makeup!! I'm excited for you hun!


Well-known member
I think I'll write down my beauty purchases for the year as well, I'm a "list-maker" anyway ;P I do okay on hair and skin products, but maybe I should do a low or no buy on body wash for a while.... I probably have enough for the year, or more


Well-known member
I hear ya on that! I cleaned out my bathroom cupboards and found at least 5 body washes, not to mention loads of candles and fragrance bulbs. I'm going to try my best to avoid BBW as much as possible this year!


Well-known member
good luck! you don't need to buy stuff right away, you can just take time browse internet, check reviews and put items on your wishlist for later when they go on sale ;) You can even change your mind later and take them off wishlist, read another reviews, I kill SO much time just by doing this without buying anything lol
Thanks!!!!! I wish, I had your advice prior to ordering a few items off ebay, MAC & bh cosmetics. But this time I've received a foundation that doesn't match & Im not happy with my MAC purchase maybe this will be enough to quit online shopping.....sigh.


Well-known member
So I purchased Steel Kiss and stone lip liner, but only after I looked through my collection and made sure I had nothing like it.
Wrong forum (I know & do apologize for this question) but do you like Steel Kiss? I don't have anything like it but I'm not loving it...


Well-known member
So I added this page to my home screen so when I'm out t and need some help resisting temptation I can come here for words of encouragement to resist!

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