Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


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I needed to go to the mall today to try on clothes to see what I think would look best for my graduate school interviews that are coming up. Unfortunately, I got a little bummed out since my dress size has gone up significantly in the past few years, but I was able to remind myself that my body is malleable and doesn't have to stay the way it is right now forever. Lately, when I've been feeling horribly about my body, I've turned to makeup to briefly cheer me up since I'd get stressed thinking about all the things I need to do to get back into shape (I used to be in great shape a few years ago and now not so much!). I stopped by the MAC store and the counter at Nordstrom to look at the huggable lip colors that were in stock, and I swatched all the pinks and corals that looked good to me. As great as they looked, I thought about all the colors I already own that are pretty much exactly the same, and I decided that I didn't feel like wasting my money on colors that I can easily duplicate from my stash. Instead, I bought the two things I planned to buy to restock my basic skincare items, and then I spent my Sephora gift card on a super fun Ciate nail kit since my boyfriend gave me the card for Christmas. He's all about trying new things, so I decided to get something interesting rather than getting a lip liner or yet another perfect nude lipstick to add to my practically self-replicating collection.

Honestly, it feels great to say no to caving for once and actually inject some freaking reason into my purchases. I know I'll feel even better tomorrow, and I'll probably be even more excited to go to the gym this week because of this!

It's great to read about all of you weighing the pros and cons of buying something new, and it really does help me do the same for myself. This thread passed my mind when I was debating whether I wanted to buy the huggable lip colors or not, and it definitely pushed me to think hard about how much I wanted a familiar color in a new formula. Keep at it, guys!


Well-known member
Since you spoke about Canadian returns.., if I purchase something in store I can return it to the same store though right? Just not stuff ordered online?
Yes, you can return something that you bought - I think you have between 2 weeks to 30 days? I just returned Nightmoth lip liner back to the store.

If you ordered online though, it has to go back to the warehouse where it came from :)


Well-known member
Yes, you can return something that you bought - I think you have between 2 weeks to 30 days?  I just returned Nightmoth lip liner back to the store.   If you ordered online though, it has to go back to the warehouse where it came from :) 
Perfect! Thanks hun! I debated returning nightmoth as well but I like having it for Hautecore so I guess I'll keep it around


Well-known member
I debates returning nightmoth as well but I like having it for Hautecore so I guess I'll keep it around
I tried Nightmoth w/PC and it made PC look black! It was crazy. Def. didn't suit my skin tone at all, so back it went (kept PC and used w/Heroine liner - woweeee


Well-known member
I tried Nightmoth w/PC and it made PC look black!  It was crazy. Def. didn't suit my skin tone at all, so back it went (kept PC and used w/Heroine liner - woweeee :eyelove: ).  
Ooh I never thought of that mix. I heard so much about it so I think I fell into the nightmoth hype but with instigator and hc there's like a little halo near the inside of my lips where the colour doesn't catch so I'm gonna try to use it that way but yeah mostly I just fell into the hype and it was my first MAC lipliner


Well-known member
First purchase of the year: 67€. I got It's Physical fluidline, Superb Edsf and You've got it Csg (this one is an extra but it's ok because I have finished my Deelight Csg). Since I don't know yet which collection is going out in February, I am planning on checking out Pleasure Model, Silver Dawn and the nude lipstick (Close Contact I guess) irl and if I like them and if they are not sold out by that time, lol, I might get them. I think it's pretty good if I spend between 50 and 100€ per month on make up. I am not including skincare. I should stay closer to 50€ though lol !!! That would already be 600€/year.


Well-known member
I don't have an easy way to add up my total spend for last year, but as a rough and ready calculation I know that (excluding brushes) I bought 90 items from Mac! Yes, 90. At an average of say £17 each that is over £1,500. Probably around another £500 on other brands (that's a complete guesstimate, could be too high but when a Dior palette costs £33+ and I have 4...) So let's say for argument's sake that my figure was £2,000 (about $3000). Money isn't really a motivator for me per se. Not that I have an unlimited amount mind, but I do at least only spend what I already have (no credit) and we have separate budgets for vacations etc. If I wasn't spending on makeup, I'd be spending on scrapbooking items, or cross stitch or knitting supplies, or something else equally 'frivolous'. I have a craft room full of scrapbook supplies in particular, so I slowed down on buying those, and just transferred the shopping addiction to makeup! I can't think of anything in particular I want to do with the money I save, but in addition to the item limits I've set, I think I will aim to keep my total spend for the year to no more than £1,000 - that is half my estimated 2013 spend.
Maybe you could invest the money you save/put it into a retirement or rainy day fund so you have a concrete sense of how much money accumulates if you cut down on your 2013 spend.


