Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?

Audrey C

Well-known member
Please continue to call me out on things. I need that tough love.
I'm so glad you cancelled - it seemed really important to you to spend less. It really is too easy to just toss another item or three into an online cart. It sounds like most of what you were getting were perm items. If so, you can slowly add the brushes you want and still stay on a budget you're comfortable with.

I'm glad you're not offended - please do the same for me if you see me slip!


Well-known member
Please continue to call me out on things. I need that tough love.
Im not enabling but if you really need brushes, I say go for the longer investment and go straight to the source that makes MAC brushes, Hakuhodo , you'll need to do more extensive research some of their lines are more pricey but their basic and j series are comparable to mac and NARs pricing and far superior quality for your money! theres a thread here but I highly encourage researching more about them becuz theyre only sold online and trade shows. It will help you plan your brush purchases better anyways and youll keep and treasure that brush for life ! lol


Well-known member
So proud of myself! I went ahead n passed on the polish. With malificent n fantasy flowers coming I'd rather leave a spot for something from that.


Well-known member
So I finally got my Punk Couture pre order from nordies and i tried all the dark lippies and im convinced i can seldomly wear black or near black lipsticks so i unsubbed to the melt, not buying it, and im not buying lipsticks either , maybe if its nothing close to my collection, and i dont mean diff finish, i mean straight up different color which i have to be strong.

I also got my Riri Hears MAC holiday, my GA foundations from their F&F sale that i didnt need! I finally and my Sephora gift card purchases that i got another foundation well the LM mineral powder and finally my first order of Magnetic Nude all that i bought btw back friday and xmas which isnt even a month!

I need to harsh on myself, im taking this a month at a time but no makeup purchases anymore for month of Jan becasue Nov, Dec were sickening and Ima try to stick to the 3/mo but if i dont but that month then i just dont buy, none of this roll over shit! This aint AT&T!


Well-known member
Urban decay should have 20% friends and family sale in february like they did last year and they have it in stock =) Or sephora has 15% off in april if you want to wait.
Thank you for the advice! Unfortunately, UD and Sephora don't ship to Germany, so I have to order it elsewhere. At least I talked myself out of ordering At Dusk. It's a nice colour and great texture but it's not unique. I bet there are plenty of similar colours.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Kaori

Nice! now the earlier LM haul feels much better, doesn't it? xD
I so far don't think the nars final cut collection is any special, all the colors look so pale :( and I have enough pink blushes. I wonder if they will make the lip colors permanent though, I don't think they really have purples in their regular collection, so they could.
I have same issues with my cheeks! I can't use BHA on cheeks because it dries it out, can't use anything with 'acid', for example I have deluxe samples of the expensive algenist creams with alguronic acid and they made it sooo much worse just when the eczema almost disappeared (I felt adventurous, bad me...) =.= I guess I shall use them up on my legs instead of throwing them out <.<; And my eczema also hates most natural stuff, like those with aloe and cucumber or any fragrant oils, and sometimes it just hates something for no reason at all lol But luckily I was able to find certain paulas choice products that work fine, so the eczema is slowly disappearing :D But it's real pain in butt to have to use different products for Tzone and for cheeks *sigh*

I am definately trying to hold off, my goal I think is to try to only buy 12 items this year, no lip products and no more foundations until I have used up at least 2. I am trying to no buy just for January to re-discover stuff I already have in my collection! My ezcema is really playing up at the moment, I think its the constant moving between hot and cold environments that is my major trigger, its warm in orders then I go outside etc. My current fix/coping mechanism is to use my emma hardie which is HG to cleanse and then for the last week after I have cleansed I have been applying it again neat to my face as a moisturiser. I only use about a 5p piece size dollap but my skin is loving the moisture boost and has drunk it up within 5 minutes. I then apply a moisturising toner spray and seal with a barrier repair cream, ususally LRP cicaplast balm. Its seems to be helping to nourish and restore my skin, without making it sting or itch. It also made be re-discover items in my stash. As it is red my light formula foundations don't offer enough coverage, but equally it is very dry, like scale city! so my full coverage formulas cover the redness but leave really obvious scale patches that look worse. Yesterday I was playing in my stash and I re-discovered my Dr Jart Regenerating BB cream. Perfect full coverage which hides the redness, but equally it is really nourishing and creamy and smooths over the rough patches, hiding and disguising not clinging! I was very happy!!


Well-known member
I don't have an easy way to add up my total spend for last year, but as a rough and ready calculation I know that (excluding brushes) I bought 90 items from Mac! Yes, 90. At an average of say £17 each that is over £1,500. Probably around another £500 on other brands (that's a complete guesstimate, could be too high but when a Dior palette costs £33+ and I have 4...) So let's say for argument's sake that my figure was £2,000 (about $3000). Money isn't really a motivator for me per se. Not that I have an unlimited amount mind, but I do at least only spend what I already have (no credit) and we have separate budgets for vacations etc. If I wasn't spending on makeup, I'd be spending on scrapbooking items, or cross stitch or knitting supplies, or something else equally 'frivolous'. I have a craft room full of scrapbook supplies in particular, so I slowed down on buying those, and just transferred the shopping addiction to makeup! I can't think of anything in particular I want to do with the money I save, but in addition to the item limits I've set, I think I will aim to keep my total spend for the year to no more than £1,000 - that is half my estimated 2013 spend.


Well-known member
I'm not really sure what my specific goal is.

I don't need a limit on collections because I have no trouble skipping them entirely.

Money is not an issue, I only pay cash.

I do want to lower my purchase from last year (36 products) so maybe something along those lines.