Well-known member
huh I only read pg 1 because hola you guys have been chatty. I have been on a serious low buy for about 6 months now. Ever since the by request collection peeved me off with the continued ability to vote past cut off time. I am waiting to see if they really honor the cut off time before buying anything from the Estee Lauder brands.

Because of this I have been avoiding Specktra and it's many temptations. I cannot covet what I do not see right? I have purchased one Chanel lipstick from spring collection and two Chanel nail polishes plus some of the Dior holiday {one nail polish two lipsticks} so basically one item a month is what it averaged out to. I do kick myself over the hourglass holiday trio but I do have several powders and am contemplating the nail polishes from Bourdoin collection {I want the reds from set not the purple or whatever the 4th is} plus the 4 free standing. The fact that I want so many of them is what has kept me from buying any.

I find that my inability to narrow down sometimes means I buy nothing.... that sounds weird but honestly if I cannot pick a couple of things I really want then I figure it is the lure of the collection instead of a love of a color at work

YaY a thread I can hang in for a while

PS if the by request does bring out my Glam I am buying like a dozen of them. And I will buy hoop for my daughter and Pink Poodle to see what the fuss was about. I will be team everything and most definitely make room in my freezer for a lifetime of glam. Just putting that out there. If they don't come out with that line up well I will still stock up on Glam since I refuse to cut off my nose to spite my face but I will be done with EL for good otherwise. I have been quite happy in Chanel, Dior and Lancome land tyvm


Well-known member
 I find that my inability to narrow down sometimes means I buy nothing.... that sounds weird but honestly if I cannot pick a couple of things I really want then I figure it is the lure of the collection instead of a love of a color at work
I understand you. I often feel this way, especially with the mineralize collections. I love everything but buy nothing.


Well-known member
Good news! Looks like MAC has intercepted the package and put in a return to sender request. I may not have the headache of trying to return the package.


Well-known member
Happy New Year everyone! I took a break from all the makeup boards as a way to jump start my low buy. I have 466 unread posts in this thread, I think I'll just start here lol!!!

I haven't done as well as I hoped I would by now, but it could be worse. I've bought a few new skin care items but since I'm really trying to nail down a good skin care routine I'm going to give myself a pass on those.

I finally found some of those new matte Maybelline color tattoos and bought the Just Beige and Nude Pink. I also got that Maybelline Face Studio Master Hi-light Blush in Mauve. It's meh. It's VERY pigmented and dark but it can be blended out and softened. However the pretty gold shimmer disappears after it's blended. That's what I get for a stupid impulse buy!!

I placed my first MAC order of 2014 and I got... the Huggable Lipcolour in Love Beam and the EDSF in Fairly Precious. Out of all the recent new collections I've only gotten one item from two of them. I'm pretty proud of myself on that front.

I also bought bu's of Crystal, Seedy Pearl, P&P Vibrancy Eye and P&P Line Filler because I use those in my kit and they have been dc'd. WWWHHHYYYY MAC?????

So that first order came out to about $100.00 because of my discount and a $25.00 gift card that I had. Half of me is thinking eeeek $100.00 and the other half is like, ok, most of that is for my kit and I've still done well with the new collections.

I'm slowly purging but I have a hell of a time selling things. I feel like my prices are good but I guess I just don't let go of those "must have" items. Sigh.



Well-known member
I miss the days when I hardly came to this forum, didn't keep up with MAC, and only bought what I needed. I really don't think I could ever go back to that unless life gets extremely busy. But, even when I'm busy, I manage to still find time for makeup. I have more makeup than I will every use up and I'm ready to slow it down and go back to buying only what I need with the occasional love and can't live without product. I'm a lipstick whore so when a great lipstick comes out and it's something I know I will wear, I will buy it. What I hope to stay away from buying is blush, eyeshadows, and MSFs. I have also been on a foundation kick lately so I plan to use what I have and not buy anything new as well. Same goes for nailpolish. That is one area I'm a collector and it needs to stop. It does not help that I'm a color color! I'm like a kid in a candy store when I see all the pretty bottles of color!! LOL! Anyway, a low-buy will be good for me. I don't want to stick a number on it because I think that will just open me up for failure. Instead, I plan to take this one day at a time, one MAC collection at a time.