Well-known member
I just came back from the drugstore and I only bought another mascara (the one I bought the other day is rubbish but I'll use it up) and a lash curler. I must have lost mine months ago. The total was 4,40€, which is okay but according to my list I've already spent 100€ this month and it's only the 6th.
I'd say 'No more makeup for me in January' but I swatched the L'Oréal Priveé collection and I liked 4 out of 5 lipsticks. They're ~10€ each. I don't know. Maybe next month or in March. Or maybe I can get someone to buy one for me.
They're permanent (I hope) so at least I don't have to hurry.

Audrey C

Well-known member
At least I talked myself out of ordering At Dusk. It's a nice colour and great texture but it's not unique. I bet there are plenty of similar colours.
At Dusk is pretty, but I really need to build it up to show on me and I'm about NC20-25. I'm someone who really likes subtle blush (my current faves are NARS Douceur, MAC A Perfect Cheek and Launch Away) even I'd have liked just a bit more pigmentation.

It's skippable; I doubt it's changed much from the first launch.


Well-known member
I just came back from the drugstore and I only bought another mascara (the one I bought the other day is rubbish but I'll use it up) and a lash curler. I must have lost mine months ago. The total was 4,40€, which is okay but according to my list I've already spent 100€ this month and it's only the 6th.
I'd say 'No more makeup for me in January' but I swatched the L'Oréal Priveé collection and I liked 4 out of 5 lipsticks. They're ~10€ each. I don't know. Maybe next month or in March. Or maybe I can get someone to buy one for me.
They're permanent (I hope) so at least I don't have to hurry.
If you dont want to spend anymore in January or right now and they are permanent may treat yourself to one every month or every few months just to pace yourself or see if you have any dupes. Youre right, you dont have to hurry, good luck! =)


Well-known member
If you dont want to spend anymore in January or right now and they are permanent may treat yourself to one every month or every few months just to pace yourself or see if you have any dupes. Youre right, you dont have to hurry, good luck! =)
Thank you for your support, ladies!

I'm happy I skipped At Dusk because I've got a few blushes that are quite similar. And as I have mentioned in this thread before: it takes effort to see slight differences between blushes on the cheeks. Dame and Crew (from the Hey, Sailor! collection) do look very, very similar on my cheeks. I doubt anyone but me could see the difference.
And yes, I think buying one lipstick every month or every few months is a good idea. That's a good pace and I don't spend 50€ at once.

Audrey C

Well-known member
Thank you for your support, ladies!

I'm happy I skipped At Dusk because I've got a few blushes that are quite similar. And as I have mentioned in this thread before: it takes effort to see slight differences between blushes on the cheeks. Dame and Crew (from the Hey, Sailor! collection) do look very, very similar on my cheeks. I doubt anyone but me could see the difference.
And yes, I think buying one lipstick every month or every few months is a good idea. That's a good pace and I don't spend 50€ at once.
You're so right. I have MAC A Perfect Cheek, Blushbaby, Prism and NARS Douceur. How many of these neutral blush do I actually NEED? One - Douceur. I actually hit pan on that one in about 18 months. Maybe two if I want to have the slighter pinker tone - A Perfect Cheek. I force myself to use Blushbaby and Prism (both of which are lovely, I just don't like them quite as much as the first two) but if they were gone I would never miss them.

Let's not talk about my corals. There's a reason I won't buy more blush. I did make an exception for NARS Daydream because I loved it so much, but I don't want to do that very often; it needs to be a really special colour that's insanely flattering for me to consider that.


Well-known member
Happy 2014! How's that low-buy going for you ladies? I was able to resist the temptations of new collections at Ulta and just pick up what I needed (replacements to my Paul Mitchell gel and Benefit mascara). I also bought 2 EDSFs from MAC Magnetic nude but have decided to sell or send them back as I truly don't need them. Gotta keep up with the good resolutions this year.


Well-known member
So I made my first makeup purchase of the year.. Morning Rose. I put it on and thought it's a nice change for me cause I don't have anything like it. My coworker says it looks pretty good but I'm second guessing it because I feel like I look bad today and now I feel slightly guilty. I don't know what to do

Audrey C

Well-known member
So I made my first makeup purchase of the year.. Morning Rose. I put it on and thought it's a nice change for me cause I don't haven't anything like it. My coworker says it looks pretty good but I'm second guessing it because I feel like I look bad today and now I feel slightly guilty. I don't know what to do
I bought it too and really like it. Why are you feeling guilty? Did you want to skip January entirely, do you have something similar, or do you just not like it?


Well-known member
I bought it too and really like it. Why are you feeling guilty? Did you want to skip January entirely, do you have something similar, or do you just not like it?
No specific reason I guess, I like that I have nothing really that is similar, I just feel ugly today so I'm second guessing it and people are always saying I have too many lipsticks (but I've decide to only get LE). I guess another reason is that I originally had it on a possible to buy list but then I didn't end up trying it and skipped it and I felt good for skipping the whole MN collection

Audrey C

Well-known member
No specific reason I guess, I like that I have nothing really that is similar, I just feel ugly today so I'm second guessing it and people are always saying I have too many lipsticks (but I've decide to only get LE). I guess another reason is that I originally had it on a possible to buy list but then I didn't end up trying it and skipped it and I felt good for skipping the whole MN collection
If you're having a blah day, maybe wait until you're feeling better before deciding whether you really like it or not. I don't remember what you set your goal at, but buying one lipstick from the collection doesn't seem too bad. It's a reasonable haul, unless you need the money for something else or are on a complete no buy.

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