Well-known member
I miss the days when I hardly came to this forum, didn't keep up with MAC, and only bought what I needed. I really don't think I could ever go back to that unless life gets extremely busy. But, even when I'm busy, I manage to still find time for makeup. I have more makeup than I will every use up and I'm ready to slow it down and go back to buying only what I need with the occasional love and can't live without product. I'm a lipstick whore so when a great lipstick comes out and it's something I know I will wear, I will buy it. What I hope to stay away from buying is blush, eyeshadows, and MSFs. I have also been on a foundation kick lately so I plan to use what I have and not buy anything new as well. Same goes for nailpolish. That is one area I'm a collector and it needs to stop. It does not help that I'm a color color! I'm like a kid in a candy store when I see all the pretty bottles of color!! LOL! Anyway, a low-buy will be good for me. I don't want to stick a number on it because I think that will just open me up for failure. Instead, I plan to take this one day at a time, one MAC collection at a time.
im so with you, ive become so crazy! I remember when a year and a half ago I started dating my current bf and hardly wore makeup! its taking over now!


Well-known member
I'm extremly frustrated right now. No shop that ships to Germany has got the Naked 3 in stock. I've been stalking the shops for about a week now and nothing has happened. That really pisses me off and I could throw a tantrum right now.
I know this is off topic but I had to let it out because I thought about buying something else instead of waiting for the palette to be in stock again and that would have been super unnecessary and a total waste of money.


Well-known member
I miss the days when I hardly came to this forum, didn't keep up with MAC, and only bought what I needed.
I've always had more makeup than I needed, but nothing like I do now. I remember years ago I went to MAC with a friend to shop for foundation. The Barbie collection was out and I though, oh that's cute but I don't need any of it. OMG if that came out again I'd be all over it!!! I'm trying hard to get back to that mentality.


Well-known member
I've always had more makeup than I needed, but nothing like I do now. I remember years ago I went to MAC with a friend to shop for foundation. The Barbie collection was out and I though, oh that's cute but I don't need any of it. OMG if that came out again I'd be all over it!!! I'm trying hard to get back to that mentality.
I know exactly what you mean! I happened to pick up one of the Diana Ross lipsticks and didn't even realize it was anything special at the time! I REALLY and TRULY only bought it because I really liked the color and wore it down to a nub! We have to make ourselves think more rationally about LE products and stop seeing that "LE" tag as a green light to go crazy over stuff that may not be that necessary!
Another good example is Superb... I have it, I like it, but I could live without it. And look how it's not even sold out now! People lost their minds trying to track that down before! So, the thing to learn is... just because there's hype doesn't mean it's a must have. Superb is a nice, ok highlighter. Soft & Gentle is just as nice. And perm. We need to tell ourselves to RELAX! HeeHee
I know we can do this girl!


Well-known member
I was starting to lose my resolve and ALMOST bought SD from MN! BUT I resisted! I do not need that shadow! AT ALL!
Just needed to state this so I would be accountable!


Well-known member
im so with you, ive become so crazy! I remember when a year and a half ago I started dating my current bf and hardly wore makeup! its taking over now!
I had never been that wear makeup everyday girl. I would wear it on special occasions or when going out, which some weeks was still 4 or 5 times a week. Fast forward to August 2012 when I realized I had fallen for the cute guy at work, I have this stuff on my face all the time. And it's not like he hasn't seen me without makeup a million times. So, I use what I have but because I use it more now, I'm more aware of just how much I have and that I don't need it all. For the life of me, I'm not sure how it got so out of control but I think MAC releasing new stuff almost every month did not help. Now, that I'm thinking about it, it seems I have always had a vice whether it be shoes, boots, handbags, ribbon, nailpolish, makeup.


Well-known member
I've always had more makeup than I needed, but nothing like I do now. I remember years ago I went to MAC with a friend to shop for foundation. The Barbie collection was out and I though, oh that's cute but I don't need any of it. OMG if that came out again I'd be all over it!!! I'm trying hard to get back to that mentality.
I remember when I use to do that! I miss those days!

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